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I am fuming. (warning swears incoming)

We're going into a sharp 5 day lockdown again as of tonight.

What's upsetting is that I didn't even fucking know. No notifications about it at all, the person I was going to go to the movies to see Black Widow told me. 

I was also going to celebrate a birthday of somebody in a week and can't do that now either. We had booked tickets to the wrestling as it's what they wanted to do.

I'm just so defeated. I can feel this becoming a longer lockdown already and I have my procedure in 2 weeks. I just know this will effect it. 

I've been so stressed out waiting for this procedure and now this. I am just so done. Like I can't even breathe right now I am so mad. 

I want to scream. 


Dev Bhavsar

Better to let it out than keep it in. Vent as much as you need to, we're here for you.....🤗

Jordan St. James

I know what you mean. I've been there. But whatever happens, we'll be here. It may not feel like it at times, but you have support.


I've done basically nothing for a year and a half. I still prefer a lockdown to dying.


You are completely right about that. The communication from my local government has been horrible throughout this whole thing. You go to the website to see what restrictions are in place, and you can't find it anywhere. I would just default to staying home just in case. So annoying.


You’ll be alright in the end. Everything will work out over time. Just know this is something you personally have no control over, and it’s wasted energy to be upset when this is something you yourself could not have stopped. Trust me I e been there, and it was super unhealthy for me. Had to learn to focus on things I could control on focus on the good aspects of my life instead. I know it’s infuriating and frustrating but it will work out over time.

Jordan Haddow

I agree. What has been the most painful thing about this pandemic, in my opinion, is the back and forth. They keep opening back up too early and so people have just a taste of freedom and bam. Lockdown again. It’s not like the Delta variant is new. I wish they would just keep the lockdowns in effect until they crush the virus. That way, if a new pops up here and there, contact tracing will actually be effective.


It can be annoying, but at least they're trying to keep people safe. I mean here in the UK where coming of lockdown for the six weeks summer holidays (end of school year). Which is so stupid as this means virus cases will be much higher. Only to go back on lockdown when students go back to school.