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No the pilot of the original show didn’t reveal Dan was gossip girl because Dan wasn’t planned to be gossip girl until after s5 going into s6. The original gossip girl was going to be Eric but everyone caught on so they just let it go. After that they planned on it being Nate all the way until season 5. After season 5 they changed it to Dan. They just used part of the pilot in revealing Dan was gossip girl from the pilot but he was never suppose to be gossip girl. The writers just pulled it out of their asses.


They didn't take over the site they created a twitter account. There are a lot of twitter accounts with similar names. They will likely need to take over the site if they want ppl to continue to believe they are Gossip Girl. What is with Julian’s ridiculously long earrings, they look like a necklace has just been stuck to each ear. The teacher didn't have sex with him. What a person on Gossip girl with restraint...doesn't seem right….obviously that will change and they will be having sex. Wanting to lay low so talking to Obie on the street, where anyone can see of course a pic will be taken. Is everyone on this show stupid... Was so obvious it was going to happen. Julian lying about him being with her..soo pathetic A couple of days in of being Gossip Girl and she is already complaining cos they are fighting back. Did she expect it to be easy. I am not sure if Julian even really cares about him, she cares about her public appearance. Haha seeing Max(Thomas Doherty) in the bathhouse.. do you need a moment alone ;P You are definitely right the real Gossip Girl would never have given in to Julian. The teacher "Gossip Girl light" didn't want her twitter spammed to death by Julian’s followers. When Audrey Mom mentioned Chapter 11 about her company, it means filing for bankruptcy. I don't think Audrey and Max had sex if they did I think they would of shown it leading up to it. I think something else happened. I wrote this as watching, before your end comment seems we had the same thought. :D Julian suddenly switching to being ok with her sister and ex. She keeps going back and forth like a Yo-Yo when it comes to what she wants with her sister.


Dan wasn't the original Gossip Girl, it was supposed to be Eric but they ran out of storyline for him around season 3 and so they decided to scrap that idea. I remember a lot of people theorizing Dan was Gossip Girl because he was in front of a computer at the end of the first episode and the end of season 2 he was the first person to show up when the Gossip Girl said to meet her at the bar. Dan as Gossip Girl made no sense because it completely ruined his character IMO. Dan was extremely judgy and presented himself as better than everybody else but If he was Gossip Girl then honestly he was the worst one because he spread terrible rumors about his girlfriend, sister and supposed friends. I really wish they would have just left Gossip Girl anonymous. I gave up on figuring out who gossip girl was and I was prepared to never find out. Literally in the intro she says "and who am I that's a secret I'll never tell. " so I figured I would never find out.