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There are 25 people in that camp, not in the whole world.


I believe Azazel was King of Hell while Lucifer was locked up.


lucifer will Never get "better". He has a way of getting to people with his 'talking' I don't get german Cas. How did that happen? Jimmy Novak wasn't german. Unless he was and he's CAs's perfect vessel. I don't think evil Cas's grace would be any good. Jack should be able to vaporize the angels like Lucifer. He should be stronger than Lucifer. AU Michael is pretty hot. I think the thunder sounds when Gabe and Michael were fighting is what happens when archangels fight each other. The devastation that we heard about when Michael and Lucifer were supposed to fight back at the end of season 5 Lucifer NEVER changes. No matter what he says, he'll never change.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I literally cried EVERY freaking time Gabrielle died. I'm with you girl... Gabrielle was the ONLY Arch Angel I liked too, but I'm thanking that's everyone.


Lucifer blew the wrinkles off Sams head with that good point lol

Billy Dancel

I loved your idea of Cass taking evil Cass's grace.. Never thought of it originally. I also love you mentioning the Kamehameha wave!