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Last night I had a splitting headache and could barely get to sleep, I had set an alarm for 12pm today and when I woke up I still had a headache. I took some neurofen and had a bit more of a nap, or I tried. I laid there until I finally fell asleep and 10m later my alarm went off again to wake up. I got out of bed and my head still fucking hurts.

Usually, Arrowverse and AOS would be out today, I'd record them and post them and on weekends I'm busy doing other important things. But I can barely even concentrate on writing this. I'm even considering going to the doctors and I hate going to the doctors.

If I don't record them today, the next opportunity I'll get is Monday, sorry. 

Anyway, this is just me letting you know my situation. They may be out today, they most likely won't be. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 



Hope you feel better Shan!

Sean Ellingham

No need to be sorry - leave them if you need to - much more important that you keep/get well. Hope you feel better.


yeah, always take care of your health first and get well soon


Hope you feel better soon--no worries about anything else!


Yuck, those kinds of headaches are the worst. Hope you feel better soon!


I'm prone to headaches myself, so I can feel your pain. Just take care of yourself, and don't worry about anything else.


I hope you feel better. I know what you mean about doctors.


Get well soon. But take your time, after all, it is about your health, and then nothing else matters anymore. Also, there is nothing more annoying than waking up with a (severe) headache.

Patrick - Excelsior

Let it go till next week Shan. Your well being is more important and you haven't taken a break in a long while. Besides, reactions are always better when you feel good. Take Care.


I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you are well soon.


Hey es muy entendible, primero es la salud que te recuperes pronto cuidate!