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Here's a big update for everything.

My headache appears to be gone however, I have an aggressive stomach ache that is keeping me from sitting down to record good reactions for you guys - Hopefully that will go away by tomorrow.

Arrowverse and AOS will be recorded and posted tomorrow if that's the case. I'm sorry they've been delayed.  (I really wanna record them!!)

ARROW 5x18 - “Disbanded”

SUPERGIRL 2x17 - “Distant Sun”

FLASH 3x18 - “Abra Kadabra”

FLASH 3x19 - “The Once And Future Flash”

AOS 7x05 - 

Incase you were wondering what episodes still need recording. 

The Originals will be posted after this post as I recorded those weeks ago.

Supernatural will be on time this week I promise ;).

Once Upon A Time - I'll be starting that binge this week. As it turns out, my editor Chris has told me that Once Upon A Time In Wonderland is coming up as well and we've discussed it, it'll be 3x01-3x11 and then Once Upon A Time In Wonderland which has 13 episodes and then will continue on with the final episodes of season 3 of Once Upon A Time. I'll likely be watching it in 3 binges but I'll keep you updated. 

This weeks Arrowverse will be out on time. The final 4 episodes of The Flash season 3 this week, funsies! (as of writing this, I haven't seen last weeks set of episodes which includes 3x18 & 3x19 so no talking about them pls).

AOS will be out when it airs.

Pilots will be slightly late due to my lack of being able to stay healthy right now, but they'll be out over the next week or so - You guys know it, the spam drop will be fun! 




Get well soon, Shan

Brandon Wiesner

Sorry you are going through all those troubles. Take your time. The community will wait. Your health, especially in these times, is more important.


Take care of yourself and don't worry about the schedule -- if you need to take a week off, take one! Feel better soon!


Exactly! Glad your headache is gone at least. Ik how debilitating headaches are. Hope u feel better Shan!

Jason Veevaert

Hey as long as you are alright