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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S06E11 - Gone FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Jarrod Wild

There is a hilarious "blooper" (it's hard to find but it's on Youtube) when the social worker asks if Spike sleeps at Buffy's house and Sarah says "only when he f**ks me before dinner".

Jarrod Wild

I forgot how obvious it was early in the episode that Sarah was wearing a wig because she had already cut her hair before the episode (and cutting your real hair on camera is sort of a one-take thing).


I like how the nerd trio create a balance and add humor to a so far depressing and dark season


I really LOVE the ending scene with Willow and Buffy sitting and talking on the street curb together. They've been through so much together, ups and downs, and now they’re both struggling inwardly with their own psychological problems [depression [Buffy] and addiction/avoidance [Willow]] but they’re still trying to do their best realizing they can't do too much to help each other, because they can barely help themselves. But there’s still a comradery and sympathy which I find realistic and moving. Sometimes all you can do with other people’s struggle is share your own with them and just be there through it.

Bruce Trogdon

They introduced magic as a recreational drug in Season Two. “An extraordinary high” and “a euphoric feeling of power” were the descriptions given about what Giles, Ethan and their friends had been doing. It's easy to combine what Willow has been doing since Season Two - using magic on objects and people, with what Rack did in “Wrecked” – using addictive magic on Willow, and end up with magic = drugs. It gets even easier to do that when the characters themselves reach that same conclusion. That just isn't what I see happening in the Willow story. Willow chose to use more magic, even deciding to wipe Tara's memories a second time, for her own reasons. It wasn't until she met Rack that addiction entered the story.


Something about Buffy getting her hair cut immediately after Spike compliments it is very gutting to me. Oof.


Xander was totally cheking out Spike in his cript.


No one is judging him. It's understandable. Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled.


They let Willow off the hook after Tabula Rasa the same way they’ve been letting her off the hook for using dangerous magic that backfires all series. Remember how she cursed them all in something blue and they all just moved on? Or when she tries to impulsively curse Oz?

Jarrod Wild

I'm not having sex with Spike, but I'm starting to think that you are!

Jarrod Wild

Anyone notice that when Buffy was leaving Social Services she was whistling "Going Through the Motions"? :)


OMG, mind blown. I've always just heard it as tuneless whistling but - by Jove! - you're right.


She did not intend to use magic on anyone but herself in "Something Blue," so that is a very different thing from Tabula Rasa, where she is actively trying to mess with Buffy and Tara's memories. In Wild at Heart, she changes her mind in the last moment. Xander cursed the Scoobies (and the world) in BB&B and OMWF. Tara cursed the Scoobies in Family. Both of them were instantly forgiven.

Claire Eyles

From a recovered addicts point of view watching the Willow arc, I think Willow's road to addiction happened way earlier than her meeting with Rack. I can pretty much relate each stage of my addiction process, from recreational use, to increasing reliance, to starting to get out of control, to being a full blown addict, to Willow's story arc at different points right from Season 2 and 3. It's actually one of the rare drug addiction, even metaphorically done, storylines that I appreciate because I think it was so well done (for the most part) with the way they built it up over a period of time.


I don’t think Willow is off the hook for all the magic she’s done. SPOILERS BELOW****

Bruce Trogdon

I agree that Willow's path from the time she announced that she was experimenting with magic leads her to Rack's place and the story is a very good one. She develops a strong habit of using magic for things she doesn't have to use it for – like in this episode, when she wants the book at the other end of the table, her first reaction is to magic it over. But she realizes what she's doing and stops immediately. That is where using magic has led her, IMO. It's a tool which Willow has come a long way towards mastering but she uses it without discrimination and with very little respect for it. I just don't think they show that USING magic is addictive while I think they do show that using magic is a different thing from having the addictive magic used on Willow in “Wrecked.”

Brandon Wiesner

I went back to that scene and listened and was confused at first, because I thought you meant the Blue Oyster Cult song. Now I realize you meant the song from OMWF, lol.

Jarrod Wild

The BOC song is Goin' and not Going. That's me splitting razor-thin hairs. :)

Jarrod Wild

She made cookies for everyone after the Something Blue incident. Did she make more cookies after Tabula Rasa?


This is one of those cases where intentions matter. Tara just wanted people not to see the "demon" aspect of her (effectively placing a glamour on herself), Xander wanted dances and songs in OMWF for himself and Anya- he never imagined that would come with Sweets and his demons and that would only encompass the couple- not the world, (While he was condemned for being impulsive for doing a revenge love spell, I agree he should have heard much more about it). Tara's spell was a glamour gone wrong, not meant to do anything but hide herself, and Xander, much as I like him, never seems to have much foresight or thoughts about the consequences of magic. He is not a warlock, he doesn't understand magic. This is dangerous in its own right, but demonstrates that his intentions are not to invoke longterm control as Willow planned to do to Tara. Willow put a spell on Buffy/scoobires against their wills as a result of trying to make Buffy forget Heaven because she assumed she knew what was best and also tried to put the same spell on her girlfriend for that reason and to control and mold Tara to her will. One can argue that Willow was not thinking straight, but the premeditation and planning that went into her actions speaks for itself. She is extremely intelligent and understands magic and is very powerful, and that seems to make her think that might is right.


"Willow chose to use more magic, even deciding to wipe Tara's memories a second time, for her own reasons. It wasn't until she met Rack that addiction entered the story." This is the same issue I have. You can be addicted to something, anything, and it can make you not think straight, but it does not dissolve responsibility. For example, someone who raped someone at a college party while inebriated can't say that alcohol made them a rapist. In a college party there can be a lot of drunk people who stumble, laugh too loudly, and yell and jump around and there can be rapists, who only have lowered inhibitions, who ruin the fun for everybody. In my mind there is a very large difference between using magic for every little thing daily, like magicing over a book or flossing your teeth or what have you, and using ON other people. The first relates to substance addiction, the second relates to control.

Bruce Trogdon

I think everything Willow does with regards to using magic involves her making sober and generally deliberate decisions. Sometimes her choices are bad, occasionally they are terrible, but regarding Willow using magic I have just never seen addiction as a part of it.

Jarrod Wild

"We're your arch-nemesisisis...ees"

Jean Olenick

... Warren build the Cold Gun. *FACEPALM*