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Angel S03E11 - Birthday FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Clara V.

The way I think Cordy's message in the Hyperion is still there is this: Skip said that the powers don't like to rewrite the past unless they have to but instead write "over it". He even said specifically she would be able to lead the life she was meant for "from that moment onwards", not retroactively. So they didn't actually change the past at all, everything that happened still happened, they just changed the world at the moment she made her choice and replaced everyone's memories (which is also why the girl is still saved at the end, alternate Wes and Gunn saving her still physically happened). So in this case the powers created the new wallpaper, but her writing the message still took place and that's why she can find it. I guess in theory the powers could have also erased that message if they cared or wanted to. Whether they just neglected to or meant for her to find it is a matter of interpretation, I guess. Edit: What doesn't make sense though, now that I think about it, is that as far as I can tell the writing is no longer there when she wakes up at the end... But that might just be your everyday continuity error.


Maybe it was her dad.....but she takes after her mums side of the family?


I was constantly saying. 'bless you,' so that you would not cough your soul into the astral plane.


There's actually a deleted scene for this episode on YouTube. Nothing super important, it just shows a little bit of Cordelia's show. By the way, I can't fully tell, but I think a small part of the bottom screen was cut off in the reaction. I noticed the same thing in the last few Angel reactions. Just wanted to mention it.


This is one of my favourite episodes in the Buffyverse :P


Same here. One of my all time favs, shows how much Cordy progressed.


Great reaction, some stuff in this episode didn't make sense but I enjoyed it too much to care tbh

Jarrod Wild

Hey It's A Wonderful Life!


ASR: *cough* *cough* *cough* Someone get the girl a pepsi, stat!


cordy really becomes a much better person on Angel.


I love this episode. I love getting glimpses into alternative timelines, showing us not just what is happening, but what COULD have happened if the characters' lives had gone just a little bit differently. Also... I kind of want to see the show "Cordy".

Chaotic Cam

Ah, this episode definitely has a place in my heart, and is one of my top favorite episodes in the Buffyverse. It just shows how much growth Cordelia has gone through overall throughout the seasons, and this episode just embodies why I love her so much. Think about when she first got the vision compared to now. When she first got them she was willing to do anything to get them to go away, kissing every darn frog in the room, lol. But now? They're a part of her, they're her purpose, and she's a hero in her own right. I love how despite everything that was going on, how despite how scary the situation was and how she was possibly near dying, the only thing on her mind was that girl. And then at the very end her kissing Angel to take back the visions, just the overwhelming compassion. And then with the risks of becoming part demon explained - there was no hesitation - one look at Angel, reminding her of her friends, of what means the most to her - this isn't their burden, the visions were meant for her, no matter the price, she'd pay it to save her friends.

Andrew Pulrang

Skip is one of my favorite minor characters in the Buffyverse. Same with Dennis.

Chris Peacock

As far as the visions hurting Doyle but not demon Cordy. She is a stronger class of demon obviously.

Mike Woodcock

I had expected Cordelia to go back to her apartment and meet Dennis still alive.

Rachel Espiritu

Shan you can't be sick! I don't accept this!

Rachel Espiritu

Also, this episode has some weird age quirks. For one, we know Cordelia's birthday is May 22. Buffyverse episodes typically air on/near the actual date the episode takes place (hence Buffy's birthday being in whatever episode is closest to Jan 19), but this episode aired on Jan 14. And two, this episode kind of fudges Cordy's age on purpose. Canonically this is only Cordy's 21st birthday, but her character is made to seem older to match the fact that Charisma Carpenter was 31.

Einar Sigurðsson

my Cordy. The best champion in the whole verse

Tammy L. Faulkner

I swear, i kept yelling at you asking WHERES YOUR PEPSI when you started to choke.


The message was there because crazy Angel with the visions went to the hotel room at some point in time and wrote it. Also I think the reason the visions didn't hurt Cordelia is because she's strong as well as part demon, not just because she is now part demon, a human shouldn't have been able to handle the visions for as long as she has, so I think it's also just her.

Mike Woodcock

That's twice now that she rewrote The World According to Cordelia. The first time she had Anya get rid of buffy and turn Sunnydale into a dystopia. Then the second time she had Skip get rid of her visions and turn the detective agency into a dystopia.


She's also clearly a different type of demon because Doyle couldn't float in mid air :P


Why though? Cordy moving in to that apartment had nothing to do with Dennis' death, that happened years ago when his mother killed him

Mike Woodcock

I don't know why. It was just the first thing that crossed my mind when she went to the hotel.

Katherine Thoreson

In the conversation between alternate reality Cordelia and Wesley, he says he lost his arm in a confrontation involving a kun’gai (I probably butchered the spelling sorry) demon. That was the first ep with Wesley and the first full ep with Cordelia having the visions. The empath demon, Barney, was after the kun’gai’s horn. There is a part where Barney has gotten a one-up on Wesley and is about to attack him, But Cordelia shows up and saves Wes by knocking out Barney. I’ve always personally interpreted that scene as the moment that alternate Wes lost his arm because Cordy was not there to save him.


The fact that we only ever see the visions pass between people that love each other romantically and that Angel has the visions in the alternate world👀 Oh yeah, didn't Doyle "jokingly" say that he was a little attracted to Angel in season 1? 😭❤ This isn't a spoiler, it's a a theory lots of Angel fans have stated before me. If Shan can ship Foriley, can I ship Dangel💖


Haha, I meant why would Dennis be alive in another reality where she didn't meet Angel in LA?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 12:48:15 I loved this revelation when I first read the theory. In that alternate reality they must have kissed and at the very least Doyle had real feelings for Angel to be able to pass them on. Love this detail <3
2018-10-11 16:53:07 I loved this revelation when I first read the theory. In that alternate reality they must have kissed and at the very least Doyle had real feelings for Angel to be able to pass them on. Love this detail <3

I loved this revelation when I first read the theory. In that alternate reality they must have kissed and at the very least Doyle had real feelings for Angel to be able to pass them on. Love this detail <3

Richard Lucas

Shan should go back and watch that scene but picture Doyle passing them to Angel! Angel probably would have been a little surprised when he suddenly gets a passionate full mouth kiss from Doyle!

Bellatronics (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 12:48:13 Here I am a month late, trying to catch up with Angel reactions. I love this episode! Seeing how much Cordy has grown, how much of a champion she is, and that even while in the alternate universe, she cared deeply for what Angel was going through, and I think too felt a deep connection to him, as well as a sense that the visions belonged to her. I also love the 'what could've been' alternate world. For quite a while in season 1 &amp; 2, Cordy still wanted fame as an actress, and working at Angel Investigations was ‘supposedly’ a side gig until that fame came along. But when she is actually given stardom and wealth, everything she thinks she wanted - it doesn't feel right to her, like something is missing, and she readily sacrifices it all to save Angel from the hellish place he is in mentally, from what the visions have done to him ( also saves Wesley from losing an arm of course). I know I’m stating the obvious, but I love it, this story. I also think she has grown a lot more than some of the Sunnydale team, in her understanding of demons, and greyscale rather than black and white understanding of the world. What with being so willing to become part demon. Yes, it is mostly very self sacrificial, out of love for Angel - but also I think a sign that she is not judgemental or grossed out by being part demon. Knowing Doyle, and Lorne, and even hanging out at Caritas has I think led to a lot of growth ( that some people in Sunnydale haven't I think. Mostly still 'demon bad’, though Clem hanging out at Buffy’s birthday was a recent change, and also the non-wedding). I love the little ‘trailer/introduction’ thing of Cordy’s show! Like UTU49 said, I kinda wanna see it too. In glimpses in the show intro thing - that really looks like the apartment set from Friends there ! Ok, long time since I’ve seen it , not a massive fan or anything either, but it looked really similar. As did the style of the Cordy show intro. It would’ve been better though I’m sure :D I love Cordelia! And this episode. Starts out so depressing and scary though - poor Shan.
2018-11-07 05:29:09 Here I am a month late, trying to catch up with Angel reactions. I love this episode! Seeing how much Cordy has grown, how much of a champion she is, and that even while in the alternate universe, she cared deeply for what Angel was going through, and I think too felt a deep connection to him, as well as a sense that the visions belonged to her. I also love the 'what could've been' alternate world. For quite a while in season 1 & 2, Cordy still wanted fame as an actress, and working at Angel Investigations was ‘supposedly’ a side gig until that fame came along. But when she is actually given stardom and wealth, everything she thinks she wanted - it doesn't feel right to her, like something is missing, and she readily sacrifices it all to save Angel from the hellish place he is in mentally, from what the visions have done to him ( also saves Wesley from losing an arm of course). I know I’m stating the obvious, but I love it, this story. I also think she has grown a lot more than some of the Sunnydale team, in her understanding of demons, and greyscale rather than black and white understanding of the world. What with being so willing to become part demon. Yes, it is mostly very self sacrificial, out of love for Angel - but also I think a sign that she is not judgemental or grossed out by being part demon. Knowing Doyle, and Lorne, and even hanging out at Caritas has I think led to a lot of growth ( that some people in Sunnydale haven't I think. Mostly still 'demon bad’, though Clem hanging out at Buffy’s birthday was a recent change, and also the non-wedding). I love the little ‘trailer/introduction’ thing of Cordy’s show! Like UTU49 said, I kinda wanna see it too. In glimpses in the show intro thing - that really looks like the apartment set from Friends there ! Ok, long time since I’ve seen it , not a massive fan or anything either, but it looked really similar. As did the style of the Cordy show intro. It would’ve been better though I’m sure :D I love Cordelia! And this episode. Starts out so depressing and scary though - poor Shan.

Here I am a month late, trying to catch up with Angel reactions. I love this episode! Seeing how much Cordy has grown, how much of a champion she is, and that even while in the alternate universe, she cared deeply for what Angel was going through, and I think too felt a deep connection to him, as well as a sense that the visions belonged to her. I also love the 'what could've been' alternate world. For quite a while in season 1 & 2, Cordy still wanted fame as an actress, and working at Angel Investigations was ‘supposedly’ a side gig until that fame came along. But when she is actually given stardom and wealth, everything she thinks she wanted - it doesn't feel right to her, like something is missing, and she readily sacrifices it all to save Angel from the hellish place he is in mentally, from what the visions have done to him ( also saves Wesley from losing an arm of course). I know I’m stating the obvious, but I love it, this story. I also think she has grown a lot more than some of the Sunnydale team, in her understanding of demons, and greyscale rather than black and white understanding of the world. What with being so willing to become part demon. Yes, it is mostly very self sacrificial, out of love for Angel - but also I think a sign that she is not judgemental or grossed out by being part demon. Knowing Doyle, and Lorne, and even hanging out at Caritas has I think led to a lot of growth ( that some people in Sunnydale haven't I think. Mostly still 'demon bad’, though Clem hanging out at Buffy’s birthday was a recent change, and also the non-wedding). I love the little ‘trailer/introduction’ thing of Cordy’s show! Like UTU49 said, I kinda wanna see it too. In glimpses in the show intro thing - that really looks like the apartment set from Friends there ! Ok, long time since I’ve seen it , not a massive fan or anything either, but it looked really similar. As did the style of the Cordy show intro. It would’ve been better though I’m sure :D I love Cordelia! And this episode. Starts out so depressing and scary though - poor Shan.

Bellatronics (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 12:48:15 Only one thing I will say though, to counter somewhat what I said about attitudes to demons/killing demons in the two shows. Many people often say that Angel is a more adult show, with a more nuanced morality and understanding of the world, and that Buffy and the Scoobies is more black and white, as I was kinda saying above. Now, in Sunnydale, the Scoobies don’t go hang out &amp; drink at Willy’s with the demons - apart from that one time Buffy was drunk and Spike took her to the kitten poker. Not surprisingly, since none of the demon bars in Sunnydale have an anti-violence sanctuary spell. However, I rarely see it mentioned that Buffy doesn’t just go along to Willy’s/other demon bars and kill all the demons in there. She does not see it as her job to do a kinda regular sweep and kill all demons. Only does that with vamps in her patrols. With demons, she actually only attacks them if they doing some weird dangerous ritual, starting an apocalypse or being violent towards humans (at that moment). She does actually let a lot of demons in Sunnydale just get on with their lives. Like the kitten poker players :) However, Xander in particular, and the general attitude on the show, is mostly a lot more demon = bad - unless they have been cursed with a soul. But not much discussion of if some demons have their own type of soul, maybe not all types are soulless - what about vengance demons? Greyish area I think. And about non-dangerous demons, the morality of killing demons or ‘othering’ them. ( Treating them almost as if they are not sentient, or that only humans are capable of feelings.) It’s interesting that Buffy joined up with the Initiative at first, even though she knew straight away that they were doing experiments on captured demons, whereas I was always horrified at how unethical and evil the organisation was straight away - as I think many viewers are. [Though I understand to some degree other view points. And not judging Buffy, very different to actually be living IN that world were demons mostly are violent and dangerous in her experience, not watching it as fiction.] Ok, probably no-one is gonna see this now! I should keep up with the reactions. If a suitable episode comes up on either show, I might repost something about this at a place someone is more likely to read it.
2018-11-07 05:32:28 Only one thing I will say though, to counter somewhat what I said about attitudes to demons/killing demons in the two shows. Many people often say that Angel is a more adult show, with a more nuanced morality and understanding of the world, and that Buffy and the Scoobies is more black and white, as I was kinda saying above. Now, in Sunnydale, the Scoobies don’t go hang out & drink at Willy’s with the demons - apart from that one time Buffy was drunk and Spike took her to the kitten poker. Not surprisingly, since none of the demon bars in Sunnydale have an anti-violence sanctuary spell. However, I rarely see it mentioned that Buffy doesn’t just go along to Willy’s/other demon bars and kill all the demons in there. She does not see it as her job to do a kinda regular sweep and kill all demons. Only does that with vamps in her patrols. With demons, she actually only attacks them if they doing some weird dangerous ritual, starting an apocalypse or being violent towards humans (at that moment). She does actually let a lot of demons in Sunnydale just get on with their lives. Like the kitten poker players :) However, Xander in particular, and the general attitude on the show, is mostly a lot more demon = bad - unless they have been cursed with a soul. But not much discussion of if some demons have their own type of soul, maybe not all types are soulless - what about vengance demons? Greyish area I think. And about non-dangerous demons, the morality of killing demons or ‘othering’ them. ( Treating them almost as if they are not sentient, or that only humans are capable of feelings.) It’s interesting that Buffy joined up with the Initiative at first, even though she knew straight away that they were doing experiments on captured demons, whereas I was always horrified at how unethical and evil the organisation was straight away - as I think many viewers are. [Though I understand to some degree other view points. And not judging Buffy, very different to actually be living IN that world were demons mostly are violent and dangerous in her experience, not watching it as fiction.] Ok, probably no-one is gonna see this now! I should keep up with the reactions. If a suitable episode comes up on either show, I might repost something about this at a place someone is more likely to read it.

Only one thing I will say though, to counter somewhat what I said about attitudes to demons/killing demons in the two shows. Many people often say that Angel is a more adult show, with a more nuanced morality and understanding of the world, and that Buffy and the Scoobies is more black and white, as I was kinda saying above. Now, in Sunnydale, the Scoobies don’t go hang out & drink at Willy’s with the demons - apart from that one time Buffy was drunk and Spike took her to the kitten poker. Not surprisingly, since none of the demon bars in Sunnydale have an anti-violence sanctuary spell. However, I rarely see it mentioned that Buffy doesn’t just go along to Willy’s/other demon bars and kill all the demons in there. She does not see it as her job to do a kinda regular sweep and kill all demons. Only does that with vamps in her patrols. With demons, she actually only attacks them if they doing some weird dangerous ritual, starting an apocalypse or being violent towards humans (at that moment). She does actually let a lot of demons in Sunnydale just get on with their lives. Like the kitten poker players :) However, Xander in particular, and the general attitude on the show, is mostly a lot more demon = bad - unless they have been cursed with a soul. But not much discussion of if some demons have their own type of soul, maybe not all types are soulless - what about vengance demons? Greyish area I think. And about non-dangerous demons, the morality of killing demons or ‘othering’ them. ( Treating them almost as if they are not sentient, or that only humans are capable of feelings.) It’s interesting that Buffy joined up with the Initiative at first, even though she knew straight away that they were doing experiments on captured demons, whereas I was always horrified at how unethical and evil the organisation was straight away - as I think many viewers are. [Though I understand to some degree other view points. And not judging Buffy, very different to actually be living IN that world were demons mostly are violent and dangerous in her experience, not watching it as fiction.] Ok, probably no-one is gonna see this now! I should keep up with the reactions. If a suitable episode comes up on either show, I might repost something about this at a place someone is more likely to read it.