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Angel S03E07 - Offspring FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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They are called Claddagh rings/pendants. Traditional celtic design. Two hands holding a heart with a crown.

Bruce Trogdon

Love Fred's constantly changing timeline for when the Tro-Clan is prophesied to begin. #1 sometime last March - would have been a few days after Angel and Darla had sex (conception). #2 right about 'now' - Darla's impossible pregnancy. #3 three, two, now - when Holtz arrives from the past. Makes me wonder how many different calculations Fred can come up with.


Isn't it obvious why they never killed Holtz? His sweet 18th-century sunglasses made him too cool to kill!


I love how wesley goes back and forth from being a dork to being a bad ass and so forth.


Angel was sired in 1753 and ensouled 1898


Holtz is played by Keith Szarabajka. I can't say that, but he does popup in a bunch of movies, tv shows, cartoons, and video games. :)

Sheriff Uchiha

My head canon is that if a moment of perfect happiness removes his soul a moment of perfect despair, like he said when he had sex with Darla would splint his soul, and allow him to father a child.


"it has a heartbeat, it has a soul" yikes. I know they mean it's not undead, but that slides right into some anti abortion rhetoric too easily!


OK, I'm way behind with the Angel reactions! I love the Angel & Cordy training moments in these, some very nice flow, quite beautiful. And how easily Fred picks up on the closeness between the oblivious twosome. Great to see Cordy so good with a sword too, how she picks up moves so quickly. About bloody time too, that she learnt to fight. I love the fake flowers too :) And this: “Angel loves me, I love him” “Oh my god!” “You guys love us and we love you” “We love you Angel!” Very cute scene with the flustered socially awkward Man-pire. So yeah, pregnant Darla showing up overshadows the earlier stuff in the episode, so giving some Cangel love here. xxx


I really enjoy this episode. Especially after the last one, which I hate, and could not watch for about a month. I did in the end, because I wanted a clearer memory of how it affected the way Wesley relates to Fred. He feels so guilty for his actions, that I think he feels unworthy of letting her know his feelings ( fearful that he has this violent misogyny inside him? But I don’t agree with that, because it goes along with the unhealthy message of that awful episode that misogyny is ‘primordial’ and inherent), and steps back and lets the relationship with Gunn happen. [ I’ve not watched the episode for years - have only watched the whole of Angel through twice, compared to about 9/10 times for Buffy - but I have a favourite Angel season that I've watched about 4/5 times.] So yeah, this episode is some great enjoyable drama, compared to that awful last one! With some lovely shippy momemts. It does still have some weirdness in it though. Angel says to Darla, just when they stopped fighting , that she is craving ‘pure blood’ because the baby has a heartbeat and therefore a soul. So hold on, children have more ‘pure’ blood? And, so her being pregnant with a supposedly souled human baby ( according to Angel’s assumption) somehow makes her want to be ‘more evil’ and eat kids instead of adults? That’s some weird convoluted thinking. Plus, a heartbeat doesn’t necessarily mean human. Lorne has a heart ( in his butt !). So presumably some other demons do too. If Darla were impregnated with some kinda supernatural demon pregnancy like Cordelia was, it could have a heartbeat. Now, she seems very sure that Angel is the father, so I presume the timing fits for the conception. You woulda thought that 2 vampires would have a vampire baby - but then they can’t have kids anyway, whatever mystical thing is going on, a heartbeat does indicate that the baby is human. That doesn’t say ANYTHING about whether the baby has a soul or not. Angel makes that immediate assumption. But there was that kid in season 1 who had no soul. Wesley says ‘makes sense’ since Angel has a soul - but the mother doesn’t, so the baby could take after her and not have one. I find it weird and problematic to assign souls to unborn babies, but then in real life souls are just a created concept and don’t exist [with empirical evidence], so the mythology around them in fiction gets a bit messy I think. At least the foetus is very late term, so as long as they don’t say that it had a soul from conception, then it’s not an anti-abortion message ( but I don’t think the writers are thinking these things through). In general I think the team are making a lot of assumptions in this episode without further research. OK, Cordy confirms that she sensed the baby has a soul - in a vision? But as Shan says, could be part human/part vampire baby! Despite some odd concepts, I still really like & enjoy the episode. Great reaction Shan! ( If you even see this now, lol - making mega comments weeks after !!).