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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S06E05 - Life Serial FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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When you're right, you're right...even when you're Warren. Connery is king.

Chaotic Cam

Yes, they are here! *rings bell*


I love this episode, but that sociology class has zero sociology in it! It was just a big word fest. Buffiam is the one!


I love this theorising. Theorise more!


What I can say is that at the time Joss said that he didnt want to try and 'top' the big bad of season 5, and the whole death thing, so maybe dont asume that every season will have exactly the same format. They certainly experimented with that on Angel.


midway through the episode... can I just say... warren, jonathan and andrew are freaking hilarious lol... I could watch those three bicker and talk geek all day .... Shan, prosperity is basically like good fortune, lucky, that kind of thing... usually would relate to wealth in some way (financial, or maybe life in general?)


Still laughing at ASR's face at the kitten reveal. Knew it would be good when she was horrified about the petrified hamster.

Jon Dub

I always thought it weird that the Watcher's Council pays Watchers to guide the Slayer, but dont actually pay the Slayer for Slaying. They must know it would be nearly impossible to hold down a job as a Slayer, yet the Council make no effort to pay expenses to a girl who literally fights to save the world.


If they pay the slayer she could save and get into a position where she could not rely on them, but if they pay the watchers and have them take care of her then she will be reliant on them and easier to control.


this one is heavy with the metaphors. college life literally moving too fast and buffy, the student, not being able to keep up. the construction gig -- sexism in the workplace and being too good at the job to the point that your coworkers feel threatened. the retail job -- the repetitiveness of a job can literally make you feel like you're repeating the same day over and over again.


I wanted to comment on the "father" situation. In California (and other States in the US) there is a term: "deadbeat dad". This was coined for men who have children and then offer no support for them. My father was one of them. The entire time we were growing up, my mother had to fight for child support, while he got remarried and raised her kids. Then dumped her, left those kids and moved on. I am sure the concept isn't new to you. My point is, Buffy's dad is a dead beat piece of crap who can't be bothered. The only way they could get anything out of him would be to sue him in court and then the court would probably appoint Dawn to the father and no one wants that. Anyway, that was my take on it, peppered with personal issues. LOL


"How can you go from a Hell God... to 3 nerds?!" Hilarious comment.

Vincent Valentin

the "sapphire digdong" i always assumed was a sapphire dildo.

Patrick - Excelsior

The Title of Episode is a play on LIFE "cereal" made by Quaker.

Brandon Wiesner

Gah! I so want to talk about the trio more but you said not to...


Buffiam - yup I’m all for Buffiam! It pleases my Spuffy and Spangel heart. I much prefer this to the ship name the fandom has been using for years - which is Spuffangel, or Spuffel. “I didn’t figure you were here cadging my whiskey cos life is all full of blood and peaches.” I LOVE this line! :) Kitten Poker!! No you don’t wanna leave the kitties behind with the demons….. Yes, poor kitties!!!!! But also, I find it hilarious. And Buffy in this scene is a very cute and funny drunk. And I kinda love Spike in this scene - he has a very expressive face. This mummy hand has ceased to be! It is an ex-mummy hand ! - I do love the Monty Python ‘Dead Parrot’ sketch reference here. :D Do millenials watch Monty Python at all? Does it go over newbies heads nowadays, I wonder? ( Maybe not Liam when he gets there, being a Brit.)


i love drunk buffy! to this day i think of her reaction anytime im about to take a shot 🙂

Einar Sigurðsson

I have always taken Warren's reference to Connery and "back when movies were great"to be showcasing his misoginy. Since movies back then, especially Bond with Connery, were extremely sexist


It was this episode I realised the is no way you can top a Hell-Dimension-God story wise; you can only undercut it with humour. Allow the serious drama to centre around Buffy struggling to come back and give her a trio of Nerds to battle that are totally lame...Is lame too strong a word?


Great reaction. As for the Trio, try to enjoy the episodes and don't think too much about it.

David Caine

Poker kittens, drunk Buffy, Buffiam, and the confusion of going from a Hell God to three nerds' antics, and the underling themes of Buffy dealing with the real world where she is lucky enough to have someone like Giles. Fun episode.


It's an ableist word. It has been used on Buffy I think? but that was 20-ish years ago. People mostly don't use it anymore to avoid ableism ( if you don't understand why it is, it's because you are using a word that means 'not able to walk' as a derogatory insult). Instead, a great word for them is pathetic - and equally as strong! :) Losers, waste of space, saddos .....


I'm liking your analysis on the 3 nerds being the Big Bad or not.


I think what we're seeing here, a couple of episodes in a row, is a bunch of problems that are so small that they were under Buffy's radar as she solved apocalypses... but she could do that because Joyce was there to take care of paying the phone bill. Metaphorically, we're dealing with becoming an adult, where so much is realizing how many of those stupid, ridiculous things are just waiting to trip you up, and until they're under control, the big things seem impossible.

Richard Lucas

By the way, they have just released a Pumpkin Spice flavor of Life Cereal.

Richard Lucas

I love the trio. Just noticed how astute Warren is about something he said in this episode, that I didn’t notice the first time I watched it.

Richard Lucas

Monty Python was a revelation in the 70s on PBS, inspired Saturday Night Live, and had a renaissance decades later on MTV (or was it VH1)

Richard Lucas

I’m guessing Warren wouldn’t be a fan of Fried Green Tomatoes. A movie Shay must watch if she hasn’t seen it!

Fly on the Wall

You just stumbled onto one of my biggest gripes with season 6 and why it is my least favorite season in the entire Buffyverse. How can you really go from Glory to three nerds as your Big Bad? Many fans will speak up about what comes later, but really that's more of a consequence from the Trio's actions and not the "real" big bad so to speak. The final 4-episode arc isn't the entire season nor would the Pylea arc represent all of season 2 of Angel. It just bothers me so much.


In Mr Weedon's own words, "Life was the big bad in season 6."