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"$2,500 – reached! per month
Honestly, I'd like to save for a car. I don't have one and I think it would be nice to be able to leave the house every once in a while since I never do. Right now, I think that is my ultimate goal and if we can achieve this goal earnings amount than you're helping me fulfill what I want to achieve in my life.
If we can reach said goal, I'll do a double week. 
Meaning, you would get 2 weeks worth of reactions throughout one week. Extra juicy content!"

So as you can probably tell... we have reached the goal required to do 2 weeks worth of reactions in one week. This was kind of a pipe dream I never thought would happen. The thought of reaching this was impossible in my mind - but somehow we did it. 

Originally the plan was 4 TVD, 4 SPN, 4 AOS, 4 ARROW, 8 BUFFYVERSE...

But I have since come to realize two things since achieving the goal for this reward...

1. It would mean I'd be finishing shows much quicker. 

     - This is not necassarily a bad thing as it opens up more opportunity for other shows to take their place.

     - However, with only 2 more Buffy seasons left - I don't want it to end so quickly as it could potentially mean 8 Buffy episodes (If that's the order to come out that week).
I feel I already for more reactions than a lot of other channels and I want to at least spend my time enjoying it and if we did this, it would mean finishing these shows faster than I would like to.

2. It's double the work.

     - I edit approx. 8 videos a week and occasionally am late with those itself. With a double week it would be 16 videos.

     - I have a buffyverse editor that would go from 4 - 8 as well and I don't feel it's fair on him to give him that much work.

     - It's exhausting to have to do so much in one week, it would mean I'd need to be super infront of my upload schedule (for buffyverse for example I would need to record 10 episodes at least to be able to upload the 8) and could also conflict with thoughts videos.

Moral here is. I made a mistake in thinking this reward was a good idea. I want to reward you guys though - so it's in your hands.

If you have any ideas on what you'd like to see as a reward for reaching this goal. Please leave them below - if you see one you like, give it a like and I'll be taking a look at them to possibly add them to a poll so we can deal with it head on.






Shan, you posted a list of movies you were thinking of doing reactions to in Discord awhile ago. I vote for one of those. For other people, they were basically every superhero movie ever made, dating back to the 1970s with Superman.


Congrats! How about doing the original Buffy movie as an extra?


Sooo I’m just gonna suggest DR HORRIBLE Ok then


I'm voting for a rewatch of whichever MCU movie is your favorite


Time to Squeeze in Joss's Firefly (14 episodes and a Movie). For certain reasons I can't mention, it would be best to watch it before Buffy S7 and Angel S4. It aired concurrently with the first portions of those seasons.

Christopher simeon

Even though I understand your reasoning on why you can’t do double reactions for the reward I feel like you don’t understand why we Patreons put money in month after month. Constantly taking breaks through the month aside you promised something to your patreons and now that you have the money you realize you can’t deliver. The same way you didn’t like people leaving before the month was up and not paying to be here now you are taking away an reward you promised because you didn’t realize the work it would take. How are we supposed to believe any award you say from now on. If you need time to edit and record we will give it to you but next month we should get those reactions


FIREFLY FIREFLY!!! idk though, that's a lot to do for a single reward...Shan, if you haven't seen this, I (along with everyone else who likes Wedon) heartily recommend this as one of your shows after you finish something.


1. a double week means the shows will end 1 week sooner, that's all, hardly what I would call "much quicker".


2. I'm only here for the Buffyverse


I understand it more work but you post the full reactions on Patreon so I do not see need for editing. On YouTube you should leave it as it is with only 2 reactions per week per show. Also you dont have to double all of the shows but if you double arrow then you would be able to start flash and later legends since they have amazing crossovers. I pay for Patreon because of these perks otherwise I might as well not. Remember what you do for Patreon you don’t have to do for YouTube.


3. I'm fine with 4 Buffyverse per week


And the vampire dairies spin off the originals is really good so you could start watching them together.


4. since you are taking a week off from uploading, doing a double week would actually balance the scales.


That's only 3 15 minute chapters. And it is amazing. The perfect thing if someone needs to be cheered up after an extra tough Buffyverse episode (there's more than one of those in the next season(s)).


5. aw hell, do whatever you want! :P

Janeka Rector

My vote is for Dr. Horrible Sing Along Blog and maybe space your bonus episodes through the month? (I’ll support you no matter what.


Goal reached. So very cool. After The Body, I'm wondering if you'll need to take anymore breaks before finishing Angel/Buffy. Do something - it'll be fine :)


Its your page so you can do whatever you want to do, but I agree with alot of other comments here, as patreon is full reactions there shouldn’t be much editing to do, as you arent doubling up for youtube, only for patreon. Its not a reward for non-paying-patreons, ya know? You wouldnt have to make the next upload week be the double up week, buffyverse for example - you could finish out s5 btvs and s2 ats as planned, and then do the double ups for patreon the week after maybe as you kick of s6 btvs and s3 ats? Or when the week after that? Personally I only really watch the buffyverse stuff, and occasionally TVD at the moment, so if you COULD do them it would be great... but its up to you how you decide to do the reward, and what you feel is reasonable for your workload. You’re a great reactor and i love your channel xx

Hans Olav

Maybe one movie per week, uncut? Dont know how much extra work that is for you, but it would de fun.


A movie reaction of our choice, I know you're doing the Buffy movie later so maybe you could write a list of films you're yet to see, make a poll and react to the film with the most votes?


Hang on, if this is a Patreon reward editing episodes doesn't factor into it. Editing is for YT videos. You wont be doing double eps on YT so it'll be uploads at the usual rate.


I don't think the goal was double work from here on out, I think it was only for 1 week, a one time only treat sort of thing. Or am I misunderstanding? I like the idea of Dr Horrible's Sing along blog or a poll for some youtube reactions like This is America, Chicken Attack, etc.


then patroen would be 2 weeks ahead which would be an issue


Just curious, have you seen avatar the last airbender and korra, or attack on titan and death note? You also still have Angel to look forward to.


Idk how much other people would be on board with this but since you've seen Yugioh, you could do a reaction to the first season of LittleKuriboh's Yugioh Abridged. Each episode is less than 5 minutes long and the first season is 22 episodes, which makes the total run time less than 2 hours.

Brandon Wiesner

The thing is though, she's not a Patreon only channel. She still has to have the videos edited for YT. If they get blocked, then the editor has to spend time editing again to avoid the block and maybe again if it gets blocked again. Also, these people have lives besides recording and editing.


Yeah! I hear "The Orphan" is pretty good.


I just want to make a comment here to let you all know that I know it's disappointing. I made a mistake. I thought I could do a double week but it would just be too much. I understand if you'd like to leave or whatever - I'm one person recording and editing. I do have an editor, but that's ONLY for the buffyverse and he's essentially doing it because he enjoys helping me. with blocks things are harder than ever Everyones asking "but its a patreon thing" i'm only ever a week infront of Patreon, i would need to be 3 weeks infront if i did this and not sure if you know this but like i look after my disabled father a lot of the time, between him and this channel/patreon that is all i do. i am a people pleaser and i want to honor my reward for achieving the goal but i cant even find the time to finish editing these constantly blocked reactions which ive edited 7 different times now. i feel honestly horrible about this andyeah

Brandon Wiesner

Shan, pay no mind to the complainers. Some people don't know a good thing when they have it. I feel I'm getting more than my money's worth with the premature tier, even without extra perks and I only watch the Buffyverse. Although, I am a big fan of SPN. It's just such a long show (still going). However, I may have to start watching your reactions after you finish season 5, because my cousin was a writer/producer on the show during seasons 6-10. As far as a reward, people are suggesting a movie rewatch. I would actually love to see you react to one you haven't seen though. I'm not sure what you have and haven't seen but here are some suggestions: Baby Driver Whiplash Kill Bill Vol 1 (if you want Vol 2 as well) John Wick (also JW2 if you can/want to) Full Metal Jacket Scott Pilgrim Tropic Thunder Goodfellas Cabin in the Woods (Lots of Buffyverse cameos) District 9 I excluded comic book movies, because you seem to be already well versed in them. :)


Honestly, I don't think anyone joined Patreon to get that prize. Speaking just for myself, I don't care about it at all. If the prize was just you posting a note thanking everyone, I'd be happy with it. p.s. don't listen to the complainers.


All good, but Scott Pilgrim would be especially awesome, or cabin in the woods


I'm onboard for the idea to take a Buffyverse break before Buffy7/Angel4 (or even before B5/A3 if you'd like a rest now), to watch Firefly (plus Serenity). 1) You won't finish the Buffyverse as quickly, 2) it's still a relatively short show so it won't be TOO much extra work, 3) everyone get's a new show to watch, 4) if you keep it patreon exclusive you won't have to worry about editing at all, and 5) you can upload it over several weeks instead of all at once, so we get the extra videos but it's easier on Shan. Of course this only works if you haven't seen it and if enough people like it, but honestly. WHO DOESN'T LIKE FIREFLY??? lol


If you did a large movie poll, and picked the top 4 movies. You could then react to them over a longer time [4-12 weeks] but it would be about the same length of content as doing a double week, and it wouldn’t interfere with any of the shows and it would give you a lot more flexibility.


The whole concept of content providers promising something special if a subscriber or patreon goal is achieved has always seemed to me to be fundamentally stupid. You're making a promise to existing subscribers/patrons. How can they have any affect on your goal? What are they supposed to do, go out and recruit more subscribers/patrons? Don't put yourself in a potentially awkward position by making promises, simply provide quality content and when a goal or milestone is achieved decide then if you want to do something special by way of appreciation for your fans. Then there's no pressure or expectation, instead it's a nice surprise bonus.


Hi Shan. Personally I'm fine with how things are. I don't want you to get so stressed that you end up quitting altogether. This is supposed to be fun for you.

Shauni Livingstone

I didn't even know about this reward, I signed up because I love reliving Buffy along side u. I want u to enjoy what ur watching and not feel obligated to watch it to keep ppl happy, so I'm happy the way things are and I'm sure everyone else that loves ur reactions will also just be happy with what we get.

Lynell Twiner

Add the Originals. It is perfect with TVD..like Buffy/Angel. Thought about Walking Dead?

Jon Dub

Do what you feel you can Shan, dont burn yourself out. Also, there is no rush


shes said that she will react to TO and she hates zombies so she will never watch


I don't know if you've seen it or not, but I'd like to see you do reactions for Orphan Black...great show.

Nancy Nicolai

I didn't join for a reward I joined the reactors I did on pateron bc I enjoy their first time reactions bc you see I've been a wee bit obsessive about some of the shows I like(SPN,Lost Girl,Fringe,XFiles...etc) plus I've gone overboard with SPN bc I need to watch newbies enjoy or I need new episodes as I've the entire series over a 1000 times so my reward is watching you enjoy these shows so thanx so much but take care of you o.k.!!!💜🌻👍🌞🍌🍓🍇🍑🍎🍊🍲


Thank you for all of the content that you provide. I don't think you should take on any more right now, We don't want you to burn out and we want you to enjoy what you are doing and not feel extra pressure to provide more. Maybe after Buffy and Angel are done you could give the Whedonverse fans a treat and react to the 2 short lived series Firefly and Dollhouse. Congratulations on reaching your goal and I hope your patrons continue to grow. Looks like it is time for a new pipe dream goal that will be reached eventually.


I signed up strictly for the full length videos and I am happy to view the videos whenever they get there. Your videos are one of my stress reducers so I definitely don’t want to add stress to you in getting them there. That would just be silly. I watch reaction videos because I enjoy watching others love the things I love. Instead of just binging on my own, I feel like I’m re-watching it with a friend. If you’re so stressed about it and can’t really enjoy it, that really defeats the purpose. I also don’t want get through the shows too early either. I really thought you were biting off more than you could chew when you were talking about the reward and it wasn’t what kept me as a Patreon member. If you do want to add a reward for reaching your goal, I am with the Dr. Horrible people. That’s pretty short and I love it so much. I also agree with adding Firefly but after you are through with Buffy and Angel and have time to add in another show ...and because you want to watch it… which you should because it’s awesome. Life’s too short. It’s really important to be able to earn money doing something you love but don’t let that turn it into something you hate. Love ya’

Shannon louise

Maybe just do one double week at some point as a one off treat? (Though I totally understand it that’s still too much work) or maybe instead of doubling everything just add 1 more episode to each show a week? ( for buffyverse you wouldn’t have to do one more of both buffy and angel, but just 1 more of whichever you like). No matter what though, I’m fine with anything :) I just love watching your reactions and I really appreciate all the great content you’re putting out already. Those are just suggestions I thought might work, but I don’t want you to be under a bunch of extra stress or feel pressured in to anything!

Shannon louise

Personally I love firefly, but in saying that I signed up for the buffyverse reactions which I much prefer and they are literally the only highlight of my week atm. So I’m not liking the idea of putting buffyverse on hold for several weeks in order to do firefly :(

Chaotic Cam

I agree with the people saying Dr. Horrible's sing-along-blog. They're pretty short but hilarious and amazing. It stars Neil Patrick Harris in it too. Who doesn't want to watch Neil Patrick Harris? Lol. :D


I like the Dr. Horrible idea too.


I never joined for that double reaction thing(I was a patron before that anyway) so I really don't have an issue with you wanting to do something else instead. I'm cool with the Firefly suggestion some people have made, but honestly I feel you can do whatever you want to do.




I honestly never even read that when I pledged haha. Glad you hit that goal, but don’t stress yourself out about pleasing us. You give us great content already.

Scarlett Monrow

If you haven't seen it, I would love to see your reaction to Battlestar Galactica 2004 pilot.


Yeah, seconded. I mentioned this in the community section because I frankly cannot figure out why this isn't a no-brainer... unless she's already seen it. It's 14 episodes and a feature film - 12 hours of content. Easiest thing to react to ever. If she's seen it, fine, but otherwise, given that there are two Joss Whedon shows on here, why not react to the best one?


The way I look at it, this isn't our reward, this is your reward, for creating such a successful channel, and so quickly (few do). You do what works best for you. I also didn't join for a reward. If you wanted to do a scaled down version, you could do one week of either double the amount of content, or 1.5x the amount of content. I don't mind. I think what you should do is go out and TEST DRIVE SOME CARS so you've got an idea of what type of cars you like and want and how much you want to save and spend on a car, and get a sense of how much extra costs there are in running a car.


PS If you want a second editor for Buffy (only) to cope with extra bandwidth for a while, I'm happy to help.


As others have rightly pointed out, Shan, Patreon is a donation site, not a commercial & goods site. So what we give is our decision, and no one has a right to force guilt on you - period! So please don't sweat it. Life is way too short to do that, and this should not turn into a burden for you. It should be fun and something that we all get to share in together as a small community. Nothing more than that. But one request - please don't slack off on Buffyverse stuff. It's the only thing I really watch and I'd hate for it to be put on the backburner for another show. :)

Andrew Pulrang

I'm not bothered about the reward either. But since you asked and might like to do something special to mark the occasion anyway ... how about some kind of reaction video or just video related to whatever car you buy if you do that? Maybe take us for a little ride? Or a reaction as you explore the features and tell us what you like about the car? Just a thought!

Alexis Cardarella

I'm so happy for you! This pay up front deal is literally and figuratively paying off for you! lol Having a car will be such a great thing to have achieved.:) I think everything you laid out seems quite the reward! I can't think of anything specific in terms of rewards in lieu of all that!

Alexis Cardarella

I do have shows to recommend! Are the polls usually on here? Show recommendations: Please Like Me- If you haven't heard of it, it's an Australian comedy-drama series that revolves around a guy named Josh, his friends, and his mom; and it tackles an array of subjects in a brilliant and touching way. Mental illness is a big one. Other series: THE EXPANSE, Six Feet Under, Outlander, Crazy Head: referred to as the British Buffy; short lived, but so good, & My Mad Fat Diary (Don't think I saw that on your watched list). Those are definitely my top recommendations atm.

Alexis Cardarella

Just read your comment: Don't take on TOO much!! Until you have editors to hire, don't take on more than is reasonable for you!

Aria Nadii

Take your time with Buffy. Savor it. I think I already get a generous amount of content from you. Don't overdo it.


hmmm... what about, provided you've already recorded them (and only then! haha) upload onto Patreon, the remaining Buffy Season 5 epsides, and AoS s2 episodes Raw that way there's no real work, and your giving what your patreons would enjoy. mind you, this may just be me being selfish and greedy for more of what i love hahah ;)

Timotey Kuhn

I am just fine with you keeping up your regular pace of videos. To manage what you originally had put forth would clearly put you in the hospital for exhaustion. I would even be fine with trimming back the two Buffyverse shows back to one episode each per week. Keep the train going. :D


I don't need a reward, as your weekly Buffyverse reactions are reward enough. I only signed up for the full reaction videos and I'm fine with just getting them each week :) My only concern is that they're eventually gonna end and then I won't know what to do with myself, so I personally would be happy with them staying at their regular 2 eps a week to keep them going as long as possible! :) x


I don't care about rewards. I am sooo enjoying Buffy and Angel. When it's over, I hope you will pick up a few other shows. I am sure you get TONS of suggestions, but I have a few to throw in there: Joss Whedon's "Dollhouse" . Only 2 seasons, but it got so good. "Westworld": Such a mind trip. Makes you question humanity. Up to season 2, more to come. "Grimm" - A little like Buffy, but not. Supernatural universe with a pretty rich lore.

John Sturchio

I don't care about rewards, pleased don't stress yourself out. I think the full reactions a week in advance are good enough for me

John Sturchio

However, If you ever want to do a movie reaction, I strongly recommend the Shawshank Redemption

Paul Gibson

I hadn't even realised this was a thing so I'm not bothered but if pushed an mcu movie reward could be fun

geoff woyce

Knowing that you now have finished Angel S2 all I can recommend as a reward for us helping you reach your goal is to do the 'Dance of Joy' that we witnessed on the Angel episodes in Pylea. For this to be truly treated as a reward it would need to be recorded and posted on Patreon, lol.