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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S05E07 - Fool For Love FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Hans Olav


Chris Peacock

So good to learn some more about Spike's backstory as well as a bit about some former slayers. I've always loved this one.

Chris Peacock

As far as the order to watch the two episodes in, I can kind of see the arguement to do it the other way, but the way you did it is the creator intended way so if nothing else it's the way we watched them on the original airing. They were shown back to back on the same night.


Effulgent is like shining brightly or something like that. Spike is actually one the least evil vampires, most human vampires. Doesn’t mean he isn’t one of the best fighters though. There wasn’t anything special about the vampire that beat Buffy, he was just lucky. That’s what spike was talking about when he was saying they just need one good day.


This is probably my favorite episode!

Chris Peacock

Dru did sire Spike, but Angel sired Dru so Spike is still of Angel's line. Darla sired Angel so Spike could also call Darla his sire. Whedon explained it in an interview, but I think it's most likely that they forgot they had said Angel was the sire and he was improvising the excuse. :)

Chris Peacock

I could just wait until l'm done watching and post one big comment, but where's the fun in that. lol. Anyway, a sword can kill a vampire. Just gotta go for the beheading.

Jon Dub

An Anvil is a large block of ultra thick metal that Blacksmith use to shape steel on to make swords and the like

Chris Peacock

Riley beating that vampire that Buffy couldn't was just to show that the vampire got lucky against her. In other words, he'd just had "one good day".


Fun fact: James Marsters, the actor for Spike, actually got that eyebrow scar in a mugging. The producers decided to keep the scar in and incorporate it into his story like you see here.


James Marsters is so good! The biggest treasure of this show for me.

Jon Dub

Also fighting doesnt work like a math equation, if A can beat B, and B can beat C, then A can beat C.....not how it works. Some styles are better against others, plus there are other factors, the environment the fight takes place in, luck, who had weapons.....fighting is chaotic. Skill plays a part sure, but its not the only thing

Katherine Thoreson

The antlers guy in the flashback is a Chaos Demon. In Season 3 Episode 8, Lovers Walk, this is part of a quote from Spike, speaking about Drusilla: "So, we got to Brazil and she was... she was just different. I gave her everything. Beautiful jewels, beautiful dresses with beautiful girls in them, but nothing made her happy. And she would flirt. I caught her on a park bench making out with a Chaos Demon. Have you ever seen a Chaos Demon? They're all slime and antlers; they're disgusting." :)


is anyone else having trouble opening/ viewing the episode.... its trying to make me download it :( says "preview of this file unavailable" with the mp4 logo... wanna watch, its one of my favourite episodes lol! (the new angel uploads are opening fine)


the way he delivers that line always cracks me up lol, love him "Have you EVER seen a CHAOS demon?!" scrunching his face up in disgust haha


Happiness is coming home from work to 4 new Buffyverse reactions!

Keith Allison

I forget if they ever *directly* address why the scar is still visible in-universe, but I think it's been theorized by fans that the Slayer's sword had some kind of magical property to it that would force the scar to remain even after the vampire healing kicked in. Works for me, anyways.

Keith Allison

I've been SO looking forward to you covering this episode, given your Spike love! A great showcase for James Marsters, especially with the surprise of his poet past (I chuckled a bit back in your "Lovers Walk" reaction when you called out Spike coming off as "poetic" after giving Angel and Buffy the "You're not friends" speech). Agree a bit on the weirdness of seeing Willow, Xander, and Anya so blasé while on patrol, though the sight gag of Xander with the potato chips is pretty funny.


Spike is more brazen and foolhardy than Angelus, but Angelus is ingenious and sadistic. Fighting a slayer is a pretty stupid thing for a vampire to do, but if you wanna date Drusilla, you need to impress her somehow. The vampire that Riley killed was just a regular vampire that got lucky with Buffy. And the Scoobies were quite clumsy in Anne :p I love how Riley is a trained soldier, but the Scoobies just makes things up as they go. The meeting in "Hush" masterfully shows that they aren't strictly experts.


In hindsight, it makes more sense for Drusilla to be Spike's sire. Angel is supposed to have a special relationship with his sire and his sirelings, but he doesn't have that with Spike. S2 spends quite a bit of time on the history between Angel and Dru but nothing about Angel and Spike.


"the one thing that annoyed me about this episode was riley..." HAHA! So true... but i personally think it was supposed to show that buffy made an error and a crappy vampire got lucky... it wasnt because the vamp was special or anything, hence why riley staked him. and it reinforces what spike was saying, "its not about the punch you didnt throw or the kick you missed..." etc... love this episode soooo much


This is one of the best episodes, without question. Right up there with Lovers Walk, another Spike-centric ep (noticing a pattern here lol) I've been eagerly awaiting your reaction to this one, and you didn't disappoint! ❤


an episode dedicated to showing more Spike scenes >>>>>>>>>> I love this episode so so much, knowing the history of Spike was so heartbreaking to me (I just wanted to curl up in my bed and sob for Spike), and at least for me it shows you why Spike acts the way he does. I love that you put the scar and jacket info together cuz i was too excited watching this episode the 1st viewing I missed it completely. Spuffy scene at the end 😭,was so good. As always you da best!

Cheyne Johnson

The punk vampire wasn't anything special and that's why it was easy for Riley. The vamp just had his really good day while fighting Buffy. It's like what Spike said, it just takes one of them to have a real good day.

Brendan O'Connor

Spike did have a reputation for being tough, it's probably been hurt in the last few years due to not killing Buffy after so many tries, the chip in his head, and actually working with Buffy. Angelus has never killed a slayer, but he revels in human fear and suffering. We don't know half the things he did before the curse, but enough word has gotten around that he's practically a rockstar in the vampire community.


I think it comes down to what Spike said -- the chip doesn't go off if he genuinely has no intention of hurting someone. So the fact that he aimed at Buffy without the chip going off is a sign that he never had any intent of hurting her.


wooow i love this episode, i can watch it so many times, is very hipnotic, Great reaction as always :D

Timotey Kuhn

(running commentary on your commentary)... Yayy you on getting the "Choo-choo!!" bit... LOLS

Timotey Kuhn

(cont)... Awwwwwww.......so sweet to see you all protective-like of William when those nasty prigs were taking shots at him & his poetry.. ;)

Timotey Kuhn

(16:22) Brilliant South Park level save to a brutal , dagger to the heart situation... ;) :P

Alexis Cardarella

LOVE this episode. Spike backstory and arc for one. To try to answer your question: I think Spike is technically able to point a weapon with intent, but he would have to somehow make it through that intense amount of pain the chip is supposed to inflict neurologically. Before, with that fake toy gun, he was caught off guard by it/no way prepared for pain. And, also, I too found it annoying that the gang was being so nonchalant while patrolling. The only theory I have is maybe Riley caught them hanging out and asked them last minute, and they happened to be high.. idfk. That, or they know he's physically capable to really take charge and be the primary fighter?

Alexis Cardarella

The talking and chips were just.. yeah, no other reason other than they had to be high.


Not many people know this, but his name is actually Anne Jealous.


I downloaded it. It didn't work like most of the other videos do: streaming I guess.


Isnt he saying “dance” as in fight, and saying like “i know you wanna fight me, you’ve got the death wish and I could give it to you” and buffys like “maybe I do want that peace, but I’ll never let it be you, your beneath me”... BUT OBVIOUSLY we know spike loves buffy and so theres a double meaning where he wants to have the “lovers dance” with her *wink wink*


Yeah I took it as, he knows what to expect and prepare for that pain. Plus shot gun; he wouldnt have to be especially accurate... torso or headshot would do it lol, and given his reflexes and vampire eyesight, i recon he could raise the gun and fire before passing out from chip-pain lol... but even before he see’s buffy crying, he’s hesitating... awe


Haha any Spike centred episode is gold! And goes in my fav pile haha... episodes gotta utterly break and crush my heart; make my laugh my ass off; or be spike centred to make my top list haha


I always loved thatthey took the time to give slike’s backstory, and show how he got his Slayer trophies... I love how we see he was a good, kind man, with a big heart who wrote poetry... and how he forced himself to be different after turning, and had to try and be bad to impress Dru (who is a total daddys girl, ergh!) and to try and one up angelus and be considered a valid member of the “gang”

Vincent Valentin

One of my favorite episodes from this season and the show really. The on;y reason its not my absolute favorite is freaking Riley.

Richard Lucas

I think the point of the episode was that there wasn’t anything special about that vampire. He just had ‘one good day’ in that battle against Buffy. But showing Riley taking him down showed that the vamp wasn’t special, and it certainly wasn’t saying Riley was a better fighter than Buffy. It was saying that sometimes the bad guys get lucky. Note also that Spike was losing the first slayer battle until that explosion right outside distracted her. Spike clearly got lucky that it happened at just that moment, but then he took advantage of that luck to turn the tide.

Jon Dub

lol love how Shan asks "Where is Spike's white hair?". They didnt have Platinum blonde hair dye in the 19th century :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 13:09:41 For some reason, this episode & S5E2 "For Real" won't let me watch. It says "we are unable to preview this file". Watching it requires that I download it first which will take almost 40 minutes. What's up with that?
2018-07-02 20:16:08 For some reason, this episode & S5E2 "For Real" won't let me watch. It says "we are unable to preview this file". Watching it requires that I download it first which will take almost 40 minutes. What's up with that?

For some reason, this episode & S5E2 "For Real" won't let me watch. It says "we are unable to preview this file". Watching it requires that I download it first which will take almost 40 minutes. What's up with that?

Jean Olenick

You raise a lot of good points. Buffy knows how she died and that she slipped up the other night, but she wants more info so she can figure out common denominators. An anvil is a tool used by a blacksmith to forge and shape weapons. TThe sword thing: Buffy fought Angelus with a sword at the end of season 2. As for the evil reputations, Spike is a warrior. Angelus was a torturer and manipulator. There is honor in being a warrior, but Angelus' approach is pure evil... and cowardly when you think about it, since he prefers to go for victims who can't fight back or don't stand a chance. Spike has more of an "honored adversary" thing going on. That's how he regards Slayers and kind of how (I think) the Watcher's Council views him.