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I needed to make this.

please watch.





Einar Sigurðsson

I think most of us support you and respect your opinions. You continue doing you, and we will continue being supportive and eager to watch your reactions! It is good that you have moderators now to help with the cleaning up in case someone spoils (or accidentally spoils a character's name like this idiot here)

Timotey Kuhn

Well.......being one of those people who have been "enthusiatically" taking people to task for spoiling things for you, I will apologise to you personally if any of my ranting has made things uncomfortable for you. That is absolutely the last thing that I want. I sincerely hope that between what you initially put up on Buffy S5 E5 and now this, that people will finally clue in how important it is not to spoil you for this and how much rancor they can create when they don't pay attention.


So sorry that things are getting stressful and uncomfortable for you. Buffy and Angel are great shows with hige followings and everybody really enjoys sharing your first watch of the series, seeing your reactions and hearing your thoughts. Its supposed to be a fun experience with this show, and I hope as a community we can get our act together and make it fun again instead of stressful! Keep up the great work - i look forward to the BtVS and ATS vids every week! Xx

Hans Olav

It was smart to make this video. There were a lot of this when Torchwoodboy did his reactions and thats sad. Better to try to stop it so you can enjoy the show. <3


By the way I know you have been going through a hard time so if you need any help editing your reactions let me know. I've had a few years experience with Sony Vegas so I know how to go about the editing. Let me know, it's no fuss. :)


Who knew that watching a 20 year old TV show could be so stressful?


People's intentions are not bad, I think they're trying to help you out especially when saying "Dawn will be explained soon." they see you confused and they want to help you out. But in reality a new viewer as we once were, does not know what comes next and it should stay that way. I understand people don't think certain stuff are spoilers but to me and obviously to you it is a spoiler. I'm sorry that this happened. I feel bad for you and the few commentors who have spoiled stuff, it's all a misunderstanding. But it's better to clear the air now because I'm sure the spoilers would have gotten worse as time progressed.


You gave the best advice: "You focus on you". If everyone would do that, things would be much better.

Thomas Hansen

Speaking of spoilers, I'd love it if people didn't try to preview upcoming episodes with comments like "the next one is great/bad/a favorite/a crossover/the worst/whatever"

Jon Dub


Nancy Nicolai

These shows are supposed to fun & I'm sorry you're feeling stressed but for all of the ppl who feel they have to police each other about the shows they love its supposed to be fun and when they argue it just brings stress and sadness but as my Grandmother used to say if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all so don't read that stuff and please try to just continue to have fun bc I know we fans can be very passionate sometimes and have a great weekend!!!🌞💜✌


Well said! I hear you. I just watch you SPN videos, and I often do say something to a commentor who leaves a spoiler. I try to be polite about it, but it can turn into an "discussion" on what makes a spoiler. I know that I have left some in the past, before I learned about what makes a statement a spoiler. I'll respect your wishes on this. I am really glad you have moderators now. For SPN too, I hope. These shows are so much richer when you can watch them without knowing what's coming. Is this video on YT too?

Paul Gibson

this is exactly what I wante you too say :)


That's really sweet and thoughtful, it's just hard to get new editors as some episodes need to be heavily edited whereas others like Buffyverse can have almost full scenes in them.

Chris Peacock

We could always do them all. The next episode is my favorite in the series. It's so horrible. I can't believe they brought in all those characters from Angel. I just wish a few characters from Angel had been in it. Most fans consider it at worst a top 5 episode. I can't believe they released this trash. WHATEVER!


Ive always said, the reactor is in control. The only way viewers know what is OK and not is with good communication. I follow a Dr Who reactor who does the same extensive no-spoiler speech every single week, and its working for him, so as tedious as it sounds I think maybe you could link out to a no-spoilers policy video at the start of youtube reactions or something or it might not stick?