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Angel S02E07 - Darla FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Chris Peacock

This isn't canon, just fan theory, but most fans agree that the reason our main vampires seem to be so much stronger than your average vampire is because they are of the master's line. The real reason is of course plot armor, but the fan reason does make perfect sense.

Chris Peacock

We never learn Darla's name. Drusilla's real name is Drusilla. (And if your were joking about wanting to know this spoiler it's your own fault. lol)

Jon Dub

Some non canon books had Darla's original name as Rebekah, and the Master's name as Heinrich Nest. Canon wise it is never revealed though.


such a great episode! no word on what Darla's original name was throughout the rest of the show sadly... but Drusilla has always been Drusilla - thats her real name... I always wondered by she never ended up with another name... like Spike and Angelus did.

Chris Peacock

Most vampires keep their old names. Darla only changed because The Master renamed her. As for William and Liam, they both changed it for personal reasons. Spike to prove a point. Angelus to be a point. As for The Master himself. The Master was more of a title, not a name change. I'm sure nobody was calling him The Master until he was already very old. And for the other somewhat major vampire with a name change. The Annoying One was also a title. His name was still Collin.


True! All valid points (and yes I almost said his name too but disnt just incase I was mistaken haha!) It just seemed to me like an Aurelian family tradition at this point lol, everyone changes their names to sound more badass or mysterious lol! What would Dru’s new name be (hypothetically of course) I imagine ot would be something silly or sweet haha, maybe “Princess Starlight” 😂 or maybe something blaspemous or hinting at her visions and thrall abilities?

Chris Peacock

Yeah. I edited to put in Angel's human name, Liam, since I checked and it was said in The Prodigal. His father calls him Liam. Anyway, Princess Starlight is probably the exact name she'd have. lol. Or maybe Edith. I always kind of felt like her doll Miss Edith was an extension of her. That said. Princess Starlight is better.


Its funny but now that you mention their human names (William and Liam) I just realize that they had the same name as humans....Liam is an Irish form of William. Maybe another reason that Angel and Spike don't get along (subconsciously), they probably don't want to be compared.


I love the little bits of continuity they use in both shows. If you go back to Buffy season 1 episode 7 (Angel), when Angel sees Darla again after a long time he comments: "What’s with the Catholic schoolgirl look? Last time I saw you it was kimonos." Now we know why he said that........ #whedonversecontinuityisawesome

Craig Evans

According to the Wiki, Darla's original name is forgotten. Which kinda sucks. This is also the 1st episode, I think, that makes reference to the vampire foursome of Angle, Darla, Spike, & Dru as "The Whirlwind".


Never realised! After all this time! Sooo clever how the writers have done that


I thought darla and angelus were called the whirlwind? And the four of them were the scourge of europe?


Agreed! I know they had no big plans for either darla or the master, but i wish a little forthought went into show darla as more of a badass, and less of a whiney vamp. She acted like a minion in s1, and she most definitely was not a minion lol


I love this episode, and it makes sense that Angel would try to go back to his old life with Darla since it is what he'd known for so long. But the fact that he couldn't commit to it shows he was already on the path to being a hero.

Chris Peacock

I'll agree that Darla was wasted in season 1, but The Master actually killed Buffy. Who else can say they did that? If Xander hadn't revived Buffy, The Master wins. Period. His lack of development is more to do with it being a 12 episode season. They didn't have time. Percentage wise he covered at least as much ground as Angelus and The Mayor. The Master was in 6 season 1 episodes. So 50%. Angelus was in 9 episodes of season 2 or 41%. He had the added benefit of getting some development as Angel. The Mayor was in 11 episodes of season 3 so again 50% and he also had a few mentions before he appeared to hype him up. So The Master really did pretty much do just as much with what he had to work with. As for compairing him to the other Big Bads, season 4's (it's not Adam) was in every single episode so 100%. The Beast has so far been in 2 out of 7 so too early to tell and I can't comment on the season 6 and 7 ones yet. I guess my whole point is that in a 22 episode season The Master would have been more of a character. For that matter so would Darla. Angel would not have been episode 7. It would have been the fall finale. So probably about episode 12. Darla could have made more of an impact with 5 whole more episodes of potential appearances. She probably wouldn't have been in all 5, but I'll guess her season 1 total jumps from 3 total up to 5 or 6. Still not enough to truly develop her, but enough to match The Annoying One at least. lol.


I love it when he grabs the baby and jumps out the window.


It was more than that, his acting was sort of cheesy super 90s, like that scene when he's yelling in joy in the cave. It was definitely lacking development but its understandable


Between vampire diaries and true blood I forget that vampire blood doesn’t just always heal everyone.

Chris Peacock

It was pretty 90’s, but it also was the 90’s.


No The Scourge of Europe is Angelus' nickname. The Whirlwind is the four of them as a group.

Chris Peacock

Ahh. True Blood. Now theirs a show that came in with a bang and left with a whimper. I did love it for 3 seasons though.

Richard Lucas

I feel that Adam WAS the big bad of season 4 Buffy, and there’s canonical evidence I could point to to back that up, but I feel I can’t state it here. The real surprise is who is considered canon-wise as the big bad of season 2, but again I feel I can’t point out the proof.

Richard Lucas

I thought they made some serious errors in the final season, but I thought 4-6 of True Blood had lots to value. I hope After Show Reactions watches the show some day.

Timotey Kuhn

Geez.....It's just all about Spike with you, isn't it? Even in an episode that has nothing to do with him.... LOLZ.... ;) :P

Chris Peacock

I still liked 4-6, just not loved anymore. 7 was bad. My biggest problem with 4-6 was a certain character who was also in 1-3, but this character went downhill for me. I had other huge problems with 5, but I can't talk about it, since I also want her to someday get to True Blood. Unless she has already seen it of course.

Michael Roach

All these years later and that warped, tortured, sadistic little family still fascinates me so much...Darla, Angel, Drusilla, Spike. I love them all. So much depth and treachery and each actor is just...perfect for their roles, that's why it works so well. Maybe Joss's greatest creation.

Fly on the Wall (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 13:09:31 I just use Dangel because I ship them together regardless if he's Angel or Angelus. I love me some Angel and Darla. <3
2018-12-20 15:02:41 I just use Dangel because I ship them together regardless if he's Angel or Angelus. I love me some Angel and Darla. <3

I just use Dangel because I ship them together regardless if he's Angel or Angelus. I love me some Angel and Darla. <3