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Hey Guys, what's going on?

As the month rolls up and it comes up to paying for Patreon a bunch of people have just deleted their pledges...again. (This also applies to changing their pledges last second from 7 to 2).

Like, I really don't want to be one to complain about this stuff as I feel uncomfortable just talking about it but like, I don't understand.

People pledge in order to see content and support me which is amazing. I'm not sure if it's entirely well known but I don't have a job at the moment (there are none in my area) and Patreon pays monthly.

To live safely as an adult in my area, you need to be making about $2,000 a month -which I'm not exactly asking for don't get me wrong. But I feel absolutely cheated that a bunch of people have just pledged money to see content and when it comes to paying, they've just removed their pledges. I want to let it be known that I can see who does this and if it keeps happening, I will be forced to block the users doing so as it's unfair on both me and other Patrons.

I don't do this for the money - let me make that clear. But I want you to know I live in a house with just me and my dad who can't work as he has hurt himself in the workforce and there are no jobs around to help me look after him. (This is something I've never stated before).

I would like to be able to support myself and him and be able to say I make a stable amount of money but am unable to do so if people just remove their pledges when it comes time for the bill. It's literally like the people that do this are dining and dashing (eating the food then leaving without paying for the food they ate); It's not fair. If you don't have the money to pledge - then I ask you please don't do it just to see the content.

I want people to pledge because they feel like supporting me and the channel not because they get extra perks, which are great and a bonus but I don't want people doing it just for that.

I always feel uncomfortable talking about this subject and I'm sorry if I have made anybody uncomfortable by doing so, that was not my intention.

Thank you to those of you who have stuck around throughout all of this, you guys are the stars here. I am ever so grateful to be able to make this content for you guys as you make it all worth it. I appreciate all of you.


Einar Sigurðsson

I am so sorry this is happening to you. You do not deserve this treatment, and I suggest you block these people


That seriously sucks. Those people are thieves. I would definitely block them from ever trying to sign up again.


I've had to put campaigns on pause before. And that may happen again at some point. But saying you're going to do something and then not doing it is another story that sucks and I'm sorry


So this totally sucks. You might already be aware of this and if so just ignore, but I'm supporting a few other creators as well and it seems that there's always a dropoff of patreons at the start of each month either because of people gaming the system, but also because of credit cards expiring or being denied for some reason and those people need to manually fix their issue which can take a few days. There’s also apparently a beta feature for patreon where a creator can charge up front for the initial pledge instead of the beginning of next month and I don’t know if that feature is available to you, if not it might be worth looking into and asking patreon about. <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-How-do-I-get-it-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-How-do-I-get-it-</a>

Hannah Grangaard Gaudesen

That's so unfair that people do that, I'm sorry. I've been thinking of becoming a patron of yours for a while but wasn't sure, but this convinced me. People can be ***holes and you don't deserve that. So I wanna support you, because I love your videos and appreciate all the time you take to make them for us!


Sorry that happened. Your the fourth creator I’m supporting and I’ve never once ever thought about doing that to any creator. Some people will always cheat the system unfortunately. Hopefully you can block those individuals and you pick up more people this month. Love your content, just keep your chin up it will get better.


You're right. It is the same as dine-n-dash. Too bad your reactions attract so many low quality trash people.


if there is a way to know who they are. report them. this fraud. are they able to see the content when at $2? if so, remove the option. also if possible: ban those individuals... they are abusing the system and should also be reported. they are exploiting Patreon.


It is amazing that Patreon don't force people to pay up front. Don't most subscription services do that?

Jason Burns

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. These assholes obviously don't care how much work you put in to your channel. Don't worry too much, your reactions are so awesome and enjoyable to watch that I'm sure you will gain many fans who will appreciate you and want to support you. I'm hoping you get so many you won't even notice these garbage people cheating the system. Thanks so much for what you do.


Yeah don't bother warning now. Just block. It's not even subtle cheating is it?

Alexis Cardarella

This is an incredibly stupid system that needs fixed. I myself was even confused and didn’t read the fine print clearly and thought they charged you the first of every month FOR that month itself. Which kind of goes against the whole “pledge” concept.. I was having a pretty dumb moment. But surely other people know this? There has to be a way to keep people from cheating you guys. People forget to update their card (I did that once!)/run out of money, but if that carelessness becomes consistent, it is CHEATING. Switching your pledge and canceling are far to easy for ass holes to do. Honor systems obviously do NOT hold up for this!

Alexis Cardarella

Ah, I see why I was confused. The Normies, which was the first patreon I pledged to or w/e, does pre-charge for the month.


it's a shame people take advantage of your hard working content. i just wanna say people can suck and unfortunately until Patreon can really fix problems like this, it will continue to happen but i hope you can stay positive and know you have real pledges that will continue to support you. I honestly don't even think you know how incredible of a reactor you are i truly believe in upcoming months you will gain many more true pledges cuz you are that great. I've never had a Patreon before or I've never even subscribed to anything on Youtube before until i saw your reactions, that's how amazing of a reactor i think you are. Stay positive, i know i will for you


wow people are so cheap honestly. Am definitely sticking around to support and enjoy your content. Take care!

Tammy L. Faulkner

I'm broke and I still pledge... I know I enjoy your videos more than most of the actual shows you watch and that to me is more than worth the few dollars I got. If I was able to I'd pledge way more. I gave myself a budget each month that involves Patreon... And I split that budget between you, Torchwood Boy, DakaraJane and JayPerView. My reason is because I am loyal and dedicated. If I love something I stay with it. Ppl who who start something and quit before its time to pay should just not start in the first place. I get it if someone has trouble paying and maybe an issue will developed with the payment, but multiple times RIGHT BEFORE its time to pay...? No, I think not. I hope your able to get what you need and find a job your in need of and want. Or, if people could just pledge and stay with it... Well, I sure as heck would LOVE to see your reactions become your full time job. 3,5... Or so videos a day of seeing your eyes just POP whenever something unforeseen happens😆 that would be awesome👍 JK... Sorta... Anyways. I hope your feeling better and can't wait to see those eyes POP to the unforeseen soon😊

David Lally

THe only people you make "uncomfortable" are scamming asshats, mate. I'd love to offer more, but between jobs myself, so things are damn tight, plus recently moved hose. Love your content, b wish i could afford more, but reality is, barely getting by. Your reactins are awesome, and hope to offer more when i can afford to. At least i'm no scammer. Sorry this shit happens, but the only ones this should affect is scammers, so screw them. Look after you. Wishing the best


1 of them might be me and I literally have no Idea what's going on because I pledge to 2 People and 2-3 Times my Pledges have been deleted and/or couldn't be payed through PayPal....


It also might be a good Idea to write somewhere that Patreon doesn't pre-charge where it can be seen immediately after pledging because apparently that seems to be written somewhere and I have never read that anywhere... (I'm pretty blind to stuff like that if I'm being honest but apparently I'm not the only one...) I feel pretty guilty now because I have pledged for 1-2 Days before and then canceled because I often forget to and normally switch between different Channels because I can only pledge to 2 People per Month and want to help more than that but can't :(


Floatplane ... ?

Ryuichi Yasuda

I am very sorry this still keeps happening X( After all that trouble with Youtube and here it is again... I have no idea if this will help, but in case of unpaid overwork at a company, it is critical to keep detailed record of what had happened and how much work was dismissed by the company. This won't be an immediate solution, but I would suggest you keep all the data regarding pledges and patrons, numbers and changes, and earnings you should've not lost over a period of time (preferably in uneditable form), so that you can prove to Patron or whoever else appropriate when there comes a chance for you to claim the issue. My pledge is a tiny bit, but I will always be on your side.

Diego Barrera

Just curious, how come other creators can bill automatically and you can't? Does it depend on amount of patrons or some other factor? Just want to help you out because I love your content!