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Hey guys,

Just wanted to make a post to update you on my situation at the moment. When I went to Supanova I got a virus and have been sick since. Luckily before I went, I had recorded the upcoming week of reactions (aside from Supernatural) I wanted to wake up the day after and react to Supernatural and I ended up actually not being able to speak. 

I have lost my voice like 3 times over the past week. I have been coughing every day since. This weeks worth of reactions have not been recorded and I'm not prepared to record while coughing and pretty much just being sick in a video as I've made a vow to give you guys the best content I can supply.

I was hoping that I'd be better by today, but unfortunately I'm still having coughing fits which means videos will most likely be late this week. I feel like I'm letting you all down by doing this but as soon as I'm well, I will continue - I promise. I love my shows and have been aching to watch them since coming back from Supanova.

I apologise greatly as it may upset you that I'm taking so long to react to certain episodes and some of which are the ending of two-parters but I can't help it much. I don't get sick often like this, I have a pretty good immune system so this is frustrating as hell. I just hope you can all be as patient as I am being as even I'm getting a little impatient waiting to feel better as I want to not only watch my shows, but INFINITY WAR came out and I can't even see it until I'm well again - a movie I have been anticipating for years! :(

TLDR; I am sick, when I am better (which should be soon) I will continue to upload ASAP even if it means 4 Supernatural episodes on one day or something like that.

Sorry for the inconvenience. 


Paul Gibson

Get well soon don't rush back your health more important than a few videos


Just focus on getting better, the videos can wait. We'll just want them all that much more by the time you get back on your feet and start posting them!


Rushing back will just keep the cycle going. Rest up and wait to react till your 100%. And if it helps I find that hot tea with honey in it for a few days always helped get my voice back when I used to sing a ton.


There's a really bad virus going around where I live and it hits hard. I got it and was off work for 2 whole weeks, then took a couple more weeks before fully getting over it. Hope you feel better soon and get lots of rest.

Michael Roach

Get well soon. React when you feel well again, we can wait as long as it takes.

Chris Peacock

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Stay off the internet so you don't get spoiled on Avengers.

Timotey Kuhn

You are not letting anyone down in any way whatsoever. Anyone decent, at least. Anyone who gives you a hard time about not having videos out at a certain point needs to have their ears boxed and their eyes poked. Focus entire;y on getting completely better before you start up another video. We Patreons will still be here for you once you're well.

Alexis Cardarella

Sad you haven’t been feeling well :(. Take care of yourself! 💓


Like the others have said, it's more important to get better than to rush back to make reaction videos. We'll still be here when you are back to feeling healthy.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Aawww... Sweetie, your not letting anyone down. We will still be here when your ready. Hope you get get well soon.


Take care and get well! You have some great Angel and Buffy episodes to look forward to when you're better :D