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With still being sick, I thought it'd be a good idea to do a Arrow or Agents Of SHIELD week for you guys to make up for the lack of reactions (sorry again guys).

I created a poll for twitter for either Agents or Arrow but I decided they're both recorded so might as well do both.

I only have up to episode 18 of Agents of SHIELD edited and ready (the remainder of the season is in a messy folder still waiting to be edited when I have time).

So come MONDAY - I'll upload 5 Arrow & 4 Agents of SHIELD episodes to Patreon and will be released daily on YouTube.

If I have time to edit the rest of Agents, I'll do the extra episode but this is what I can do with what I have at the moment. 

Hope you guys enjoy and I hope you're not too upset about missing TVD, SPN, BUFFY and ANGEL. I'll get back to them when I am well, I promise!

ALSO I LOVE YOU GUYS! (maybe I'll have a week specifically for those shows one day like a Supernatural week or a Buffy week).




Buffy verse week yes please. Feel better dear


:( Hope you'll get better soon. Could you tell us how many Angel episodes there will be relative to Buffy episodes in the next batch, please? You have all the good stuff coming up, and I am curious about which order you are watching the shows.

Elisa Ingo

SUPERNATURAL week would be amazing (when you're feeling better). It feels like forever since we've had an episode! For now though, get some rest and take care of yourself.


Because it has been ages, and I'm missing it so much! It's just frustrating because I was starting to get better and then something else caused me to get side effects from my antibiotics :(


Thanks :) just take care of yourself and don't push too much. Everyone knows how it is when they're sick. That being said hype for Arrow reactions.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Too bad you already know Charmed or I'd be begging for a Charmed marathon reaction week😄 drink lots of fluids and eat lightly... Stay warm if its cold and get plenty of rest. We need our wide eyed reactions, but we, more than anything, need you to get better😊

Katherine Thoreson

Sending good thoughts your way. I hope you feel better soon. 🙂

Chris Peacock

Arrow and agents week sounds good. Buffy and Angel are my main series with you, but I’ve been enjoying the others as well. Even if all you had was TVD, which I’m not watching, it’d be all good. The shows will still be here when you get better. Get well.

Ryuichi Yasuda

Getting 4 Shield episodes out is so much more than I was expecting considering, and to me, already feels like I'll get 2 more extra this week, so there is no need for another extra episode :) I feel super shitty when I get sick for days. Times like that, I binge Friends for laughs, Unbreakably Kimmy for undefeatable optimism, watch Truman Show for hopes and warmth. And Mean Girls. Yes I know I'm a guy, but that doesn't stop me from appreciate Tina Fey's genius :) Get well soon.