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Right, so there are three types of Wraith, the queens, the leaders, and the soldiers. The leaders have long hair, while the soldiers are bald and you normally never see their faces. So that's where the bald human wraith came from. Being disposable soldiers, most of them died, so they are a minority of the converted Wraith. Michael was a leader, but his hair was cut in order to pretend he was an Atlantis soldier. That wasn't necessary with the others.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Ok so I guess I'm in the minority thinking that changing a species at the DNA level is fucked up NO. MATTER. the cause ...Changing them into humans ...Cause for some reason we think we're better or that cause it's war it's ok to do it ....But also changing them into humans meaning we're changing them into food.. We're changing them into US. and then immediately sending them to their deaths ...Yeah sure that's fine too ...Ok ...I just lost another tiny bit of my remaining faith in humanity 2. Aight.. Nitpicking time!! ...Atlantis just engaged their cloaking device rendering the city invisible ...HOWEVER. ...The city is floating on the ocean ...Even if it's invisible ...You'd STILL. be able to see a massive city sized "hole" in the water where Atlantis is located ....Sadly we don't get to see the city from that angle but I bet it looks stupid as shit Basically Atlantis in this situation: "You think they can see us???" Wraith looking stoically as FUCK.: "Oh geez... I wonder where they are" ...looks at the Atlantis shaped hole in the water 3. Soooooo... Teyla's solution to helping Michael is to have him once AGAIN! undergo the treatment to making him human ...With the side-effect that it would erase his memory ...Change him into someone else ...We're not just talking about turning a species into something that we deem better (really getting some Nazi vibes here) ...Nah... We're also talking about taking away someone's self ...Their whole personality ...Why am I the only one who thinks this is fucked up??? ...That there SHOULD. be a better way... A more "humane" way for lack of a better word for it 4. So they just turned 200 Wraith into humans ...Put them all in a camp (The Nazi comparisons just keep on coming) ...And now they're lying to them JUST. LIKE. they did to Michael ....Have we learned NOTHING??? 5. Turns out not everything is as it seems in Wraithwitz ...The guy who was catching on to Sheppards plan just ended up "dying from a fall"? ....Perhaps Michael and some of the others are already remembering more than we are led to believe ...Yeah... We shouldn't have had these people walking around unguarded ...Given that Beckett was still trying to figure out a stable solution for his Master Race Drug you'd think you'd want to make sure that you can keep an eye on everyone 6. Wait what??? Those are fingerprints on that gate behind you?? I was under the impression it was the reflection off of one of your monitors 7. Michael threatening Beckett: "How many years of your life must I take from you before you tell me what I want to know" ....Interesting ...Whoever wrote this episode took the words uttered by the Wraith Hive Queen from 1x02 and just slightly altered them ....It appears Michael was gonna be the first male queen for a moment 8. I suppose the Wraith who are still transitioning back from their human form are easier to beat cause yeah you're right ...We've been shown before that fighting an actual Wraith wasn't THIS. easy ...Teyla just snapped that guys neck without any issue 9. Nuke doesn't go off ....Turns out Michael deactivated it? .....Welp.... How incredibly convenient for all these Wraith prisoners on that planet that Michael (a former Wraith) is somehow knowledgeable in Earth technology meaning he's capable to disable our nuke 10. It's kinda weird to see such difference in appearance in this group of human form Wraiths .....As we've seen until now ...Whenever we've seen a Wraith they were pretty much always played by the same handful of actors ....I suppose we're moving on from that with Season 3 ...Perhaps it's cause they introduced Michael ...Who ofcourse had to be played by a more recognisable actor to make him stand out a bit more ...Which in turn meant that apparently not all Wraith look alike anymore 11. Yeah this is definitely not ok ...Sheppard just ordered to bomb the camp from orbit ...Beckett says there are still humans down there ....Ronon says they've just become casualties of war .....HOW. in the FUCK. are we the good guys here?!?? ....Like.... Imagine this taking place on Earth ...Some bad guys have taken over a small town and there's NO. way in ...They HAVE. to be taken out for SOME. reason and so we decide to bomb the town to hell ...KNOWING. FULL. WELL. that there are still innocent people in that town ....You can NOT. tell me with a serious face.. That THAT. is the right decision to make ...We are truly committing some massive war crimes in the Pegasus galaxy 12. And apparently Woolsey wrote in his report that it was Weir who ordered Sheppard to fire on the camp ....That's not only a lie... But it's also implicating Weir to having committed a war crime ......I don't care if it were Wraith down there ...There were also innocent people still down there who hadn't transitioned back ...IT. IS. WRONG.!!!