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I love that Daniel was the one sticking up for Vala and advocating for her to be able to stay. It wasn't only the comments he made to General Landry. At the end of the episode, Mitchell tells Vala (in a sorta cold way) that she isn't a part of SG-1 and to not "screw up". Daniel then gives Mitchell a facial expression basically telling Mitchell to be more welcoming which causes Mitchell to change his tone and follow up with a "Welcome aboard". Vala even acknowledged it in the episode when she was telling that psychologist guy that, for the first time in her life, she's met someone who actually believes in her. (Referring to Daniel) Even though he still finds her annoying at times, it's still a beautiful contrast from last season where Daniel was dying to get rid of her.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. You are wondering why the Ori Rings and the Ancient Rings (for lack of a better name) would even connect since they are made by different people ...I'm assuming that due to their origin the technology is similar enough that it just works ...But you pose an interesting question though ...Considering the Ori hate the Ancients ...Why wouldn't they have had some sort of firewall installed into their ring software that would prevent a lock to be established ....Easy answer is probably "writing" ....Cause if there WAS. something in place to prevent a lock ...Then Daniel would NOT. have been able to use the rings and board the Ori ship ...Daniel would've been dead .......Again 2. Y'know Froots ...Sometimes you meet someone ...And you hang out with them every day and talk shit and perhaps get on eachothers nerves a bit ...But when it comes down to it you have eachothers back cause you believe they're capable of doing great things even when they themselves sometimes have their doubts .........I'm ofcourse talking about Daniel sticking up for Vala ...What?? Who did you think I was talking about Froot Loop? 3. You were wondering why we haven't seen Dr. Lam and are instead dealing with this random guy. I looked it up and it appears Lexa Doig was pregnant with her and Michael Shanks 2nd kid around the time Season 10 was shooting/released. She was most likely dealing with all of that so that means she didn't have much time to work. 4. You: "It's kinda funny that this is the episode I get when I've been feeling sleepy for the past 3 days" ....Yeeeaaah.. Froots... Have you've been going off-world lately? Visited this village perhaps? 5. I feel like they SHOULDN'T have used Woolsey to trick Vala into spying on the SGC ...They should've use some other actor ....Given we've seen Woolsey around quite a fair bit now he's somewhat become to appear as someone we CAN. trust ...To see him in this episode trying to convince Vala into doing something that would basically go against his pre-established character ....It was kinda obvious that it was a test to see what Vala would do 6. Hazmat team comes in (even though Mitchell told Landry it would probably just put more people at risk) and Carter is trying to tell them they can't go to sleep ....They put her in a pod before she can even finish explaining what's going on .....Eeehhmmm... Rude.. Let her finish speaking! ...She might have vital information that could help! ...You: "I don't like that they didn't listen to her at all" ...YEAH! ...The FUCK!!?! ....But also ...Why didn't SG-1 keep the SGC updated on their progress?? ...The SGC COULD. have dialed in every 30 minutes or whatever to stay on top of progress ...But nah ...This hazmat team comes in and apparently doesn't know shit about shit ...All this drama could have been avoided if they'd communicate a bit better ...But... I do suppose in hindsight that if the hazmat team HADN'T shown up ...SG-1 would be dead ...Soooooo... shrug 7. Sooooo... Vala is now part of the SGC... NOT. SG-1 ...She's gonna have to prove herself ...This is gonna be chaos ...I like chaos ...Let's go!