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Topher 😃

I swear I had something to say. I really must make notes.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. In the tradition of you skipping notes and me repeating them so that you read it ...A note from 2x20 ..Coincidentally ...AGAIN... The week we're talking about beaming a building into space.. We also posted the episode of SG-1 where that event happened 2. Oh yeah... You're right... The gate next to you is getting duller ....Let's see if in a week's time you've put in the effort of trying to find some new batteries ...Or maybe you can find a ZPM instead ...I think the odds of that are almost as likely to happen ..Smirk 3. Odd... There's a bunch of 302's going up against Wraith Darts ...All of them are occupied by 2 pilots ...Except for the one Sheppard is flying ...He's piloting his 302 solo ...Couldn't find an extra to fill the seat behind him? ....Also... The Wraith ship's sensor isn't detecting a foreign object attached to the hull? (Sheppard's 302) ...Convenient 4. You suggest that instead of having Weir step through the gate she just has the conversation with the IOA over a video call ....But... What I imagine is probably a long video call cause they're diplomats ...They talk a lot ...So it would probably mean it would take up a lot of power for Atlantis to dial to Earth ...We're not really told how much power it takes out of a ZPM to dial Earth ...Maaaaaaybe it's smarter for Weir to step through the gate ...Or maybe you're right ...Maybe they COULD have the whole meeting over a video call ....Slight inconvenience for Weir having to go through the gate I suppose cause now she'll have to spend 3 weeks going back to Atlantis 5. In the mean time ....While Weir is away ...Apparently Teyla is high ranked enough to take over command of Atlantis ....Cause nobody from Earth is qualified more I guess? ...Oh well... I guess it gives Teyla a moment to show off her leadership skills 6. Ok.... Incredibly convenient that Michael for SOME. reason has all of Ronon and McKay's gear in his living quarters ....Not sure why that's a thing ...But sure... Sheppard was able to reach someone inside the ship who apparently all of a sudden has a change of heart 7. McKay presents a question ...What would be worse? ...Getting your life sucked out by a Wraith or being burned alive ....I think I'd go with the Wraith option ....Burning alive will hurt a lot and there's no telling how long it would take to die ....Getting your life sucked out by a Wraith would prooooobably last just a few seconds (as we've seen them do to people so far) and then you'd pass out / die from old age I imagine ....Sooo yeah... Definitely Option 1 ...Just get it over with quick 8. Welp... So much for The Orion ....We used a perfectly good name on a ship that we barely even got to use ...Goodbye Captain's Chair ...Goodbye cool looking 180 degree viewscreen ...Goodbye drone weapons ...Goodbye friendship with that one group of people that we loaned this ship from cause ...Y'know... That probably won't go over well if they find out we got their ship blown up 9. I was wondering what movie Sheppard was referencing to have watched that got him the idea of latching his 302 onto the Wraith ship ....Apparently it was Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back where they latched the Millenium Falcon to an Empire ship or whatever I dunno.. Never seen it... I don't care about Star Wars ...But I guess that answers my question 10. Aight... So the female Wraith are immune to the gas somehow and yeah that SHOULD. have been the moment they ended the episode... The moment she turned around and grabbed Major Lorne ...NOT on a random conversation afterwards ...But I guess for some reason they had to turn this 2 parter (2x20 / 3x01) into a 3 parter