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hey Shannan how are you doing ? i hope you`re well , i finally caught up with your Stargate reactions and am excited to watch along with you from here, i loved your reactions and am glad you like the shows , i`ve been a Stargate fan from back when the shows were originally airing and have watched them atleast a dozen times i think and own them on DVD too , 10x01 was a pretty good start of the season i think , oh yeah i`m atleast as big of a fan of Vala as you are she is awesome , i own a Secret Lab chair too and i agree they are very comfy indeed


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Ok Froots... Calm the fuck down you dum dum ....Me explaining what LARPing was... WASN'T cause I figured you wouldn't know... Ofcourse you know... You're not THAT. stupid ....It was merely to set up my joke ....And yes it was also to make sure OTHER. people got the meaning behind it ....Y'know... Not everything needs to be about you you frikkin Froot Loop 2. Yeah... You are correct (and confused) that the knight hologram DID. kill the other guy in 9x20 ...It was established that the hologram COULDN'T wound a person ...That the hits from it's sword only hurt a lot ....The guy just died in fear ...Probably had a heart attack cause of seeing a black knight appear in his house ...Which in his eyes was a myth ...A monster of some sorts ...Something that would happen if you'd trespass into Merlin's house 3. Look here she comes now.. Bow down and wonder ...The Orici (Adria) has arrived ...Which is basically the female version of Jeebus ...These links to religion just keep getting better and better ...I love it! 4. Hmmmm... It MIGHT. be the fact that I put 10x01 through Handbrake and edited in the old intro ...Or MAYBE. Season 10 is for some reason a bit louder than others ...But some of the episode audio is drowning you out when you speak ...It's difficult to hear you sometimes ...I would have ZERO. idea as to 80% of what you said during the intro were it not for the fact there's multiple tracks ....I would however suggest NOT. changing anything (yet) ...Let's see if with 10x02 it goes back to normal ...Cause like I said it's probably the edit that caused it .......Unless multiple people said something about it in the comments 5. Yeah the K in Kvasir is silent ...It's pronounced Va (as in Vala) Seer ...Va-Seer 6. Ah ok so you said one of the Gateverse episodes froze during recordings this week ...Turns out it was SG-1 ....The one I took through Handbrake ...I'm assuming THAT'S. the cause ....Another reason why I'm not all that fond of doing this ...BUT... It's to give you a better experience watching this stuff soooooooo... Minus the glitch ...It keeps you safe from certain spoilers ...It's still worth it 7. Did this Lucian Alliance dude really just accuse us of dragging them into the fight so it could "deplete our forces"???? .....Dude... You brought 3 ships to the fight ....Are you saying THAT'S all you had!?!? ...Why did we go to THESE. guys for help?!?! 8. You: "Can we not beam Teal'c off their ship cause he has one of those beaming thingys" ....Froots... They spent most of the first couple of minutes of this episode talking about how the Asgard beaming technology wasn't working yet ...Soooooooooo.... I'mma take a stab in the dark and say that that's probably a no 9. Random note... The first time we see Adria again this episode she appears as a ?5? year old little girl who heals Vala ....This little girl is actually the daughter of Robert Cooper.. One of the long time producers on SG-1, Atlantis & Universe ...This was her one and only acting role 10. I suppose in a way that might have been a Star Trek reference yeah ....On Star Trek they've got these things called replicators (not to be confused with Lego Monsters) ....With a replicator.. People are able to ask for whatever food/drink/object they like and the replicator makes it appear out of thin air ...Turning energy into matter ...Somewhat like beaming technology ...So yeah... Using beaming technology to make a sandwich ....Miiiiiiight be a subtle reference to Star Trek as you thought 11. Kinda odd that Daniel was able to ring aboard the Ori ship considering it's been established before that the rings need to be in certain position above eachother to be able to get a lock ....The Korolev WASN'T even remotely above the Ori ships cause it got shot from the front while other ships were ALSO in front of it NOT. above nor below it ....Buuuutttttt... Daniel's HEAVY. plot-armor probably made the transporter beam bend off-course and that's how he ended up on the Ori ship ...Which coincidentally just happened to be the one Vala is on too 12. Ok they fucked up there ....Woolsey said they were thinking of bringing the Atlantis ZPM to Earth and then Landry said that would still take 3 weeks for it to arrive ....NOPE. the fuck it doesn't ...It takes 3 weeks to travel WITHOUT. using the ZPM to power the Daedalus's hyperdrive ....It takes only 4 days to travel USING. the ZPM ....That was a bit of a cop-out to keep the 2 shows seperated story-wise 13. Why are they bothering to give Adria new clothing while she's growing?? ...Ok... Get your head out of the gutter... I WASN'T suggesting she'd go nekkid ....But I dunno... Give her some loose outfit or something ....The way we've seen her twice now wearing the same red and white-ish looking clothing ...It looks like they keep fitting her with a new outfit that looks slightly bigger and bigger every time she's on screen ....Seems a bit like a waste of time ....Or what?? ...Was it so that we (the audience) would figure out THIS. was Adria every single time?? ....Like... We're stupid or something and wouldn't be able to piece together that this character was growing throughout the episode?? 14. Soooooo... I'm gonna assume that Kvasir is a bit of an outcast amongst the Asgard? ....Sure... WE. don't have anyone to come in and help us fight against 3 Lucian Alliance ships ....But why haven't the Asgard sent in any ships to check up on us.. Or more accurately check up on him??? Do they just not give a shit?? What kinda shannanigans are they up to that they can't be bothered to check? 15. Ok at least we're able to count on Bra'tac I guess... The old man shows up with ...Yet another 3 ships! ....Apparently nobody is capable of sending more than 3? 16. It's a bit of an odd move for the Ori to go to Chulak ...That's not even where the Jaffa really hold their power ....But... WHY. even go to Chulak??? Why not go to Earth??? We're basically THE. major power in this galaxy ...Sort of ....I mean.. SURE. we've got the Ancient drone platform in Antarctica ...But even IF. it were fully operational ...The Ori have Priors and they have Adria ...The Priors could use their staffs and/or Adria could snap her fingers and those drones wouldn't be able to do a damn thing .....Going after Earth would've been a much better move ...Take us out and the rest of the galaxy is theirs for the taking 17. Does it NOT. feel like something Bra'tac would do?? ..Really?? ...Rather than to bow down to the Ori ...He's intending to fly his ship into theirs to try and blow it up ...I dunno Froots ...The old man hates "gods" ...And given they're supposedly out of options I feel like this is EXACTLY. the kind of shit he'd do ...I'm SURE. Teal'c would have done the same given there were no other ways out of this (that they knew of) ....I mean.. Mitchell tells Teal'c to talk some sense into Bra'tac and Teal'c just ignores him with a look on his face like he's agreeing with Bra'tacs decision ....These 2 guys were READY. for death all in the old stance that they would die free 18. Yup.. Our losing streak continues ...As Mitchell said we're gonna have to come up with a new plan and do it fast ....Cause if this continues then the entire galaxy is gonna be praying to The Ori soon .......How are we gonna get out of this Froots!?