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Patrick - Excelsior

Well, I bet Eve is wishing she had brought a warm coat. Brrrr. You would think after all these years dealing with this Vesen stuff he would have at least learned a little German. OK, Nick just ate some sentient lifeform. A humanoid even if it is Vesen. So now Renard is in on everything, so I guess the gang is back together? Kinda? OK, we’ve had all the other fairytale creatures for Nick to fight, so why not Satan. And Satan wants to marry Diana. So, the devil in that dimension is a perv! This is definitely not the devil from the DC universe, Lucifer is kinky but not a child molester. Eve should have been able to take out that Blutbad by herself, Hell in previous season she took out an entire warehouse full of vesen in minutes all by herself. She still seems to be able to do magic, why isn’t she using it. Let Nick save his bullets. I liked the Juliette speech. Finally addressing some hanging issues. Nick’s guilt over what happened to Juliette. Her guilt over some of the things she’s done. It’s good to hear she is satisfied with how her life turned out. That she has purpose now. Well I figured this guy would be OP. And hey…no MoW. Yay for that.