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There's still some subtlety that needs to be added in here and there (like better follow-through on both Ayla's head and the snake's neck after they hit the ground, tpo a better sense of weight), but it's good enough to start integrating it into the alpha for coding and testing. The rest of the clip, and a few small tweaks to the movement, will be coming next.




I REALLY like how the snake turns her face down after she's coiled. Like a cool little display of dominance right before swallowing her.


Well that, or the snake just has a taste for breasts and doesn't want to miss out.


How far away is the spider from where your current progress is?


It hasn't been started and isn't scheduled in yet. Each of the comics represents concept art for the game itself, but not in any order.


Yasssssssssss! Such great work!