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It's time for us to help our own again ...

Robert and Cyndy Legare are in trouble. Post-strike work slowdowns have hurt Robert's ability to earn a living. Cyndy has Lupus and other health problems. And, they are in danger of losing their home. They need our help.

If you can, please donate to their GoFundMe below. If you can't help, please share it.

Let's help get these Garmy members back on their feet.

HELP THE LEGARES HERE: https://gofund.me/a4df8fa0

And, as a little incentive, we're bringing back the RALPH-FFLE!

Everyone who donates has a chance to win Eddie's artistic rendering of the famous TRR "Drinking Horse"!

After you donate, just click on the link below and enter your info! (PLEASE ENTER BEFORE NOON ON THURSDAY, APRIL 18TH if you want to be eligible!)

ENTER THE RALPH-FFLE HERE:  https://forms.gle/eayXn55ZKPrZV3vu8

We will draw a name from the legendary FISHBOWL OF LOVE and announce the winner on FRIDAY'S EPISODE OF TRR!

Let's give The Legares some love, Garmy.





Doug Fry

Happy to help out! Keep your heads up Legare's!!

Amber Collins-Lopez

Legares, sending you so much love and hope and best wishes! Garmy strong!