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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: Did we forget TV TUNES TUESDAY?! ... KNOPE! Feel free to wear your pajamas to WORK! And, it's the RETURN of Eddie's DRAWN IN 60 SECONDS!



Kim Partida

It broke my heart to hear Cindy’s phone call. Ralph you’re so right, we are trained to feel embarrassed to ask for help when we are struggling. Cindy, so glad you reached out. Keep your head up, everything will work out!

Jessica Tittle

My husband and I agree with Ralph; don’t want to be trapped in our own heads. Ha! The 🐧penguin sound bite: Eddie Pence is a dick!😂 I forgot about that as well! You guys put out so much content. Wink 😉 wink 🐘 Elephants can be happy and playful. Look it up! 🤢Hollandaise sauce