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The Garmy is shining AGAIN! Keep those donations coming! Let's help get these Garmy members back on their feet.

Also, I did some digging and found the LAST of the FALLOUT themed signed posters that Robert Legare designed for a LIVE TRR show years ago.

There are only 15 SIGNED POSTERS that remain in existence! 

And, the fact that our beloved Steve Ashton signed these means they're even more special.

So, as a BONUS incentive, we are adding these to a separate "Ralph-ffle"!

Any Garmy members that donate 100 DOLLARS or more, will be added to an additional separate "Ralph-ffle", and we will pick FIFTEEN of those donors at random and send them one of these ultra-limited edition signed posters!

(If you've already donated more $100 or more, don't worry, you're now automatically entered in this new Ralph-ffle. And, THANK YOU.)

(Also, if you've already donated, and want to make ANOTHER donation to raise your total donation to $100 or more, that counts, too. Just let me know you did that via email.)

So, HELP THE LEGARES HERE: https://gofund.me/a4df8fa0

And, make sure to click on the link below and enter your info in the form! 

ENTER THE RALPH-FFLE HERE:  https://forms.gle/eayXn55ZKPrZV3vu8

(PLEASE ENTER BEFORE NOON ON THURSDAY, APRIL 18TH if you want to be eligible!)

We will draw the 15 names from the legendary FISHBOWL OF LOVE and announce the winners on FRIDAY'S EPISODE OF TRR!

Let's give The Legares some love, Garmy.




Fallout is Fantastic!! 👍