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So, my old PC I was using to render just up and died over night. I've had this thing for a while. I think it's just the power supply, I hope. If it isn't, I'm not great at hardware stuff, so I'm probably going to buy a new PC.

I still have a crappy laptop I use for things like Roll20, but it can't render these images. So it'll be a short while before I get back on track with everything.

I was super close to having the update for The Game out. It died doing the last batch of renders for that and a new comic series I'm looking to start. But even if something happened to the hard drive, I have backblaze and a NAS drive with my stuff that I back up every couple of weeks, so I shouldn't have to worry about picking back up once I'm able to.

Sorry I didn't mention it earlier, I've been stressing about this, lol. If it comes to a new PC, it might be a couple more weeks before I can afford one decent enough to render these images, so I'm really hopeful it's just a hard drive issue. Although I will have to make the leap to a newer PC at some point anyway. (WTB better paying job)

I'll be better about communicating where I am with everything. Power supply should arrive tomorrow.

As for the new comic, I wanted to share what I've been working on.

I've been met with a lot of requests for gender-bending content, and I've been a fan of the fetish genre for a little bit. The person who helped me get into this is a big TG artist, so I wanted to give it a shot. I was hoping to at least have a full chapter of that as a surprise in time for Mother's Day, as it fits the theme, and have a Game update before then. But circumstances kinda killed the chance to make it a surprise. I'm sorry.

I will still stay the course with everything I had going on, but IDK when exactly I'll pick it back up. But hopefully it won't be too long.

I also want to provide a conclusion for Mighty Missy and have been dabbling with some rework there. So once I'm ready to go I should have a steady stream of stuff to dump on you all.

Until then, thank you for the support over here. It's definitely helping me keep this super expensive hobby alive. I really appreciate it and I'm sorry my content release cadence isn't great, but I do hope to continue to find ways to improve that.

Update to this
Got the power supply in but it still won't turn on. I'm seeing what else I can do to try to pinpoint the issue, but I get paid on Friday and I'll be ordering a newer computer if I can't figure it out. Either way I'll be back in commission soon. I'm sorry for the delays.



Any luck with your PC? Looking forward to the next chapter


Hopefully, everything works out with your computer