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My job is offering overtime right now. I'm hoping I can work enough of it to buy this new computer. I'm sorry it's taking so long. My credit is terrible so I can't rely on that, but I might be able to save up enough to get going again soon.

I'll try to keep everyone posted. Right now all I have is a really cheap old laptop that I use for Roll 20 games, but I can't do anything on that. I've tried and it's a slog to even move a character in the program.

I did pause billing and I will keep it paused until I can get going again. Thanks for hanging around and messaging me about how much you like the comics I created so far. I'm really looking forward to getting back into it. Working on comics is pretty cathartic, and it's been rather stressful without that outlet.

I'd do some traditional art if I had the skill, but I don't. lol


Special Fish

Thank you for the update. Just take care of yourself, your art is worth waiting for