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I just wanted to provide an update of what I'm currently working on and some changes I might need to make.

Recently Patreon released an updated version of their content guidelines. Currently I was working on wrapping up Mighty Missy, but I worry that that story may be encroaching a little too close to what they don't want. So I'm probably going to scrap it for now, because I don't want to get kicked off this thing.

In turn I started working on another update to The Game, which should hopefully be here next week. I've also started working on a new project as well, an idea that I've been sitting on for a little bit that I want to see if I can do.

Sadly, because I was working on something I need to table, it's taking a little bit to get another update out. I think I've found that my pace for creation right now is around two weeks, as I'm only able to do this thing on the side at the moment. So it's sort of a free time activity that replaced gaming for me.

But I have been working steady and I should have something for everyone by like Friday. I'll also see if I can get this other idea started here before the end of the month.

Sorry for not being faster at this, I'm trying to improve but I'm still also a little clumsy with the program. But know that I am constantly trying to get something done. I also want to thank everyone that chose to help support this hobby. 3D assets are super expensive, so that's helped me acquire more things to play with.



Mighty missy has been so good, I really hope you don’t have to censor yourself to stay on the platform. But either way, keep on killin it!


I loved Mighty Missy. I hope you find another way or releasing it to patrons instead of shelving the chapter entirely.


I might need to rework some things. I do want to finish it. I'm just worried about stepping on toes around here, lol. I'm still new.

Gwen Johanson

Any news on the next update of The Game? Love your work


I'm trying as quickly as possible to put it together. I'm sorry I said Friday, I really thought I could turn it around. I'm also looking into a way to salvage Mighty Missy so I can at least have a conclusion. Both may be back to back.


I hope everything is alright. You've been on a bit of a hiatus for awhile