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Apologies for the delay on this, I don't want to bring the vibe down but there was a death in the family last week so that put a bit of a damper on my productivity for a few days.

But here is the next update for this comic. I hope you all enjoy it and I hope I can get another update out in a reasonable amount of time for you all.




My condolences. Great work as always. Hope to see this continue soon, but understand if it takes a bit of time.

Special Fish

I'm sorry to hear that. Losing someone is always hard, just be sure to not lose yourself. Take any time off you need and take care of yourself. I've seen plenty of great artists over exert themselves and stop. You are definitely one of the great ones


Thank you so much. I'm still pretty new with this, but I used to study photography and the concepts are pretty similar.


My condolences. For the legal side for your comics you could do what some are doing and having the comics uncensored on another site and just have this as the sitr to get you there