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Wow! Here it is! Here we are! We're getting ready to release our new single that will be a part of a full kids album titled: Songs for Wild Children. This is the title track  and you'll hear why.  The first recording of this song went down on 1-28-21 and we've been etching away at everything we wanted to accompany this one. 2021 felt like an entire of year of having 14 loading bars running and not a single one complete.  Still has a few finishing touches to add, so expect light volume adjustments and up to 5 more people big and small joining the chorus line.  We hope we got it right, we were worried the first day recording when Izzy screamed at us to never play songs again. It was heartbreaking, though we know it was because he just needed love and attention at that moment.  We've lost too many loved ones this year and so being able to stand next to someone you love and say, "Here We Are" is a profound feeling indeed. Since then we've all grown so much. A year has gone by and I remember the first day I was running a mixdown I had just exported and out of nowhere, boy began singing the exact words. Commence Tears.  It's heart achingly beautiful listening to his tiny voice sing something I wrote for him.  Actually when he sings anytime. Over the months he's been practicing and adding his own touches here and there.  This has been the most fun to write, record, compile and work on.  Thanks to NASA for adding their sound byte of Saturn's Rings to Public Domain.  We listened to the raw Audio and danced like Saturns ( Looks similar to hoola hooping) for an hour. I feel a paper mache costume project may be in order here.  We hope you enjoy this little piece of our heart weeks earlier than everyone else. We appreciate you!



Patricia L. Meek

Here we are...yes, yes--what a fantastic and fun song. We love it and look forward to the album release!

Jennie Shortridge

Love love love it! Izzy! You're a singer!

Sweet Radish

Thank You so much! So glad you enjoyed!!! We’re really looking forward to releasing this one🥰💚🌻