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View of the homestead. Many blessings to everyone as we slingshot into 2022.

2021 didn’t go at all as planned but we’ve made more movement and growth than we’ve ever experienced before. For the first time in a while we’ve said there’s nothing we’d do differently and we wouldn’t want to go back. We love the music we’re experiencing, writing and recording. Finally finding joy and our expectations are aligned! The progress we’ve made in our collective journey has outweighed any efforts we’ve made in the past. We learned so much, accomplished, written, recorded and grieved our hearts into CrossFit like shape. Hello Beast! Although there seems to be little to show for 2021 in terms of finished works, the songs we’ve written have lifted and released us from the bonds of imposter syndrome and perfectionism. The killers of creativity. We’ve learned & accepted that the miracle is just us. Not how well we perform or how perfect the recording came out.. but us. Just us. All the wonderful things we can accomplish if we know it doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be us. The recognition we received early in the year was pivotal to how we viewed ourselves and moved positively forward. While on a Zoom interview with Carter Ferryman of 303 magazine, he casually mentioned while waiting to begin that he loved our rawness and authenticity which was what attracted him to our music. He told Morgan her voice was incredibly recognizable to her…unique. Not just the beautiful perfect tones and power of her voice that we all outwardly love and adore, (I’m not biased, she’s a badass.), but the fact that he could always recognize HER voice. The part that laughs, talks and sings loud, quiet and everything in between. To be loved for all the things you weren’t trying to perfect or manage. To be heard for the moments the “you” flowed out naturally when you weren’t worrying about striking a wrong note, being pitchy or offbeat. Raw uninhibited voice, soul of the lungs and throat. God forbid you laugh on a recording and leave it in the final master so that everyone who listens can hear your humanity…or let them hear the sound of air being embraced by lungs, chair 🪑 creaks, instrumentalists humming with the vocalists, unsolicited drum taps and our children or pet’s voice in the background living underneath the waves of sound,light like hidden treasures. Secret gifts held by warm tones. To leave the sound of your fingers sliding across strings so attentive ears can send a message to the heart, “There is a human on the other side”. To say the least, it was a huge compliment he paid us among many that have been fuel for our souls.

These ideas and ideals of recording the perfect track are limiting. They keep a person from growing or changing when change is necessary. It keeps us from learning new things. Perfection is the death of creativity. All the wonderful things we can accomplish if we knew it didn’t have to be perfect, just you, just us.

So in conclusion…

We would like to Thank YOU all of our Patrons for supporting us in a way, on a platform that allows us to grow, change, create and be our authentic and genuine selves. And because we love a metaphor… You are the reinforced steel that holds this train together as we steam roll down the tracks. We are forever grateful to all of you our friends and family!
