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> Go back to the inn

You decide to just meet back up with Myla at the inn. Heading back over, you continue to notice how quiet and peaceful the town seems. It's hard to understand why Myla seems so uneasy here.

Going back to the inn, you head straight back to your room. Opening the door, you hear two voices. One doesn't sound quite right.

"Oh, you're back." Myla smirks at you. At her feet is Jates, bound and gagged. "Good."

You're completely taken by surprise by the scene in front of you. After stammering a bit, you manage to ask her what in the world she's doing.

"I'm fixing a problem." She kicks the innkeeper over on his side. "I figure that I'm done with Malor. I have no reason to come back here again." You ask what she's planning to do with Jates. She gives you a wicked smile. "Me? Nothing. You're the one who's going to take care of him." Her words hit you heavy. What she did to Konic was one thing, but an innocent innkeeper is a completely different story. You start to wonder just how much trouble this wolfkin is going to be getting you into.

Myla reaches down and easily lifts Jates before tossing him over to you. You try to catch him before he hits the floor, but you stumble and miss. A loud thud echoes through the quiet inn as he hits the wood hard. "I need to know if I can trust you to do what's necessary." The beastkin says coldly. "So I decided to make this little test. Either way you decide, the little bastard ain't leaving this room alive." She looks at you. "Listen, you've been good to me, and I appreciate it. It'd be nice to keep travelling together, but this is something I need you to prove."

Looking down at the innkeeper, you can tell he is in a panic. Muffled noises come from the cloth covering his mouth, which you assume is pleading.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Myla sits on the bed again and crosses her arms. "Eat him."


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