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> Ask Dulstaft about Myla

You decide to ask Dulstaft about Myla, since he seems to know her. His expression becomes a little more somber.

"Aye, I know the lass." He nods. "It truely is a shame what's become of her. She was such a kind girl before. I fear her time with that ruffian corrupted her." You assume he's talking about Konic. "Aye, Konic. That was his name, I believe. I first met her shortly after he claimed her. I know I should have done something then, and I curse my hesitation. She was still staying strong, despite that man's actions." He sighs at the thought. "She slowly lost that strength, and before long, she became the brigand you see today."

You mention that she doesn't seem all that bad and explain how it was you met her. He seems a bit more cheerful hearing your story. "So, Konic is gone then? Perhaps this will be a turning point for her..." He thinks for a moment, but says nothing more.

> Ask Dulstaft about the area

You change subjects and ask him if there's anything you should know about this region.

"This region, hm?" He ponders for a while. "If you're planning to travel further east, you might want to take the southeast road. The eastern road will lead you to the border fortress, but with the war going on, it's unlikely you'll be able to pass through it. The southeastern road is a touch more rough, but should be clear." He stops for a moment, thinking. "Ah, but you're an adventurer. If you're looking for exploration, this may not be the place to do it quite yet. There is much to find in these mountains, but the feral beasts can be fierce. I'd suggest you stay to the roads for now."

> Ask Dulstaft about Seige Armor

You mention to the man about the notices you saw in the capitol about Seige Armor. He looks concerned.

"Hm... I only know little about that armor, but enough to know that it is dangerous in the wrong hands." He nods. "It is a form of magically powered armor that allows the wearer immense protection and strength. They usually carry large, powerful weapons, sometimes even portable magical cannons. As the name implies, they were designed as seige weapons. Though I can't imagine someone actually being able to hide one away. You cannot move very fast at all while wearing it, and it's hardly subtle." He muses over it for a moment. "I will have to keep an eye out for it, I suppose."

> Ask Dulstaft about the mines

You ask him about the mines to the north and what he thinks of the new owners.

"I have indeed met them, yes." He nods. "They seem to be the business-oriented lot, with little care for Malor. But if they do manage to create some work here, it will benefit the people here." You mention that Myla thought they were suspicious. "Hm... Malor has it's fair share of suspicious folk. I'd imagine Myla was nervous. If Malor gains trade and commerce once again, the roads will start getting patrolled harder, which would make life more difficult for her. But no. The new owners may not be the most goodly folk, but I doubt they are doing anything malicious." He smiles and flexes his arm. "And if they are, I assure you, I will put a stop to it! Malor may be a rough town, but it is my home, and I will make sure the people here are safe."

> Ask Dulstaft about the goddess

You pause for a moment and decide to ask about the goddess. He smiles at your question.

"The Goddess of Peace, Alou. I understand why most do not believe me when I say I can see and speak with her. I'm afraid her followers have dwindled as of late, so some do not even know of her at all." He gives you a determined look. "But do not think that I claim some divine power. My only goal is to spread Alou's message of peace. She guides me, and I follow." You are still a little skeptical, but you decide to ask what the goddess looks like. Dulstaft looks to the side for a moment before turning back to you. "She's... a little shorter than you. Light-skinned, beautiful, of course. Long golden hair. Hm..." He pauses for a moment. "She has the appearance of a dainty human, I'd say!" He pauses for a moment, before flinching. "I do believe she didn't appreciate that description!" He lets out a hearty laugh as you stand there, a little confused. He continues to speak to the side, looking like he's trying to calm someone down. If the goddess truely is there, she doesn't seem very goddess-like.

> Ask Dulstaft to spar

You acknowledge the man's obvious strength and ask him if he would be willing to spar sometime, as training. He gives you a laugh.

"You've got guts, lass! But I'm afraid it would be a short match!" He flexes in front of you, showing his powerful muscles. "Even when I hold back, I fear I still tend to be a little too much to handle. But, find me when you become stronger! A friendly match with someone strong is always a great exercise."

You nod and agree that you'll find him when you're tougher. He gives you an affirming nod. "Well, I should get back to my chores, I think. But... I would like to ask you a favor." You look at him, curious to what he would want. "Take Myla back to her home village, Kerim. The warfront never quite reached it, so there's like to still be people there she might know. Perhaps doing that will bring back the kind girl I knew before." You nod and say that you'll do what you can. "I'll remain here in Malor for a few more days before resuming my travels. If you wish to talk more, come find me at the chapel." The man thanks you before leaving to continue his work.

Looking around, you wonder what you should do next. Myla is likely back at the inn by now. The town doesn't seem to have a lot of activity due to the northern mines.


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There ya go. Now you know about the area, Seige Armor, Myla, the goddess Alou, and the mines.

The most curious thing though, is the idea of a kind and gentle Myla. :V

There, all caught up. Will start trying to post these here on time now! Doing a mass upload is tiring. :V



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