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This time the audio is from the built in microphone which is unfortunately pointing straight down towards the bench and gets swamped by loud noises.  If this style of audio is preferred then I may experiment with a little divertor to try and shield loud noises from the microphone.

Lighting is different too, to reduce the variation in intensity with height, which tended to cause swamping issues before.

Let me know what you think of the video quality.  The software (cinema FV-5) I'm trying out is capped at 720p while I try it, but it's looking good so far.


Cloud-light conversion to RGB LEDs.

A few of you suggested swapping the LEDs in the cloud light to RGB colour changing ones. So here's the conversion and result. This is also a test of "raw" audio recorded using the built in microphone, with the slight niggle that it points straight down at the bench, so any loud noise causes the AGC (Automatic Gain Control) to peak and it takes a moment to fade back in again.



You really improved that light. It is a nice effect. As for the sound, the volume level was better, but I think the sound quality was better before. I was getting a bit of distortion even with the volume set pretty low. But that could be down to my crappy speaker too.


I wonder if your new camera is better at handling LED shimmer. I remember you commenting often that the iPad exaggerated shimmer that you couldn't see with the naked eye.


I felt like the audio in this one was much quieter and muddier than in the previous few videos. I didn't really have any issue hearing you before this one.


The audio in this video definitely leaves a fair bit to be desired. The dip in volume any time there's a loud noise is particularly distracting, but a head-mounted microphone of some kind (either the hat or perhaps even on/in a pair of glasses, if you're up to the challenge - see <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4M3I0nXEMI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4M3I0nXEMI</a> - which might be the ultimate in comfort / keeping it out of the way) also helps avoid changes in volume when you move around. The colour-changing cloud is fantastic, though - I wonder if we'll see them coming straight out of the factory like this soon? It's definitely much better with the nice slow colour-changing LEDs than the faster (often jittery) ones which unfortunately seem more commonly used in products...


What Paul said.


The previous videos were recorded with a good quality lapel style microphone placed on the forehead. unfortunately the phone seems to have a very attenuated input on the headphone jack and even though it can be driven to distortion it still produces a very low volume to the video app.


Sorry Clive, the audio in this clip is terrible. I am only 2 minutes in and the volume is constantly changing from just about OK to inaudible and that is with the volume at its usual setting. Image quality is largely OK but a little bit washed out but the depth of field seems very shallow with your hands in focus but the items on the bench not fully in focus. Though I wonder if the multiple shadows around some objects has anything to do with that playing tricks with my eyes.


P.S. the effect with the RGB LEDs is excellent as the diffuser really seems to blend the colours together really well. I think I might get a couple and try it just as a random decorative feature


I like the audio aside from the fact that it has dynamic gain. See if you can lock it so it doesn't go silent when you clip leads off, and you should be golden. This audio is much better due to it being stereo.


That's very nice, most relaxing!


Sadly there seems to be no accessible control over the audio settings.


I thought the audio sounded a bit 'tinny'. Preferred external mic. Guess it's a matter of taste.


The saturation of the microphone by loud noises is distracting but not awful, otherwise the sound seems to be a combination of direct and reflected sound from the bench, which gives a nice tone. although i think perhaps your cap mic from the 4w LED striplight video could have the edge.


Absolutely love your tinkering with these LEDs and electrical devices so many good ideas and hours of entertainment. I think the IPad audio was a lot better and the video quality seemed a little funny compared to the IPad. It all fades into insignificants when compared to the contents love it. Keep up the good work K.


I liked the audio quality of the previous clip much more. The builtin microphone has some very agressive auto gain which makes the sound "pump" and most of your voice seems to come in as reflection from the desk surface, which sounds weird and tinny.


Audio: as others have mentioned, the AGC is quite nasty. Volume is slightly louder though. There is some shifting of the stereo image when you move your head around. I doubt if this is possible but locking it in mono would solve that. Basic audio quality still seems pretty good. Lighting: what you've done works well, with the downside of larger shadows. Soft fill-in is required. A little over-exposed this time. To warm up the image, a white balance on a slightly bluish paper should work. Cloud light hack: a great idea with a lovely end result.


Prefer this sound to the last one which was a bit muffled. But the sound did drift in and out presumably as you moved your head away from the phone.


Meant to add before I pressed the wrong key that I am watching this on a PC which may have some bearing.


You may notice the sound dipped after each loud noise on the bench. The phone has very aggressive AGC by default, and so far the audio is unfit for video use. Strange, given the emphasis the Moto G series has always put on the camera functionality.


For a phone where the camera is supposed to be a major feature, it has no audio control at all that I can find.


Darn i thought the cloud was being turned into a color organ / vu meater


Technically speaking, it could be modified with a microphone to at least modulate the intensity with volume.


I'm a little disappointed that you didn't give us a shot of the deathdapter stack...


This is probably my favourite of the last few sets of videos. That's a really good mod. It looks all soft and peaceful. :)