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I'm not giving up on the Moto G4 yet, although there's something a bit squirmy about the higher detail.  Almost too much detail in a way.  Even I don't normally see my work-ravaged hands that close.

This audio set-up is using the external microphone mounted on the front of the skip of a baseball cap.  Not an ideal solution, but it's better.  How does it sound compared to my older iPad videos?

I like this little beacon.  I've included a search link for ebay in the description if you want to get one.


Cheapo eBay hazard warning beacon from China.

I really haven't a clue what market this is aimed at. It's a little LED beacon for dropping into the top of traffic cones, but I'm not sure if it's just for personal roadside use or actually used in industrial situations.



Is this a candidate for a full set of four warm white LEDs?


The audio on this one seemed better than the others. I'm not sure the "too much detail" thing is a problem. Your hands show up better but that means everything else will too.


The use of just two batteries would limit the colour choices to red or yellow unless they used a booster circuit. With just 3v starting voltage the white LEDs would be quite bright at first but rapidly reduce in intensity. This style of light in different colours would be nice though.


Audio sounded good to me on my laptop. Much better than last time. And there's no such thing as too much detail. :)


Audio does sound much better Clive and the detail is good


Yep, audio much better than last video and comparable with iPad.


Audio was a tad quiet at my media player's normal setting of 30%, that aside as an extra 5-10% on the volume fixes that, the actual audio quality was excellent compared to the previous RGB cloud video with the volume level the same throughout the video. The colour balance is different compared to the previous camera but I like it and it is the multiple shadows from the positioning of the light sources that is throwing my eyes off slightly though still more than viewable, just being picky. From my personal point of view, fix the multiple shadows, perhaps more diffuse light sources, and this setup would be the best yet and would be near perfect


The audio on this one definitely seems nicer than the built-in microphone on the previous video - I think you may be onto a winner! The additional detail in your hands seems like a small price to pay for additional detail in the actual subject of the video - I for one have no problem with it.


The audio is much better on this one. More volume level and good clarity, at the expense of a little sibilance.


I agree with 48snapper. The audio was quite good. A little strong on the "S" type sounds, but very acceptable. For those of is with 3D printers those lights would make excellent road hazard lights with the addition of a simple base.


Sounding and looking good. Audio is a little low but fully serviceable. You could try an external microphone preamp to adjust the levels. Since you're now using Android for a camera instead, this gives you the option to use any camera app of your choosing. My personal favorite is Open Camera. I'm currently on my 3rd Moto G4 Play for my backup phone, but after going through 3 new ones in less than 2 months with defective GPS, I'm looking to replace it with the regular G4 or the Plus. From your last 2 videos, it looks like the regular G4's camera is better than the Play's.


More detail is great for the item being worked on. Hand detail not an issue for me but maybe you could justify a manicure treatment as a regular treat! Nah, the working hands are more authentic. Love your work. I am a retired Brit in Texas and reconnecting with electronics. Last time I was a serious builder/tinkerer was when valves (tubes) were going out and those miraculous little things called transistors were coming on stage! Thanks to you I am up to speed now on LEDs, lithium cell tech, and chips of the non edible kind. I finally got round to Patreon and am an enthusiastic supporter. On with the disassembly!!

Al Hunt

I'm surprised you didn't add LEDs to those conspicuously empty pads. What if they spell out a secret message in Morse? "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"


I don't mind the extra detail. Craggy hands mean experience, mean credibility. I do wish the lighting were more diffuse though. The sound quality was excellent both on my TV and on my desktop with studio monitors. I for one really like the higher quality of your new setup!


Clive, much much improved sound quality and consistent volume, than using the phone's built in mic. A vast improvement! A minor critique would be to add another light source (possibly diffused) to hopefully remove some shadow in the centre of shot. Please keep up the good work, I find your channel very helpful with understanding electronics more and gaining ideas for use at work.


Clive, as others have commented the audio is much better. I continue to love the additional detail. Okay so your hands have led a hard life but the clarity of what you are showing us is so much better.


The volume is consistent on this but sounds muffled to me, as though you have a scarf over your face. The quality was better on the last apart from the AGC variation.


How about getting a pair of magician style gloves? <a href="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/White-Magicians-or-Clown-Gloves-Fancy-Dress-Accessory-Wizard-Prop-Adult-Unisex-/190810737789?hash=item2c6d34cc7d:g:Y60AAMXQCtlRP1te" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/White-Magicians-or-Clown-Gloves-Fancy-Dress-Accessory-Wizard-Prop-Adult-Unisex-/190810737789?hash=item2c6d34cc7d:g:Y60AAMXQCtlRP1te</a>


The close focus is so sharp on this camera its great!