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If you've not done Crucifix before, here are some tips for making sure you start off on the right foot (or your left if you prefer!)

If you have, here are some tips to make sure it's as strong and stable as it can be!


Caloy Diaz

David — You really explain things clearly. I am nothing (yet?) in (almost) anything physical but because the instructions are so clear I feel like I can just do it. 😆😆😆 Your approach, also, (of breaking down why to do what in what way, how to prepare, etc.) is so accessible and useful. And your voice fits those nature documentary videos where there is a voice-over. 😄 A round of claps. 👏 ☺️


Thank you! I'm glad these feel accessible. That's very much the goal here: to make learning pole moves feel approachable, even when the final version looks difficult!