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The WBN community astounds and inspires us every day, and we wanted to share this beautiful, original recipe concocted by the incredible @toe_simpson, which is inspired by Ame!

The Overflowing Heart

  •  3/4 oz kazuki gin  
  • 1 1/2 oz. sake tea mixture* 
  • 1 oz. fresh squeezed grapefruit 
  • 3/4 oz. strega  

*the sake tea mixture features sprinklings of the Westholme teas pictured below, cold steeped in a mason jar over an ice cube and sake and a splash of moon bathed witch water, steeped at least over night

Shaken over ice, served in your finest or favourite tea cup and garnished with dried rose petals.

Thank you so much to Toe for this GORGEOUS original recipe, and for participating in the unofficial cookbook fun! We're starting the weekend off right.

You can find more of Toe here:

Please remember to tag us when showing off your gorgeous WBN-inspired works! Edible or otherwise ;)



lil guy

This is so cool!! I did think for a second that this was just a herbal tea recipe and got really excited. Now I can't stop thinking about making a wbn inspired brew 👀

Tori Lynn

That's so freakin cool

Abigail Wells

I appreciate this series so much 😂


All the people here from the Island, its wild! I haven't tried this gin yet, I'll have to get a bottle!


I can't have grapefruit, anyone have a good suggestion as a replacement to try? Would any citrus work?


I feel like if you use a different citrus then you might also want to add some bitters, as grapefruit is more bitter than most other citrus.


My goodness! This just made me realize I’m much closer than I thought to a very cool distillery. Thanks for this one 🌸🍃

Kat Caskey

Respect to the creator