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PERMISSION TO BE WEIRD: GRANTED.  Except for you Devonte, put down the trains! The triumvirate returns to "discuss" kith, kin, pvp, and oh let's see what else, oh right, PLAY BAG IT OR TAG IT.  Airhorn sound.



If fuck magic is Canon, that means there has definitely been a wizard Sex.

Megan Horowitz

Does anyone know of a character list anywhere?


I laughed until I cried at bag it or tag it. Please keep these very eligible contestants coming.


Taylor, please NEVER change the Bag It or Tag It (BITI? Is that a thing?) theme tune. It cracks me up every time :D

Zander Jenkins

What is murder if not divorce from life


Soft was “careless,” but I think he may have ACTUALLY been careless. Chances are at least some spirits in The Collection are destructive forces that would kill innocents. And it sounds like he just let them ALL out, which is an understandable reaction to seeing the horrors of The Collection. But what if The Stranger was in there? What if Soft released him? Or some other evil. Grandma Wren took a much more strategic approach. She was surgical. One spirit at a time, likely after some kind of review to ensure she is in fact freeing an innocent spirit. Way better than Soft’s approach


The Overcast app says “Not Authorized” on this episode only and still hasn’t let me play it :(


I thought I was a just a horrible person until I learnt about object permanence and ADHD now I don't put pressure on myself to just remember like everyone else seemed to do and will even set alarms with people's names to remind me to talk to people and less self loathing when I straight up forget people exist

Ashley Teatum

When you grow up in NY, you just *don't* do the touristy things 😅 didn't see the Empire State Building until I took my now husband to the city. "How have you never BEEN?" IDK you just DON'T 🥲

Gabriel Galway

God what a stellar episode xD