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Tick tock. Tick tock. What time is it? How much is left? Can we have five more minutes? The gang's investigation has pierced the veil of the Citadel, and peering back at them through the penumbra is the great iron face of a clock, hands moving up and down, rotating and returning like the silent islands in the sky. Hands that hold you back, spin you round, or throw you, gasping.

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We are

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

Produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore  at Fortunate Horse with exquisite design and editing help from Jared Olson.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Tazer Army, Shannon, and Amanda Freberg.

Album art by the great Corey Brickley


Phoenix Johnstone

Holy moly, I got a mad case of the shivers at the end before I realised those were Citadel skyships. 🫠

Michael Munene

This episode had me in my feelings all the way through. Also, we totally need a storytime of Sly's shenanigans with Grandmother Wren at some point.

Chris Kagamine

I'm calling it now: Brennan is evil enough to title an episode "Kalaya's Lost Years" (ATLA reference) that the majority of the episode is going through Kalaya's time in Umora. And it starts with her coming out the portal and thinking her brother is pranking her. She keeps jumoing behind random trees to scare him: expecting he is there. Then it switches to a scene where it's raining and she can't find shelter. Brennan will fill a pool with our tears


Hi, normally I listen to these in the Youtube music app, but it this episode still isn't up on there. Is there normally this delay?


"Let me be clear. There is nowhere you need me that can keep me from you." I felt that so deep in my BLOOD, Aabria 😵 so much that I think I need to see it as ink in my skin. When I do, you'll be the first to know. Does Cyril have a handwriting font? 😉


Let it be known I would die for Wizard Sly

Ashley Teatum

"Given 40 years, what will your cottage look like" 😭❤️


Was re-listening and wanted to shoutout a specific line from Brennan that I think is very important on many levels. “I didn’t used to call her Sky, but I loved her all the same.”