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Ahoohoo, Yonders! It's all hands on (tarot) deck for chattin bout ep9, Da King a Da Cups! The Fox, the "feels", and wheels within wheels. How to play, what to say, when the vibe is "dismay." Can you be true to your heart while your squad falls apart? All this and more on the chat-back show some are calling "out today!"


Megan Gass

These podcasts and fireside are absolutely amazing!! I am simultaneously can’t wait for the next episode and know that I can’t sustain that level of intensity if binged. My only true complaint was the R*ll T!@e. That’s strictly because I am in the SEC and have my own personal grudges. But seriously, this whole package of experiences is just a masterpiece.

Matthew B

When/where can I get an "Ahoohoo!" shirt?


Genuinely as someone who’s had this conversation with my therapist multiple times, I wholly understand Brennan’s point about principles, because while it’s from a base point inherently illogical to say “Two contradictory statements can be true.” It’s entirely valid to say “From a point of perspective these two statements are both true, and by the very nature of the universe in all of its chaos and things being on a spectrum that is not black & white, can both be correct without diminishing each other.” That’s what is at the core of the theory of relativity, everything is relative to your point of reference.

Mia Mac-Pry

I love how Erika fully commits to the guest name bit every time.


Love to hear Brennan quoting Del the Funky Homosapien

Ben Powell

I love that Taylor was here for this one. He's a blast with the group!


This ep was the first I've listened to twice in the same week, just simply amazing. This is my favourite actual play content right now, bar none


We love dropping every bad Kantian categorical imperative logical fallacy for why moral perfectionism is simply a logical name for excusing complicity. Being imperfect and flawed and inconsistent is not a cudgel to beat oneself or others; it's an inevitability given a world which is too big for any one person to tackle every wrong and still allow nuance, difference, and reflection. Freire has a whole thing about the introjection of the mind of the oppressor and how that is one of the most important things to unlearn in order for a more just world to be made.


We need a pet post from the whole crew

Crystal Johnson-Stanislowski

Re-listening to the Suvi and Steel scene with the knowledge that Steel is 15-friggin'-feet tall during it makes it so much more scary in the whole, little-kid-about-to-get-in-BIG-trouble-from-mom way.


Brennan going off about philosophy, etc. is my kink. I love him and his brain so much.

Mack Whaley

I never thought I’d be into d&d and have a weird internal narrative about not being creative or a writer HOWEVER listening to these five creators has been so inspiring it’s seriously beyond me. I’m now daydreaming about world building and really enjoying exploring my own mind. I feel such pure joy to absorb this content oof


Brennan continues to win my heart with the nod to NADDPOD ("Thick 'sode") and using Gorillaz lyrics to explain the player-GM relationship around perceptive world building.


"You don't see with your eyes. You perceive with your mind." Brennan spreading the gospel of the great Del the Funky Homosapien. (Guest rapper on Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz) 🙌

Katharine Smith

Okay, 1 - this has to be one of the best firesides yet. SUCH a good deep dive! 2 - I really need to know where Taylor is from, because trying to pin down the accent is driving me NUTS

Matt Kilsby

I love this pod very much but could I make a humble request for Taylor regarding the edit: When you guys are discussing specific things from the episode (certain lines, certain sound effects or score elements), it would be sooo cool if we could have a little 5-second clip of that thing just to jog our memory before or after we hear you guys discuss it. Because personally 80% I can’t remember what exactly you’re talking about, like the “drunken stumbling soundtrack”, and yes I could go back to the episode and try to find it but I might be scrubbing around for ages just looking for it. If this is a really inconvenient and disproportionate amount of work to do, please ignore me, just an idea that came into my head, hopefully others agree! Love you all, you’re all supremely talented and cool and kind x

Mel Kepler

Matt, as another goldfish brain person (5 second memory) that would help me too - or even a time marker so I can open the ep and cut right to it?


Anyone else think Taylor and Brennan’s voices sound sooooo similar?


Brennan does such a good job of explaining why hypocrisy is often necessary and good


So, just so you're all aware, asslessfox.com is available and only $12 a year. https://domains.google.com/registrar/search?searchTerm=asslessfox.com&hl=en#


I love these chats so much! Defiantly going to be talking to unsuspecting people all week about the debate cadence problem of consistency > making the world better.


Howdy! Is there a patreon member's podcast I can subscribe to, in the way that NADDPOD have their public and patreon content on separate podcasts? I am not loving the patreon-native episode interface.


You can just add the rss feed to your app. There is a link under the membership tab in patreon


Yep there sure is! Just sign into patreon and go to your membership page and you’ll find an RSS feed you can add to your podcasting app of choice. Check out the Instruction Guide pinned as the top post on the patreon for more help. Bon chance! -t

Charisma Teeth

Ehrmahgerd. I — a woman with the power of search engines — needed to immediately know what was the time frame for the public domain music. "In most cases, songs enter the public domain when its’ copyright expires. Today, this is the case for any song made before 1926. For songs released after that, the copyright typically expires 70 years after the original artist of the song passes away."


yknow Erika, I really appreciated the suvi dog clarification because it seemed like they had to be a dog but this is the first fireside chat that I've been able to get to! so happy to be here! :D


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law


The way Lou talks about not being worried in the scene with Will when I literally squealed in relief when he finally got the sword is crazy

Lev Vaesinis

That moment when you didn't know you were on a podcast...


I honestly flipped out when Aabria mentioned the Precious Moments bible because I ALSO HAVE ONE!! I didn't know other people had them omg


"Will Gallows can't fuck every business associate the moment he meets them and still be a crime boss" I see you're taking a slow burn approach, and I respect that, and I want you to know that the cursed PWP fanfic I'm writing totally disregards that. But like, respectfully and with love!


KING OF CUPS WAS ONE OF THE BEST EPISODES SO FAR! Every person involved did a phenomenal job with their characters, and for the intricacy of the story.


23:02 - 26:40 Check out the anime Sword Art Online (season 3) to see a cool example of a society with principles (rules you must always follow) and their bizarre immoral edge cases. There are no rules you can ALWAYS follow, life is too complex.

Kara Vaughn

Catching up on episodes - just wanted to say thanks (?) for the shout-out to Iowa! Love listening to this from Des Moines!