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Talk is cheap and life in the barnyard is nasty, brutish, and short. You either eat or get ate, and if you ain't the cock of the walk, you're in the next pot of coq au vin. So you tell me, are you satisfied with the quiet life of pastoral servitude, or do you have the rocky mountain oysters to grab the tractor by the wheel and, just maybe, reap what you sow? I just so happen to know where we can get enough corn to put us on easy street till the cows come home. What do you say old timer, how about...one...last...job?

WELCOME TO A County Affair, our first one shot game! [these are mini campaigns we run while the big public story is still going on] Join FIRST TIME GM Erika Ishii (!!!) as they weave a tale of barnyard bandits, farmland fiasco, and kernel knowledge using only the Roll for Shoes rule set and the extremely illegal talents of 

Aabria Iyengar as Phillip (the goat)

Lou Wilson as Itsa Winnerbaby (the horse)


Brennan Lee Mulligan as Ruthie (the Chicken)


Sound design by Casey Toney (a Human Man)

A County Affair will conclude with episode 2 in two weeks! Both eps will remain exclusive to this here Patreon for months, so feel free to take your time and luxuriate in the cornpone chaos. For a description of the rules we're using to make this arc, check out the previous A County Affair teaser episode!


A County Affair is brought to you by the good people at Kerrrn™️. 

Kerrrn: Yes, We Kerrrn!




kat martin

Gaaaah, Erika CRUSHED that intro!

Mark van Dijken

can't wait to listen to this after work!

Kyle Thompson

Dear God. It's like I'm listening to The Ravening War. 🤣 I love this one-shot! Erika is KILLING it!

Kyle Thompson

I Can't Wait for the fan-imations of this!!

Lorysa Rossnagel

OMG ERIKA you're doing such a fantastic job! Great work! I can't wait for the next session


Only halfway through and everyone is already firing on all cylinders. Erika is killing it and everyone is doing an amazing job.


'Put down... Create Monster 4' 'You do not know what you've done....'

E. Filleul

Hi fyi the rss feed of this episode is not working there is no timecode and download is impossible. I'll listen on Patreon in any case.


By the end of the first half Erika's simple country heist now has magic and a potential mass murder plot. Truly they have passed the GM trial-by-fire.

Cait Batchelor

so I grew up on a farm - we bred dogs, goats, and horses - and ONE time a horse from down the road escaped and ran from his home to ours and apparently I looked enough like hie owner that he heard our horses, spotted me near the fence and immediately shoved his large horse head under my armpit bc he was freaked the fuck out - he did get reunited with his owner quickly and all was well. But, all this to say that even on farms we do generally notice when animals show up, thank you.


"Both eps will remain exclusive to this here Patreon for months," quoted from the description above. That may be why public feeds are unavailable, as it won't be made public until later.

E. Filleul

But the fire side chat are accessible tho and these are also exclusives are they not ?


The feed seems to be working fine. Check out the Instruction Manual pinned as the top post for troubleshooting tips! -t

Jeffrey Reisdorf

Everyone is firing on all cylinders for this. Erika is fantastic and I can't wait to hear what they have next! 😍😍

Lilith Evenstar

Erika is truly MEANT for this. Despite the hedging in the teaser, I came in with high expectations of them. That they exceeded them is in zero ways a surprise. Every part of this is perfect. 100% going to try to get some friends to Roll for Shoes with me now!


Just know I've already registered pitchforktunacan69@gmail.com and will be using this exclusively going forward

Mike S

Everyone is outstanding, but Brennan's penchant for playing doddering old psychopaths is genuinely amazing.

Ashley P

ERIKA!!! You killed this. No more bathroom floors, you are an incredible GM.

Brad Barnes

So I now need audio of Aabria saying "Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?!" In the same voice she says, "LET'S GO!"

Addi Miyako



Erika you have done such a good job! All us DMs could relate to you when Aabria declared she could do magic but you held on!


"You will make the boys go loco" made me laugh so hard I woke up my sleeping cat and nearly fell off my couch


Phillip might just be one of my favorite TTRPG characters of all time. The feral energy is real


This was incredible! Great job Erika!!


I need this music to be published at some point, cause it’s so fucking good!!! The main theme’s SO GOOD!!! {but also please take your time}.

Mike Histon

Loved this, great work Erika! Can't wait for part 2!


Yes, yes, yes! I laughed so hard so many times! This was so good 😆 I know what to do the next time my group is short players. One shot time baby! Way to go Erika!!!!!


never thought i’d be so delighted to be reading the words “a human man” but this was a *golden* bit.

Dj Michaelopolis

This was so great and Erika, you slayed in spite of the truly chaotic table vibe (which I also enjoyed). Can't wait to hear more!

Caitlin Campbell

wow it’s so cool that lou was able to join us by the fireside!

Brook Wentz

Erika I'm so proud!!! You did so good and this was so much fun to listen to. I can't wait for the next installment y'all!!


Wooooooooowwwwwww this was truly fantastic and so funny. I’m sitting here at my desk trying not to look like a psycho shaking laughing at my desk

Kevin VanderJagt

Incredible. So unbelievably fun, please do another one of these heists again in the near future. The 'cause' fear moment' had me crying I was laughing so hard.

Lee Philips

Aaaaah!! It's so good! Erika, you did amazing! Your descriptions are so vivid and your npc's are wonderful and very distinctive. And you made that pumpkin sound incredibly delicious. Also, the sheer amount of horniness in a one shot about farmyard animals was wild. Brennan as unhinged elderly people who stopped giving a fuck about what anyone thinks of them years ago is definitely one of my favorite genders. And of course that level of chaos got to Aabria "monster fucker" Iyengar. The cutbacks to Lou's character were so funny. Also, very on brand for Lou's PC to now have like three different names. I can't wait for the next part!

Andrew Guthy

So when are we getting "Dost though wish to live Fergaliciously" merch?

Maia Costea

Good job, Erika!!! You were a perfect captain to the most unhinged plans possible, such a wonderful energy to bring to the table! You worked hard, roll around in the compliment!

Josh Neff

I didn't realize how much I needed a Bremen Town Musicians-meets-Leverage mashup until now.

Gavin McDonald

(Defeated sigh) "Yes, you can roll for HR."

Jack Wilkinson

Fully losing it at the HR management, this is pure gold

Kendall MacKay

Create Monster 4 ❤️❤️❤️


PitchforkTunaCan69 😭

Mack Whaley

Do we know if there will be a fireside chat?? 💛💛💛

Corey Lynn

yall did so amazing! and erika you're an EXCELLENT gm ♡♡♡

Jack Westbrook

Roll for Shoes looks incredible. I have ideas for combining it with Microscope.

Jack Westbrook

"Dost thou want to live Fergiliciously?"


Brennan as a gilf hen is everything 🤣




be horny do crime!!!!

Jesse Belanger

Aabria channeling Marcid wasn't something I knew I needed until now!

Nora Edgren

With that scene on the computer, this could almost be Click Clack Moo for Adults

Sarah Vee

This is a really fun one-shot, and just about the vibe I need right now (in a lot of pain and having a hard time concentrating on my usual podcast faves and/or my usual faves are too much of a downer). This and Dungeons and Drag Queens are hitting at just the right time for me!

Kevin Goodwin

The idea of trying to keep Aabria, Brennan, and Lou on the rails, good god pure chaos! Sending healing to Erika!

Brandon Rilling



Erika is killing the gm game!

Mike Chapman

I do hope we learn at some point whether Brennan chose the name Ruthie, or it was issued to him per Aabria's quite sensible advice.

The Overthinker

This is what happens when you give a goat the power to read and reverse read. It is awesome.


This is my favorite piece of content please more a lot more

Madison Beske-Somers

This was sooo good I love how chaotic players are in one shots

Bee Ami

This is hilarious omfg I was failing at trying not to laugh out loud so hard that multiple coworkers asked me if I was ok lmao


Shout out to Taylor for how fuckin unsettling the millions of rats in the rafters felt. Double shout out to the great and powerful Erika for making the entire situation happen


REVERSE READING "I just laughed so hard I almost passed out" no you know I felt when I got episode 2-ed

Ren Challacombe

I just got my paper peer reviewed and published in a journal for the first time and if I can do it I believe a goat that might be the devil can do it

Justin Richter

I’m sitting here absolutely cackling at every “live deliciously” reference

Conor Steinke

Okay that back cover text section is so well written. Can't wait to listen.

Jen M.

"Dost thou want to live Fergiliciously?" lolllll 💀💀💀


...just learned this whole "reverse reading" thing. Absolutely wild.


OK but how do we get the music?????? That theme rips.


Having an absolute BLAST with this. Everyone is so funny, and great work from Erika!


As An HR, this is pretty much every convo I have w money/equity IRL 🤣


This pod is so fucking fun! Living at the airport until your plane arrives made me laugh out loud


Omg "if you stop running you die!!!!!!"

Wrex Verdi

This was unhinged and I loved every minute of it. Looking forward to more from this crew.

David Morales Boroff

Ooh, what’s that Bluegrass instrumental that comes in at 1:12:48? When they time skip? That theme bops.


I am begging you to sell merch that says “dost thou wish to live Fergaliciously?” 😂

Alden Michels

Aabria’s tribute to The VVitch is amazing. Splicing it with goat yoga and Fergie Ferg is obscenely hilarious.

Matt Kilsby

Gotta respect Aabria’s commitment to not committing to Phillip’s accent


More Satan than I expected for a county fair!

David Ritchey

This was amazing. Had me in tears with the rabbit race, the reverse reading, rat infestation and goat yoga. I wish this was longer than a one off. Such amazing work by everyone!


Taylor, best use of "Night on Bald Mountain" I've ever heard oH MY GOD!

Cobalt Paradox

Oh, man. LOVE the immediate acknowledgement of the rooster slurry. Gotta be in my top 5 reasons for going vegan.

Nickolas Mertens

Did I hear some inspiration from the Bastion soundtrack in the music here? Spike in a Rail? I love it!

Shannon Shea

The Cornell reference cracked me up because there is a school of ag and I knew a lot of farmers there!


I am desperate to know how many notes Erika wrote in prep for this and how much was off the cuff. DESPERATE! I have an image of just a nest of deep-dive notes for agricultural vibes and I'm here for it


This reminds me of the time aabria killed her riding goat in critical role

Alex T.

Erika, I noticed that you set DC's for the players' rolls instead of having them roll against you to determine success. Is that a choice you made for this game, or have I been running RfS wrong this whole time? (it's totally okay if I've just been doin' it wrong)

Hannah Brown

RIP me listening to this while wearing my Cornell t-shirt 🥲


Thanks for sharing this with us Erika. 💖 I can't imagine what it was like to have your first DMing experience publicized, but it's really neat.


This is the most genuine "three friends having fun playing a game" I have ever experienced


this was absolute chaos and I'm ✨living for it✨


I'm fking dying. Erika trying to keep everyone going is like watching someone else heard cats!


all i could think when they were doing character intros is Brennan went from Grandmother Wren to Grandmother Hen

lukas roman

Erika did a fucking amazing job!

Talon V

Thatsa Loserhoney fucking underrated tbh


....why does Brennan love to play **criminal old people** I'm not knocking it, it's just interesting

Tania Roblot

This episode comes up as “Not Authorized” on overcast? I can’t seem to be able to listen to it :’( Anyone had this issue?

Tania Roblot

It only refuses to play on overcast. I’ve tried reading my RSS feed. Every other episode works perfectly. Odd. But apparently works on Apple Podcasts. So I’ll listen there.

Khara Daniels

In his birth chart, everything except for the moon ends up answering to a VERY powerful Mars which is a planet associated with violence, combat, willpower, and energy and his Sun is ruled by Saturn which is the planet of old age.

Logan Davis

This is so fun. The poster for this reminds me of something that I cannot remember. Anyone have any idea of inspirations for the design?


I absolutely lost it during the scene where they spook the nervous horse. I laughed so hard I cried!


I'd love to know what system y'all are using. I may have missed it

Tiki Mug

Looks like its called Roll for Shoes, they talk about it in the prologue


Nothing could've prepared me for what happens in this 😂


I think I’ve been playing to many Lucas art point and click adventure games, because I can imagine everyone, ESPECIALLY THE JOCKEY, as characters from Monkey Island or a Sam and Max game.

Kevin Goodwin

Can we please get a Fireside Chat for “A County Affair”?


Okay but who went to Cornell that you all either love (and love to mock) or actually hate to keep bringing up Cornell like this? From a Cornell alum who isn’t used to people remember the school exists much less having strong feelings towards it. (Also I adored every minute of both episodes, Erika was incredible!!)

jose romero

I laugh harder the more evil the goat gets


Haha, yeah I did enjoy the pun there. I guess I should have clarified, that "bringing up Cornell like this" specifically meant "bringing up Cornell in a way that is actively dunking on it just constantly!" Because, hilarious, but also ouch.

Jamie H.

This episode took a turn for me when Ruthie went up to the nervous horse and I thought she was going to soothe him and instead they scared the shit out of him🤣 About to listen to the second half, I hope there's more Fergie🦝

Ashley Teatum

THIS is a DAMN DELIGHT, I'm at the chaos of loosing the horses and I'm just 💀


I've never needed merch more than I've needed it for this one shot, and I say that having to pay in AUD.

Krusty Bo Busty

Is every campaign gonna start with a rooster crowing and brennan playing a sweet old lady


Aspiration + projection via role-play. The only explanation.


Reminds me of really early video game boxes

Apple Slapple

38:00 that crunch of his ankle breaking? Sickening. Actually made me cringe. Great job!


My 4yo daughter loves this kids "Chicken Song". I now can't help myself but sing along with "Crime-a-doodle-doo!" And just very nearly added a "Motherfucker!" Thanks Brennan.


And GMing these folks is _chaotic!_ Nice one Erica, that was awesome!


Alright, who is the merch gremlin of this co-op b/c I would very much like to purchase one poster-sized copy of this here fine poster


Brennans Sweet old lady voice going “and I know the devil will give you all the power you need ☺️” LMAO

Ryan Amaya

Okay I love Phillip.