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Episode #9 "The King of Cups” is now available, wherever you get your podcasts!

What can't you get used to? What can't you learn to ignore? What, you think you can save every starfish? Not my circus, not my monkey, pal. It is what it is. Gotta take care of yourself first. Take a look in the mirror, love what you see. Speaking of monkeys, you seen my fox anywhere? He was right here a second ago. Hey where are you going? Wait. Come back.

BREAKING NEWS: Our first mini-campaign drops on the Patreon NEXT WEEK! Erika's running their first game ever! Not all the characters "make it" if you know what I mean. See* you there!


Apple Podcasts



We recommend listening to Worlds Beyond Number (and the Fireside Feed) on a "podcatching" app like Overcast or Pocket Casts. For more help getting the right audio in the right place, check out our friendly instruction guide.

We are

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

Produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore at Fortunate Horse

Album art by the great Corey Brickley



Amazing sound design by Taylor during Eursulon's drunken walk back to the chantry, it took me a minute to realize why I was suddenly feeling so disoriented myself before I picked up on the music. Incredible.


Also, finally hearing Suvi do a bit of fangirling over Ame towards the end was 😘👌

finnie owo

AUGH ITS SOOOOO GOOD!!! I’m always so nervous to listen to this in public cause I’ll sporadically start cackling on the subway or get choked up with tears. <3

Hannah Brown

Not me wanting to punch Suvi in the face every single episode 🥲

Stuart Clark

oh i just know the fireside chat for this one is gonna be bonkers

Jessica Trossbach

My anxiety during this episode 😬😬😬😬 so captivating


I am dying to know more about the war and what the stakes are. Thousands are dying every day in it, Suvi says. Is this a forever war? Is it even a real war? Can't wait to learn that the Empire is an uncomplicated good in the world, as will surely be the case, right...right????


Immaculate! Every episode just draws me in more and more! I’m also so excited for the 2 episode short game coming!


Oh cool cool cool, everyone's favorite trope of "monsters" and devastation: it wasn't roaring—it was weeping.


Aaaah!! Every episode I am Aabria screaming at something cool Brennan says!!!


Its so interesting to see Ahme and Suvi's conflicting nativity. Ahme with just the way the empire works and optimism for plans. And suvi's "Im not naive" nativity with not thinming the empire to do wrong its just soo good and it also HURTS


Every. Episode. Slaps. So. Hard!!!!! The story, the role play, and the sound design blend together to seamlessly create a freaking movie in my head. It is AMAZING! Tuesday is simply the best day of the week now. PS to Erika: You are so great! GMing is scary at first but you just gotta jump in the pool and learn by doing. You will get better every single session. I’m sure you did great and I can’t wait for the episodes drop. 💛




Also, Brennan, you son of a gun don’t think I didn’t catch that “care-bear” you threw in and thought no one would notice. I noticed it. I see you.


Will Gallows is so fuckin' cool


Missed Caller is a weird name for a cloak. 😏


I'm 23 minutes in and openly weeping in a transit terminal. Fuck this show is SO GOOD


I know this is well known but the music in this podcast is seriously PERFECT. Such a good episode


Today I had wonderful birthday and this is the perfect way to end it! Thank you everyone!


Always a thrill to hear from Brendad Lee Momagain.


I’m truly waiting, dreaming of the day Suvi wakes up and realizes that the Empire and the Citadel are not the good guys and that will probably take a long time but it has to happen PLEASE


I'm really enjoying the episode! I was wondering if it would be possible in the future (and perhaps retroactively) to include a brief list of content warnings in the description or in the post here. I know it would be useful to more people than just myself, but for example I do have pretty bad emetophobia and the happenings both in this episode and at the end of episode 5 (I think?) were a little upsetting especially considering the gorgeously done sound design. It's not so much that a passing mention would need to be warned for, but something so immersive can be a lot to handle. Again, I'm really enjoying the podcast, and I can't wait for more! Even if this isn't possible, I will still certainly remain an avid listener. Thank you all for everything you do!

Jack Jones

I actually love what Aabria is doing with Suvi, if you were raised and indoctrinated into a system from birth some people would never change obviously Suvi is already showing those inklings of doubt, instigated by Eursalon and Ame's reactions to the overreach of the citadel and empire. She's aware that what the citadel does is often awful, but see's it as a necessary evil in a broken world, a broken world that took her parents from her.


I totally agree! Never a knock on what Aabria is doing; it’s more that I’m invested in the character and I want her to “see the light”. I would argue tho that she’s really not that aware that what the citadel does is awful. I think she’s mastered the art of mental gymnastics to justify what the citadel does and even deny it being wrong in the first place. but then her deliberately hiding her knowledge of Eursulon from Silver… idk she’s a very complicated person!

Tony C

If anything happens to Fox …

Jack Jones

I've said it before but I will say it again, you guys are putting on I think the best live play show I've ever listened too, I get genuinely excited to listen to the episodes every fortnight. Truly stellar stuff gang!!


Is it up on Youtube yet or am I just unable to see it?


Don't see it there yet. It usually takes them a few days to get it up after the podcast goes out so hopefully soon.


But Im impatient noooow 😂😂😂 Thank you! I normally don't have time to watch it for a few days, so explains why I never noticed before!


God i wish we got an episode every week. I cant wait for the next episode damn it.

Mia Mac-Pry

Goddamn this episode rips. Just mentally high fiving Aabria & Erika during every outburst.



Simon Mills

I have so many questions about Will Gallows like: - Why was he hanged? - Is there a "If you survive being hanged, you are free to go" law in Port Talon? - Did he choose the name Gallows or did people just start calling him that after the fact? - By what foul magicks does he continue to walk around? Separately, why do I imagine the mustachioed man with a monocle every time?


This episode was adequate.

Ebony Beck

quotes I'm squirreling away for a rainy day: "If they can't catch me they can think anything they want about me" and "...If I stop trying to do what I want to do then they've already caught me." this hit me right in the therapy.


So the other nation has definitely captured the King of Storms right?


So good! The reactions and the narrative lol!!


Listen I can’t wait two weeks, it’s just not fair! What HAPPENS TO THE FOX


If anything happens to fox, I will legit take a day off from work to mourn. I love him so much😭


I’m only partway through this episode, but I can certainly say I want to punch Suvi. Good shit. Great characters.



Emily Woodbeck

I was immediately obsessed with Will Gallows and every time we get more of him that obsession increases exponentially.

Ravyn Mitts

Aaaah! This was a wild episode! 😳😨

Alec Simkiss

This was the darkest episode thus far. I'm honestly really taken aback from the overprotective police state aspect of Steel and the Empire. Maybe it's because of personal things but man, Suvi is not making great choices but I feel for her upbringing, brainwashing, and trauma. There were so many many reveals that my head was spinning and if this were a campaign done by different people I'd worry that these three characters and their relationships would completely fall apart. How will they come back together AT LEVEL ONE??? They may be adults but they are still babies 😭


Aabria absolutely killed it in her scene with Steel! It was so humanizing to see her just be a vulnerable young person relieved to confide in a trusted authority figure after weeks of trying to act tough and smart in front of her friends. Chef’s kiss.


Re-listening to this episode and the part of the discussion where Ame says to Eurselon “What if they found out and did that to you?” And Eurselon leaving the conversation just broke my heart, because I imagine that he’s thinking he doesn’t have to imagine what that would be like. It’s already happened to him. He’s already trapped and in pain, and it was Ame who, accidentally, unknowingly and not maliciously, trapped him. I imagine there’s un-dealt with resentment there despite how much he loves his friends and UGH ITS SO SAD AND IT HURTS SO GOOD

Carrie Mook Bridgman

I love this show so much! In the first couple episodes, the (fantastic) sound design was sometimes loud enough to overpower the voices. Now I am having the opposite problem. Someone in the chat will praise some incredible detail, and I will have fully missed it, and have to go back and turn the volume way up to catch it. Maybe it's my sound system. Heck, maybe it's my ears; I'm 55. Still hoping they can boost it just a bit so I don't miss half the fun. Is it just me?

Harrison Muir

"If I stop trying to do what I wanna do then they've already caught me." Ahh, wtf kinda line is that Brennan. Chill, stop making me rethink my life


Fighting tears on the work commute during this episode was not what I expected today


I can’t believe it hasn’t been brought up yet, but the way The Fox went “hehehe I’m going to make you do what you want to do” right at the end was absolute GOLD!!!


Yall I am so ready for merch


I LOVED this episode SO MUCH. I'm doing a binge since I discovered this podcast last week as a big D20/Dropout/CR fan and I'm enjoying everything immensely. Thank you!!


I’ve been binging episodes and the way I felt finishing this and realizing I only have one more left right now was indescribably sad- I’m too hype!!


When Eursulon told the fox not to let himself be washed, I immediately thought "oh god, does he resent Suvi for washing him?!" 😭


I'm late to the party, but this episode blew my socks off! Had to take a couple extra laps around the block on my way home from work to get through the ending. So genius having that tense scene between Suvi and Steel switch to Ame alone just as we start to put the pieces together about Steel's (threatening) intentions. Look out, gang!


It's scary out here, Has anyone seen my fox? I'm done with this place.

Archon of Commoragh

This was distugstingly amazing. I could not remain seated.