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This is how it starts.

Episode 1 of OUR FIRST MINI ARC (game-let, one shot, campaignette?) drops on June 29 and the thrilling conclusion to the two-part epic explodes into your ears on July 13th! It's called:

It's led by FIRST TIME GAME MASTER Erika Ishii, and it's going to be exclusive to this here Patreon for MONTHS. You're going to be quoting this show to your new cell mates in prison after you're inspired to take up a life of whimsical and, ultimately, violent crime by... A COUNTY AFFAIR!

Meanwhile, here before you, is an introduction to the rules of the game, and then a refreshing summer shower of ELECTRIC warm-up banter. These kids were in FINE FORM, lemme tell ya. So get in now, while the gettin's good. Don't you deserve one...last..score? And hey, at $5 a month it's a......




[10 years pass]






Full on did a spit take when Brennan said "im Ruthie the hen" and lou immediately after "and i swallow" 😆


Im so excited for Erika to GM! Epicccccc


All Hail Humble GM, ERIKA

Mia Mac-Pry

Monk strap Oxford shoes are a nice fancy shoe choice without laces. They’re just buckles.


Best $5 I ever spent

Idunn Pil Søndergaard

2 things I learned from this teaser: 1: Apparently you can’t get shoes with Velcro for adults, that are still considered “Nice shoes” in the US. Which prompts me to wonder if my country is the weird one in this equation. 2: Lou, Aabria, Erica and Brennan apparently have a similar friendship to what I had with my friends at 14 when I went to boarding school, where we sometimes showered together to save time. Which prompts me to wonder do they also, like me and my friends did, take naps at the same time in a big pile, and practice/work at the same time, so that no one worries that they are missing out on something. And also that there will be a new adventure and it sounds super fun.. so I guess I learned 3 things. In any case, I am excitement!😊


As a patron I would just like to say that I feel my money is well spent on as many audio segments as you can all put together of the team just shooting the shit over random shit like bathroom habits. Truly, just, as much as you can record, I will happily consume. I would even pay extra.

Courtney Seebadri

Sketchers Slip Ins are damn close to the Velcro shoe utopia brenna is looking for


I just wanted to point out that one of the songs in the Don Bluth film Rock-a-Doodle is a much better shoe tying song. It’s not on YouTube though.

Casey Furtado

Omg I can’t wait 😱


As soon as I saw the chicken with a gun on the art, I knew that was Brennan.

Ravyn Mitts

I’m crying hahaha 🤣


Hey, can we get clarification on whether Erika actually swallows their toothpaste, like a creature God forgot?

Nathan Long

So excited to watch this!


Can we get that background music as just a downloadable song? Because it rules. There's almost a Gangstagrass vibe.

Sarah Vee

I haven't listened yet, but my middle name is Ruth and I was named that after my aunt (RIP)... and I can't wait to see which one of us more closely resembles Brennan's gun-toting chicken Ruthie.


This sounds like a fun time, can't wait ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧. Y'all are a treat too listen to, and that sound editing my guy you are slaying it.

Elijah Braddy

Can't wait! This is gonna be a a blast, love you guys, and Taylor kills that sound design every time. Looking forward to whats to come


I am so excited immediately


Excited! And cheering Erika on on this first!


Gulp gulp

Corran MacCorran



Will this be replacing WWW? Or will it be released along side WWW? And if y’all already said and I just missed it I am so sorry.


Nevermind, I looked at a calendar. We, and by “we” I mean “me”, got there eventually. They will be released on Thursdays.

Kitty Stryker

I'm fully ready for "see you at the trough, comrades" merch


Chicken with a gun? I’m all in 😁


(not beautiful, but Vans definitely has their Old Skool shoes with Velcro for adults. I have them and it's the best. Highly recommend.)


My grandma had a chicken named Ruthie. Ruthie thankfully did not have a gun


Hey this is for the small chance that Taylor sees this we need more Spotify playlist. Normal exquisite is a great mood.


Can't wait to find out how long the chicken stays in the bathroom.


I am excited to see this system in action. The explanation sounds promising.


This may not be chill to share products that yall say ya want....... buuuuuuuuut i mean velcro shoes are super important to me. and though i an adult fully in their 30s have small enough feet to still wear childrens blinky shoes, sometimes one needs dress shoes. I sew spats to the top of these, bam-zap-pow. dress sneakers. https://tinyurl.com/t5amywyt These are the velcro shoes i wear exclusively elastic laces system for never tying shoes again. Im austic and OCD, and have found its much easier for me to actually leave the house if putting on my shoes is completely hands free. Also for those who gym or have bodies constantly betraying them from the moment they wake up til they go to sleep... https://tinyurl.com/2dw2bauj UV Light with fan for clean not stinky shoes also works on strong farm animal smells.

Carrie Mook Bridgman

Velcro shoes fit the principles of universal design: useful for everyone, especially for those who can't tie shoes, whether because they're too young to learn or because of some disability. Rheumatism, anyone?


Y'all are all just fucking magic. From the silliness of the Players to Taylor's "Feeling Teased! GOOD."


Are we not able to listen to these via podcast app, and can only listen on here?

Evilest Teapot

I think it’s like the fireside chats, you can listen on a podcast app via the rss link but it won’t be on the public feed


Ah ha, it is in Fireside. OK, that makes sense. I was thinking it'd be separate, thanks!


1. I look forward to the madness that these players will bring to Erika's game. 2. I live in a more rural area and I never heard this shoe tying song in real life. 3. I find tying shoes a waste of time, but don't want to have loose laces flopping around to trip me up. I like to get these Merrell shoes, https://amzn.to/3PE6fKz. They've met any business dress codes I've had to deal with. Plus, they're super comfy and easy to put on/take off.

Megan Gass

Since wing tips are the standard they could have Velcro to the tongue on the sides instead of laces. This maintains the look but adds the convenience


That chicken has a gun... I'm in.

Bee Ami

Brennan is correct. How long I’m taking is my business.


Let’s see cram Daniel’s eventually


this would be an ADORABLE animation


i’m less certain of this statement now that i’ve reached the end of the recording.


I have IBS so I am spending at least 50 minutes to an hour on the loo. I could not get my bathroom business done in 20 minutes or less. Showering is like 10 minutes max.

Christopher Huffman

Trigger warning The irony that exactly 7 days after this I checked on a family member who went to use the shower, 50minutes after they went in, and it turns out they overdosed. Thats crazy timing


Shower Lacroix for everyone!


We may not have velcro as adults but I wear Vans to this day to avoid laces.

Ran Sherman

i love that 2/3 of that is a conversation about bathroom courtesy xD

Lyndall Cave

Brennan: I'll tell you this for free. . . Me: I AM PAYING FOR THIS PATREON, BRENNAN