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Ahoohoo, Yonders! We got the whole gang on DECK and HAULIN' IN a net full of CHAT ABOUT THE EPISODE. We're talking shopping. We're talking Skittles. We're talking Shit Brickhouses. We're talking foxes with VISIBLE OBLIQUES. And you KNOW we're talking about everyone's FAVE nautimantic apparatus. Crackle crackle.

Did you know that we often record Fireside Chats on the day of episode release? So you gotta listen quick and get those Q's in to be A'd on the day of, comrade. Check out the FAQ on the patreon for the link to submit your questions!


Chiara Pride

I love how the fireside episodes are like a lucid dream


Are the item cards going to be released on this Patreon, or on the Griphon's Saddlebag patreon?


So what's the bidding starting at for the signed precious moments bibles?


The moment Brennan said “iPods”, I knew he was going to say he got a Zune…but I was not expecting it to be THAT bad.🤣


Brennen and I share a birthday (Jan 4th baybees), and I've gone through all of the exact same birthday thoughts. Validating hearing someone else say it out loud lol


I can't wait for the deleted scenes


Where is Erika's drawing? Where is it? Please?


Brennan… that pull up on the birthday stuff… didn’t make it but we love you anyway my dude and I wish you many better b-days and days in general. This fireside was awesome!


The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One Punch Fox

Miranda Grace

My best friend's dad worked on the marketing campaign for Hit Clips and she had just a surplus of these truly useless items that didn't have any purpose in the world besides creating waste. The early 2000s really brought some strange plastic stuff into the world.

Zeke Grubb

Wait…was Lou born in the 70’s or was Dickle G.?


Between the precious moments bible and the hit clips I think I fully went back in time. I can smell the scented markers and suddenly I have shooting pains in my eye from a rogue Skydancer.


Man I want to see Erika's drawing of the derrick


Can we get a “Waaaa”ne shot of Wario, Wario and the other Wario?

Sarah Vee

You can pry my Birthday Week from my cold, dead, hands. :-) I'm not making you come to any parties or buy me any gifts. But I'm gonna buy myself some treats, and have nicer dinners than usual, and take myself out to a concert, and generally pamper myself. And there's not a darn thing wrong with that.

Jennifer Bussey

It's so nice for the cast to discuss birthdays when it's the week of my birthday. Thanks guys!!

Brianna M

Shout out to Taylor for continuing to Go Off with the sound design. Edit: oh dear, I've reached the monsterfucker segment of this fireside episode. I didn't expect it, and yet...I know I should have.


Hey I have a few questions. 1 So you’re saying the empire mass produces buff people and 2 Can I play? I’ll bring a wacleric


Sound design for this ep was HOT 🔥


Listened to the second half of this while running around stressed out of my mind about party planning. (It’s a dog themed surprise party for my partners birthday and I still haven’t figured out how to transport the bone shaped icecream cake). And now I’m crying but feeling generally better that it was worth it

Erin Chamberlain

Everyone nerding out over Taylor at the beginning of the episode, as it should be! He blows me away every time


The word "gus" is a diminutive of penis in Somali. So his name is Dick Dick.




As a late dec baby, i FELT Brennon's birthday story

Crystal Johnson-Stanislowski

My birthday used to always fall on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, so very few people know when it is. So I give myself that entire weekend, picking different people to hang out with and saving one day where I just do whatever tf I want by myself.


TY for the term 'Merry Birthday'. So happy that someone else gets why it's kinda rough.


I’m sure others have said it, but Brennan’s explanation of his birthdays for sure had an Evan Kelmp vibe to it, especially with everyone else making “aww” sounds and him going. “No, this is just my life” 😂 ahoohoo!


Erika and I have the same birthday :)


When merch starts happening I need one of those shirts that says Lou & Dick Goose & All the rest of the names Lou comes up with thank you

Hex Sharpe

Yeah my birthday is Jan 12 and I had a lot of optimistic and then sad years before I decided that "birthday fun" can just be me going shopping and generally treating myself. Nobody wants to hang out in early January. Especially if you live north enough that the fun of a rare snowstorm and day off school suddenly becomes "oh dang so no one can come over now because the roads are actually not functional." Anyway yeah this is why January birthday people are like this, you end up either deeply depressed and cynical, or you face down the depression and cynicism and become loving and joyful out of SPITE.


I need *Crackle Crackle* and/or Ahoohoo mech.....

Conor Steinke

there are some general anatomy terms for thr back of a body part, not the hand specifically - the dorsum or dorsal/posterior aspect


Hopefully we never need them, but I brainstormed some other new show titles on my drive home from work today: (If we lose Suvi and Aabria plays literally any old person) - The Wizened, the Witch, and the Wild One (If we lose Ame and Erika wants to play Henry Cavill) - The Wizard, the Witcher, and the Wild One (If we lose Eursulon and Lou wants to keep with the Animal theme, maybe as a Rogue or other former criminal?) - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Weasel (If they use a homebrew Gunslinger class or something) - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Western (For the GOT/WBN crossover) - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wildling (If someone plays a genasi) - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Water

Kitty Stryker

Yeah as Brennan was describing it I was like yep, Jan 8th, it's been one week since New Years and everyone's miserable


Hear me out. Ame the fisherman's Witch, with her octopus familiar that hangs off her back like a backpack


Came to say this too. Dorsal surface, dorsum. I don't know shit about birds, but we got anatomy! 😆


Same Brennan about the January Birthday. It’s a rough road having January birthday.

The Overthinker

Brennan giving big Evan Kelmp vibes with these birthday stories.


Does anyone else notice the profound Evan Kelmp energy as Brennan describes his childhood birthday shenanigans? I thought this was a funny story is this sad? You all are making concerned noises is this bumming people out?

Day Sleep

Erika's "Mr. Goose" felt like a reference to the movies episode of Jake and Amir and I'm choosing to believe it was

Day Sleep

I believe that the toy Dick Goose is talking about is called "Hand Band" and is impossible to find anywhere online, but i once saw a clip of an ad for them on tiktok that i cannot find again

Jessica Trossbach

Trying to see Erik’s drawing ✍️ 💜


Just gotta say the “mitigate” bit in the main ep was the funniest thing I’ve heard in ages. Took me out at the knees.

Piping Plover

Brennan said he doesn't want magic to be a resource that needs to be managed, but that's exactly what the Mass Produced Magic rule does. "Gotta keep the costs down somehow", but I would think the only cost would be in material for the ring itself. He wants the Witch class to be about crafting, but having one-time-use magic items creates a resource management mechanism.

Piping Plover

The implication being that only Witches have to manage their magic resource.

Ben Perry

My understanding of that was moreso that magic in the world could never run out, it's not a finite resource like in some worlds (e.g. Millennium's Rule... dope series). I don't see that as contradicting the expense of magical items. Gotta pay for the materials, but also for the time of a wizard powerful enough to craft them.


My birthday is July 3 (yesterday) and I had the same experience that Brennan talks about at the end of this episode with his birthday. We stopped having parties when I was 8 because no one showed up and I still won't have them now, as an adult, because of that fear. So hearing Brennan's story made me feel very much seen and not alone! Sending love to all the other inconvenient birthday people!


One of my favorite days has been the 2022 JoCo Cruise Birthday sailing day. It was everyone's Birthday, and every crewmember and anyone you passed would just wish you a Happy Birthday! and it was just the most incredibly welcoming warm fuzzy feeling day.


I am in love with all things witch lore especially the idea of putting work and effort into making and crafting magic and magic as an ongoing practice! Did the class and or Erika/Brennan take any inspiration from Naomi Novik? She is my favorite author and her novels have a real resonance with some elements of this ongoing story. Especially Uprooted and the Scholomancy series!


The amount of rich detail behind every character, place and institution Brennan has woven together and connected in this world is absolutely masterful and a joy to listen to. He is a genius world weaver.


I never judge anyone who throws themselves birthday parties because as someone with depression, I've found having a day to celebrate yourself and celebrating making it through another year is a beautiful thing. A reminder that there are still people who love you and there are still more memories to make.


Even though as a young person someone always made me cry at my birthdays I'm like no way will I let anyone ruin my future ones lol


I haven't seen any merch updates... when are we getting the officisl WWW "It's okay to not have a birthday" T?


As a fellow early January birthday haver, I also learned at a young age to not really make a big deal out of them. And very much related to being a reformed birthday grinch haha


Was this the first time all of them were at a fireside? It feels like it lol

Megan Horowitz

In The Children’s Adventures fireside chat episode, Erika mentioned that they revealed Ame’s last name in episode 8, but I don’t remember hearing that. Anyone catch that in this or any other episode?

Bria A.

They didn’t say they revealed her last name—they said they (semi-)revealed why Ame *doesn’t* have a last name.