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CRACKLE CRACKLE fam, the gang is back together and PIERCING your Q's with their A's. From Finley to Fountains, why this Fireside Chat simply has it all! There's a fun horn honk in this one! Lou tells a story! Aabria defends Feign Death! Erika makes more coughing noises! Brennan actually does reveal somethin neat about the Fountain scene! This is better than a dang movie!



Aabria's Character work is first class stuff. "...you are now the straw man I've built." Wooo.


Crackle crackle, baby

Zack Brasfield

This episode gave me big Fox and the Hound vibes…I’m gonna need a different ending here 😭😭😭

Jesse Massaro

Crackle crackle bb ❤️ You did great!!! I LOVE THESE. Ngl the context and conversation helps me parse out the conflict. There is so much this exploration of character has revealed, I'm awash in feelings and insights on those feelings. For me the interpersonal conflict was hard to remember to pull back from, and this helped fit it back into perspective where I can engage excitedly again. Hackles lowered, sitting on the edge of my seat again. Not that I wouldn't have engaged enthusiasticly!!! But now with a side step look I feel more in balance. 😸

Joules Sage

my answer; danny devito


Crackle crackle baby!! 🔥🔥🔥


This is the sound of Fireside, crackle crackle bb


Using my fist ever comment to say: The cat sound Brennan's cat/Digit makes is called an Ekekek, you can use it to find videos. It's done at pray, so basically a cats hunting sound. Lol


Hey, is there a system for where we post comments on each episode before the Fireside Chat comes out? I feel like it would be nice to have a post each week that basically goes "episode out now! Write your feelings here!"


Crackle crackle buddies!


Crackle crackle yall.

Zachary Schwendemann-Whitman

You gotta advertise to the people who are already your customers, it’s the business equivalent of “you have to date your spouse “


Crackle crackle! ⛺️🧙‍♀️🦊🔥🐻🧙‍♂️🌲


The note from Brennan of using RPGs to explore anger when you can't explore it in the real world? First off, ow, you didn't have to call me out like that. Second off, it was so good.


Can anyone confirm what the Scandinavian word was that Erika referred to?

Andreas Wetterberg

I think they were referring to "esprit d'escalier", actually? I've never actually heard that word - "jouska" used, but I guess it's less locked to having to happen AFTER the fact. Supposedly it's Finnish.


I work for a publisher called Erewhon Books and hearing this episode was a stark reminder that there is also a West Coast grocery chain by the same name, so I WAS CONFUSED for a hot second haha

Emily Rainbow Spence

I always thought it was “preaching to the converted”. Like you don’t have to proselytize people after they’ve bought in.


All right, two NPC casts: Peter Dinklage as Findlay and the fox is voiced by Sam Rockwell (or George Clooney doing his Fantastic Mr. Fox voice)


do we just post our questions for fireside chat here? if so why doesn't Suvi have word name like silver/stone? also is there a reason they are all S names? silence soft stone steel silver ect


I’m wondering if my feed is messed up or if the main show is not added to the Patreon feed. If it isn’t, I don’t really understand why as others do that. It’s kinda annoying to be subbed to 2 different feeds.

Evilest Teapot

The main show isn’t added to the Patreon feed, once you get used to the system it’s not that bad. I think there’s more info in the ‘instruction manual’ pinned to the top of the page


Where are people asking questions? Is there a discord or a form or something?


I live in Kodiak Alaska and YES we do actually have hiking songs to keep bears away AND we wear (jingle) bells! Kodiak bears are beasts but usually don't want to deal with humans. Up close you raise your arms to show how tall and confident you are and then use a loud deep voice. But if it attacks you and you survive, THEN you play dead until you can get help, because they will come back to make sure you died. PLEASE google "pitbull Walmart" to see a picture of a Kodiak bear. I beg


No one but Brennan himself could do the Fox justice, I think.

Megan Dunbar

I would cast Jim Broadbent as Finley


As a Finn I can say that I've definitely never heard of the word before in my life

Ryan Holmes

Where do we sign up for a child from Lou's scoby? Perhaps one of the first items for the merch store?


It’s the clown horn censorship for me 🤡😂


It’s a wonder they haven’t realized that nobody wants to watch two PC’s fight. D&D is the party vs. the world. If one of the characters is being a dick and another one is sitting there and taking it that’s just bullying. Why would we want to watch bullying?


I disagree, interparty fighting can be really really dramatic and tense


Clown horn was great 😆 Love Lou being a different person everytime! Can't wait to hear the next one.


I can never get enough of hearing y'all really dive into your game sessions. As a baby DM it's endlessly fascinating. Also, RE: Feign Death, I got a great use out of it when my PCs went to take down brothers who were known to be wanted dead or alive (but worth more if alive). So when the one went down and they immediately stabilized him, the other stumbles out of sight and "dies" from his wounds. An hour later the PCs are distracted with a mini-boss they had bypassed and half their bounty sneaks off. Looking forward to his return. 😈


The problem is that it messes up the viewership numbers on platforms where this then affects discoverability and thus audience growth. Blame the algos doing that—these other shows you mentioned likely do themselves a disservice by doing it the way you described, as sad as it is

Ethan Heartsill

For just pennies a day, you can help a scoby in need. (“In The Arms of an Angel” starts playing)

Joanna Beck

Truly loved Erika's "um, actually"

Evilest Teapot

New ep is up for anyone competing here to check


Mackenzie Crook was my immediate Findlay.. loving these firesides, can’t wait for Lou to join them again 🖤


LOVED the 2hr episode, thank you!!!

Tammie Foster

I wish a discussion post or something would be posted the day episodes drop on the mainfeed!

Olivia Buse

I don’t know if this has been answered yet but why do wizards have names like Stone, Pain, etc.? I assume the name comes from their powers but am also curious if it’s personally chosen like suvi chose sky in the recent episode. Also since suvi has both suvi and sky, do other wizards have a second name? Is it just wizards of the citadel, or even of high status within it? So many questions! My hunch based on last pod is that suvi has not explained this to Ame and Eursulon so we don’t know yet but I want to!!


But where is the title coming from?! There's hardly any water ... Mysterious

Mary Wimmer

Not to be weird but my brain full froze for a minute doing math of “hang on Lou said say he was 9 back in 2007 hold on what?!? That’s the year I graduated high school?!?”if I find out Lou a whole child and 10 years younger then I thought he was… 🤣🤣 it’s not my business but if he is mad younger then everyone it makes me even more impressed with the character choices I’ve seen him make playing older characters!

Luke Hampshire

I would like to submit Steve Buscemi as a potential actor for Finley, thank you for your time ❤️

Luke Hampshire

Also "You go Martha Coco" was that a Mean Girls reference???


Gotta say, personally, crackle crackle baby

Christie Joesbury

I never heard of scoby, I found out its a starter for Kombucha. I've never had kombucha either. Is it good? Is it alcoholic? I don't know things. Expanding my horizons!

Emma Margaret

I need a ten hour version of the ending music that plays because it is some of the most filling music I have ever listened to. I cannot think of another track that hits quite the way this track does.

Jonathan Goddard

Excellent Glen coco reference, dude


Being a person who has spent a lot of time in a Baptist church, the choir is behind the person preaching in most cases. So, if you’re preaching to the choir your back is away from the mic and to the back to the majority of the congregation.


Love the Shakespeare spoilers.


For Finley's (spelling?) death I immediately knew he wasn't really dead because when Brennan was describing it; the slashed throat, the blood, etc, he sounded like he was smiling. So I was thinking, "There's no way he finds this really gruesome murder amusing right? There's gotta be something going on here". And then they got more serious so I started to doubt myself, but then when it was revealed I felt so vindicated. 😤