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Well Met Honored Guests!

There’s some new stuff coming’ down the old Patreon Pipe, and here I am, on bended knee, to tell you about them. Hark! Anon! Attend, even!

    This is a super cool new feature that Patreon is rolling out. Now, people can join our Patreon for free and get all our public updates in their Patreon feed, or wherever they like to get updates. Previously, you had to be a paying Patron to subscribe at all, but now, anyone can join! Don’t worry, stuff like the Fireside Feed, that are exclusive to you, our paying subscribers, remain that way. For you, dear Patrons, nothing much changes, but what should you expect?
---More people around! Now that you can follow creators on Patreon, like you might follow any creator’s account on any platform, expect more folks to be hangin out. This is great, all are welcome!
---We’re gonna be posting a lot more stuff. Go here to make sure your Patreon email alerts are setup the way you like, so you don’t get too many alerts or messages. We want to post more things, but we don’t want to bother you!
---Now that anyone can join us here, we want to make our Patreon THE home for everything we release, the WBN OMNIBUS ENCYCLOPEDIA CODEX OF ALL WORLD KNOWLEDGE. Because Patreon enabled Join for Free, no one has to follow us on social media for timely announcements like episode drops. We love this because you never know when a social media platform can vanish or be taken over by a rich idiot and slowly destroyed. Now, you can come here and find links to anything and everything WBN, including……

    Many (MANY) of you have asked that we make a Patreon post announcing every new public episode on the main public feed. Starting now, we will! This helps us keep everything in WBN in one place (here) AND it lets us do cool stuff, like publish public episode transcripts with better formatting than our previous transcript distribution system allowed. Patrons, mi amores, mes copains, you’ll still need to subscribe to both the Public feed and the Fireside feed to get all your delicious audio. The audio feeds are still separate but our Patreon here will announce and link to everything.

  • AM(T)A
    Hey! Taylor here! I’m gonna do a weird Patreon AMA (Ask Me Anything) tomorrow right here! Tomorrow May 12th, at 3pm (EST, New York time baby I’m walking here) I’ll make a Patreon post where you can submit your questions for me in the comments, and I’ll answer them in the post. We’re talking music, scoring inspiration, Pro Tools midi troubleshooting, sound design, podcast production, editing improv, all things audio narrative play, hell, anything at all. It’s in the name! “See” you then!



Tyler Gob

Woot woot! All about that sweet bonus content😎


So excited for these new updates!!!!


erika noooooo


Someone dropped our Erika


I think you could actually "follow" a creator without paying before (I've done this with a couple of others cteators), they're just making the feature clearer now.




Erika Ishii out here pulling a Finley. 🤦‍♂️


Is this where we ask our questions for the ama? And if so, where is the "chat" that is being referenced in a lot of the fireside episodes? I wanna join the live chat but this is my first patreon and my first podcast.



Cait Batchelor

As usual my physical body is simply unable to contain the amount of hype I feel, come sooner June!


How exciting!


(( Excitement Intensifies )) Excuse me, everyone, I have to interrupt you due to personal reasons to say: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! AH-HOO-HOO! Thank you, that is all :)


We just have to wait 5 more years till CYBER FALCONS


Woooooo Also, we need phone backgrounds of the amazing art for the show cover. Every time I’m listening I love the picture in the background. I want to show it off to everyone I walk by


Poor Erika, that is such a vibe

Erinn Nelson



So just for clarification, we can get all episodes just through this app now? Like we don’t need to have both apps necessarily?


doesn't look like it to me, the Public episode announcement posts seem like they have links to a Public episode on other apps - Not an audio file on the Patreon app


I realized this after i commented and then couldn’t find my comment! Thanks for the help!


Is there a reason why we can’t have the “public episodes” posted here for Patreon subscribers to have all content in one place? I know NAADPOD and Dungeons and Daddies and is able to load content into a public feed for non Patreon people and a private feed to post all content. It just feels like to find all the stuff, we have to go to multiple places (Public Feed, Patreon and now Youtube?).


I’m so excited!


Lol i feel that so much erika XDD

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