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You've heard of "hosting" a podcast, but nobody hosts PEOPLE like the good people at EconoLodge. With air conditioning, a pool I feel like maybe, doors that go right outside, and Cinemax, we've got everything you and your family need, at EconoLodge. Try out EconoLodge today! Or actually that would be super weird if you're not traveling already. Try out EconoLodge when it is normal to do that! Right next to the fancy McDonalds on Route 18. Yeah the one with the inside ball pit.


Joseph Bauermeister

Can't wait to plan my first trip to EconoLodge!

Anthony G

Maybe I will.

Ben Garnhum

do you accept traveller's cheques

Corran MacCorran

Weirdly unlocked so many southern Illinois specific memories.


What new name will Mr. Peanut have today?

Chris Valesey

Can we get the main episodes on Patreon feed with transcripts? I have ADHD and sometimes have trouble focusing on listening. Having the transcripts helps a lot. Thanks!

Jon Allanson

The EconoLodge ad is giving strong Welcome to Night Vale energy. :)


Brennan is gone and the Erika grabs the chance to dunk on capitalism! I except no less 🏀 even Cram Daniels would approve

Jorey Kay Mull

Same! Simplecast has them, that's what I've been using. https://worlds-beyond-number.simplecast.com/episodes

Anton Spohn

I want to thank John Economy for coming up with a new name each fireside. It makes it much easier to differentiate each of the episodes right at the beginning of the the audio.

Mel Kepler

I enjoyed this so much, including all the dunking on the horrible little man (with excellent worldbuilding).

Mel Kepler

WAIT. WAIT. We were denied a Suvi hookup?? Taylor come here I just wanna talk

Megan Bee

Erika saying “I’m gonna die here” made me SHRIEK

Stephanie Mey

Can't believe we didn't get the Suvi/Silver content

Liz Callahan

A pair and a spare is a good indie band name, just thought everyone should know that

Maggie Schaller

I desperately love the Lou new name an episode bit and wish it would never end

Richard Dufault

Is there a schedule for when new episodes will come out?


Every Tuesday! Alternating between main campaign eps on the public feed, and Fireside stuff via the members-only feed. -t


Episode 50? Please be a joke. 2 years of level 1 play?

Amanda Butler

I would love to see the glasses Aabria put on during the episode, they sound so cute!

Kyra M Rodriguez

Can’t believe you guys managed to land THE John Economy as a guest

Richard Dufault

Sorry, I meant episodes of the actual play. I'm not super into the fireside chats. Just want to see where those kids end up!


I think they do it this way to keep their watch metrics up, thus putting the podcast higher in the charts. If people listen through the Patreon feed they end up losing those listen hours to the abyss.

helen saulsgiver

Love this you all are amazing, I love playing DND and you guys play it so flawlessly!!!!

Kyle Rudy

My only complaint about this podcast is that there isn't more of it. Thanks so much for sharing your little absurdities with the world.

M Smith

Please sir, I want some more.

Lunar Luna

but where is WWW ep3 "The Charter" and ep4 "In the Drink"?

Bee Ami

Please give us the cut of them banging it out I have to hear it


Loved the fireside! Also, since the main episodes don't release in the Patreon feed, I thought it would be better to share this feedback here than somewhere like reddit: The ballooning brass sounds in the battle track were so high in the mix I could barely focus on the dialogue. Had to relisten to parts of the battle several times to catch everything.

lukas roman

Why is Lou's mic so quiet

Brianna M

To join the "Story Cleanup" jingle with Brennan, I humbly petition for a "Is this a bit or is it real" tune.

lukas roman

All of the episodes of the campaign are on spotify and wherever you find podcast EVERY OTHER TUEDAY. With episodes of the fireside BETWEEN those. Only Patreon has the Fireside

Gabriel Graywood

Wait who did Suvi get down with? Lmao


I love the idea of just putting the transcripts on patreon though. And that also would give us a place to discuss specific episodes! Also also, they could add a series of links to the new episodes on various services like apple, spotify, etc. for easy access. If y'all need another person to do annoying patreon work, I know y'all are busy as hell. Hire me I'll do it for words of affirmation and access to the witch build 😩


Over on the public feed! Episodes of the main show are sent out over the main, public feed. That’s the feed you see on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast apps and directories.

Ben Fogle

Thank you! I appreciate you too! This is hands down my new favorite podcast.


Is Lou doing a RToM character name bit?

Matthew Zimon

Love the LITERAL seagull screech at 28:41


So I know there are some fanfic writers in the bunch here. Imma need y’all to hit me with a quick Suvi/Silver one-shot and drop the link stat.


Is Suvi the baddie? Lol


Haiku for ep 4 We're all level one on wet sidewalks in new towns breathing crooked air


Silver is the guy in episode one who got awarded after coming back from war. Suvi was trying to play it cool around him


Her own MOM disapproves 😂


Hey Jen and Tim, check out our Instruction Manual pinned to the front of our Patreon page, that oughta get you sorted with where all the right audio is and how to troubleshoot misbehavin podcatchers. Hope this helps! -t


I agree with Aabriya about the ‘pair and a spare thing’ and the way she’s playing her character, she will ALWAYS be the spare. Ame has the cottage and power source, Eursalon knew where the sword was, and there’s no reason at all for Suvi to even be there. And on top of that she’s being pretentious and mean? This is gonna turn into the Wizard vs. the Witch and the Wild One very fast, and I think that’ll be really interesting, if a little hard to listen to.

Jen N Tim McJunkin

Actually, now that I am looking, the only episodes are the children ones. I don’t see any of the campaign episodes at all on Patreon or my Apple podcast.

Megan Gass

I would love to get an Aabriya mom bullet list and commentary after each episode please!

AJ Carol

For some reason it looks like none of their episodes are available to download anymore. I'm not having the issue with any other patreons, just this one.

AJ Carol

Why are none of the episodes available to download anymore?

Boomclaw the Twice-Dead Kobold

Yeah, I subscribe to These Those and those are available to download. Not sure why these aren't. As someone who drives a lot and has a small data plan, this is pretty inconvenient.

Anthony G

You folks are incredible, for real.

Vampire the Assquerade

yeah this confused me. i was like wasnt the main show supposed to be out by now and didnt know until right now it wasnt on the patreon

Max Dweck

Hello I am very interested in seeing Aabria's wizard glasses and also learning where you get prescription wizard glasses.

Rayne D.

I couldn't help making an ad for these hard-working, pro-bono rules lawyers: https://twitter.com/Bakcheious/status/1648756597936513040

Thomas Coan

Could someone redrop the unofficial "official" discord link

Chris Faison

What is this? I love these podcast episodes but are the Adult Adventures already out? I’ve finished the children’s adventure and anxiously awaiting the new episode’s🥹

Jorn Reinsel

Please let us download the fireside chats again; it's very difficult to listen to them otherwise


They are! My understanding is that the adult adventure isn't being uploaded here because they want to avoid splitting the audience for the stuff that's publically available. I listen to it on spotify, but I think it's on Apple podcasts also. There's 4 episodes out so far and the next one is due next week 😊

Mariel Reynolds

You have to get the adult episodes on Podcast apps, they aren't available here. They made a post about it a while ago. I use Overcast. They gave instructions on how to add your pateron to the app. Fireside and Adult Adventure show up as separate feeds, but you can have them both pop as new in your Overcast settings.

Anthony Sebastian

Eagerly waiting for the transcript so I can find out if it's spelled John Economy or Jon Economy.

Katrina Forsyth

The Patreon has all the exclusive content, but the actual main episodes are available on most if not all podcast platforms. The FAQ post has more info if you need it!

Katrina Forsyth

I was really hoping that someone would point out how Suvi shut down when Eursalon said it’s hard to hurt people. She’s scared CAUSE IT WAS SO EASY FOR HER and that entire interaction/realization made me want to worship Aabria even more.


Imagine having the money to regularly choose a hotel over a hostel 😩


"good communication is the death of drama" - this is SO true. I've always joked that the Wheel of Time book series (honestly, most long book series) would have been five books shorter if they had communicated better.


Taylor isn't real, right? He's just another Brennan character?

Ben Fogle

So Erika Ishii said my name out loud and I guess I don't ever have to accomplish anything ever again

Peter Ellis

Aabria I know you said that you would be playing a more "traditional" character, but I didn't expect Suvi to go full murder hobo.

Phoenix Johnstone

I always love Aabria's aesthetic when I see her in streams/videos, so loved hearing about the wizard glasses.


She didn’t go murder hobo, she went ruthless and protective. I love Aabria playing a complex character!

To All The Men I've Tolerated Before

I’m a yearly Gen Con attendee and I’m constantly frustrated by their event calendar and in ignorance of who will be at Gen Con. So I’m just taking a chance and seeing if someone will see this and give me a hint if WBN will be represented there this summer 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


I miss Mr Borg

Murphy Barrett

Wait, did Mr. Economy mean transcripts of the fireside, or are there transcripts of the actual episodes I'm missing somewhere?

Kathleen Singleton

I think there's transcripts on the simplecast website! https://worlds-beyond-number.simplecast.com/episodes/www-in-the-drink


I very much wanted to take WBN and the other Fortunate Horse shows to GenCon this year (which I LOVE) but their mask/vaxx policy is just too irresponsible. I might go as just me, but not sure yet. :/ -t


Interesting to hear Mr Economy talk about the aspects of his character that dial into the best of Worf. That kind of character being played by someone who is thoughtful about the character, and also knows when and how to milk the tension and irony that character creates for comedy is the best shit in the world.


FUCK TERFS but this party is the definition of a raven claw being in a party with a gryffindor and a hufflepuff


Well you lost AirBnB but damn if you didn't make up for it with Econolodge

Claudia Novati

The more I look at your artwork, the more I want a t-shirt of it 😍

Evilest Teapot

New episode is up for anyone coming here to check


Why does episode 5 have reverb over the entire thing? I’m not sure if that was a mistake or intentional, but it’s hard to listen to with earbuds on.

Mathieu Joly

it is highly unpleasant, even without earbuds. I really hope that it was a one time thing. *edit* after 20 minutes: I cannot enjoy it like that. I'll skip. hopefully it wont come back.

Joshua Dolphin

I think it was to represent Finley's echoey stone chamber. I can understand not liking it. I think it stops when they leave, or maybe before, but maybe I just got used to it.


It does stop when they leave Finley's (so it is because of that, I think). However, they don't leave there before about 56 minutes into the episode.


Agreed. Took a lot of adjustments to my audio settings for me to be able to make it through.


Hey Wildfire! I just checked and it sounds fine to me. The only reverb was the environmental reverb when they were in Finley's shop in the first scene. If you're hearing echo over the entire episode, something might be wrong with your device. Hope this helps! -t


Wild to skip an episode of an episodic series. It's an environmental effect meant to represent the echoing room they're in at the time. I don't think Taylor is going to stop employing such ambient effects, so you might have to get used to it.


I LOVE 💘 that there is transcription for every episode so when audio is especially hard for me I can still follow along its so nice to fell included~☆


^ i personally enjoyed the shift in vocal quality, more immersive audio gud


How DARE they deprive us of a Nat 20 Acrobatics for a spicy Suvi scene 😂😂


I had a completely different interpretation of the underwear scene than John Economy did. I didn't think they were from a woman Eursulon had slept with, I assumed a woman sent them to him as a seduction attempt/invitation to sleep with him but the message had totally passed over Eursulon's head.


wait wait wait- is Ame autistic? (referring to the social chain debate, and from someone who is autistic haha)

Crystal Johnson-Stanislowski

One of my dogs's name is Finley and when Eursulon kept yelling "Finley!!!" he kept looking all around and getting excited

Roland Lowe

It wasn't Lay On Hands, he cast Lay In Hands.

Potato Muffin

Witches are Service Tops

Nicole Jordan

Something interesting about D&D and going down in everything I’ve listened to/watched is I always notice the player down gets a certain calmness and resigned acceptance whereas the people around them are the ones who react and get upset and emotive for their friend which I feel like is reflective of real life stuff happening tbh

Ashley Teatum

Oh Lord I finished the story now coming back through for the chats and I am HOPING Brennan addresses the shenanigans said in this one, in the next one 😅💀


I hate how much "Bad Man Brennan" sounds like a right wing propaganda title 😂😂😂

Archon of Commoragh

I agree with mama Iyengar's bullet points for sure.