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As summer advances, so do Ame, Suvi, and Eursulon. Together and in their own incredible ways.


Joey Sawyers

"I'll try really hard" 💀😭🥲🥹


I really love this way to determining stats ❤️ Listening to all the kids adventures before starting with the adult one will put things in perspective in a unique way i think 🌸

Megan Murphy

I found episode one of the main campaign much more impactful because I'd heard the children's adventure! I'm telling all my friends to become patrons so they get the same experience :)


Sometimes, when my eyes are just skating over the text, I read "Eursulon" as "Eurovision"

Sam (Mantabel)

I need that proof of those two 6s that looked like 69. Lol


A truly fantastic episode! But, I'm a little confused about how the players got their ability scores. What did they start out as? Did they roll dice with advantage? How did they get those fallback numbers?


I was raised a city kid and spent time every summer at my grandmother's house out in the country. This episode specifically has me remembering the bold and bright learnings of childhood and how in my teens and into my early 30s I kind of switched up a lot about who I was and now that I'm strolling into my 50s, I am revisiting that brightness and boldness but with the very large difference that I choose my own chores. Thank you for this for so much. haiku to come (I wrote it in my head as I was falling asleep and it flowed into my dreams and hasn't come back out).


Later summer's dark heat shows hidden things bright and hides truths told as secrets


When I imagine everyone picking up a 6 to int I see the girls reading / studying together talking through everything they are reading eurselon is just in the room practicing his sword forms listening with an occasional "mmhmm"


i am so incredibly impressed with the quality of the story telling. i know it was going to be brennan gming, and lou, erika and aabria playing, but. Ho. Ly. Cow. This is amazing


Lou's called shot? Incredible.

Garrett Sweet

Roads are the backbone of civilization Prolly unintentional, but love a Rothfuss reference, no matter how oblique




Why are these children the most adorable and caring?!!!!!


I WANT the rules to this system! It would be really fun to use at our own tables. I asked in the Fireside Chat. Hopefully I'm not the only one, so there's a better chance that they'll tell us! It sounded like they started with a range from 6-10/12 for their childhood scores, and then when it was time, rolled for a stat, and could either keep that roll or roll again. The unused roll was then saved for a future stat, and would eventually need to be put on somewhere, so at each roll they had the option to either roll or take the holdover number. I wanna know how they got their starting scores, too.


I am sooo happy that I am sick today so I can listen to this the whole day!!!


Anyone knows what they're doing stats wise for these children and what they're rolling in these eps? I need to know.


Honestly, I would love if Suvi took a lil witch dip

jimmie glover

Cycadas summer. I live in the south. I see them.


Am I the only one that doesn't trust steel? I feel like she definitely betrayed or even killed Suvi's parents


Why do you have to make me cry every single episode


“I’ll tell you this: all the magic in the world, there is nothing more precious than a true friend.”

Ben Perry

Come on provolone!


Dimension 20 crossover question, but there's no way they had already shot Ravening War when these came out, right? The line "Come on Provolone!" seems like too unique a line to be a coincidental though so now I'm not sure


Hearing the provolone jokes after finishing up Ravening War really made me crack up. Loved that little easter egg ❤️


Literally came to comment section for come on provolone!


I wanna hug Grandma Wren

Chris Newport

Provolone is a cheese. 🧀

Stephanie Joy

Can someone explain to me how they started with their ability scores and how they’re advancing because I want to do this with my new campaign but I’m at a loss.

Apple Slapple

Woow listening to this AFTER arc 1 and listening to them describe wavebreaker was insane

Jo L

Did that photo of Lou's double 6s con roll ever get posted anywhere?! Just WILD


I love the lore being given here, but I also love Grandmother Wren's treatment of the children in her care.


** SPOILERS ** Wait so if Eoghiarin (atrocious spelling) had already gone missing by the solstice, does that mean Soft and Stone were already dead at this point? Did Grandma Wren already know and kept it from Suvi? That’s so sad.

Melody Snow

**SPOILERS** I think it's important to note still what Grandmother Wren doesn't know during this summer what she may have found out after Steel came to take Suvi, and I also think we should consider that what Steel tells us in Arc 2 is that she *believes* that Eoghiarin going missing means he betrayed Soft and Stone based on a set of indeterminant logic. Her logic makes sense, of course- but there are still circumstances that could lead to many character's misunderstanding, or even just circumstances that lead Wren to believe Soft and Stone were alive still during this time. Grandmother Wren could've also believed that it would not be her place to tell young Suvi of her parent's passing, and that it would be the resposibility of Steel, an adult in which Suvi knew of longer than Grandmother Wren herself.


"Come on provolone" has ascended to the lofty height of "see you in the stars!"


I want to have friend like they are for each others