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Every summer ends.


Graham Byrne

Took my time with the kids adventure and I'm so glad I'm here for this. All of you are just fantastic. Cannot wait to see where all of this leads.


I am destroyed. 😭😭😭😫 every moment is so fucking beautiful.


These were absolutely amazing. I can not wait to see where this story goes from here!


I’ve never been so sad and happy at the same time. It’s therapeutic. I love this story. I love these kids. You all have done such a wonderful job bringing this to us. It’s beautiful. Thank you!


Why do ya’ll gotta play with my emotions like this, I’m ruined.

Sara Sorrell

I've laughed. I've cried. I've listened to the prelude multiple times. This is amazing. Thank you ❤️

Ian Crall

Ahhhhh. I cried way to much today. So fantastic. What a wonderful prequel to everything. NOW TO LISTEN TO THE ACTUAL SHOW. YAY


Oh boy. You guys. My broken heart.


Dear God...i am SOBBING I still have 5 hours in my work day wtf 😭😭


wow this one ripped my heart out y'all what a fantastic story


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I found Ame’s story to be the most tragic. She’s always trying to be happy and doing so much for the other two. Kind of like the friend who is always carrying the emotional baggage for everyone else? I just found the ending to be so damn sad.


truly sobbing. thank you, aabria, erika, brennan, lou, taylor, casey. everyone involved.


I am not okay. I am NOT okay. I am NOT OKAY. I AM NOT OKAY.


I’ve never been more emotionally destroyed in my life. And this is just the session 0? Insanity.


Hiding in the bathroom at work to cry.


Of course, it's D&D; everyone gets a tragic backstory. Still, did you need to crack my chest open and shred my heart so spectacularly?! Yeah, you did, I know, I had to live it with them.


crying in the car right now, what an incredible adventure!


My HEART. This episode absolutely wrecked me, especially the reveal at the end 💔


I’ve been sobbing this whole episode


I am someone in my early 20s who is transitioning out of my childhood, and I’ve been feeling lost and disconnected from my past. This piece of art has truly healed a part of my inner child and I feel so connected to and deeply impacted by it. I’ve laughed, I’ve reflected, I’ve yelled at my phone pretending like the characters can hear me, I’ve celebrated, and I’ve definitely cried a lot, but mainly tears laced with bittersweet nostalgia and love. My most sincere thanks to everyone who has worked on this story, it has changed my life in a profound way <3


omg I have ugly cried in traffic so much today. I am grabbing my chest and openly weeping.

Jesse Massaro

My goodness, what an incredible story and what incredible people who are telling it. Thank you for sharing this part of the story with us, and even for showing that it can be like this. I'm so exited to go and listen to the adventure that will follow when our wonderful friends reunite.

Lilith Evenstar

Thank fuck for that butthead Taro on comic relief or this one would have done me in.


A rare occasion where I find myself happy to be crying. :*) Y'all do such beautiful world & character-building work.


I was listening at work too, tried really hard not to cry around people but I couldn't not, so I did the same thing lol <3


I really love this story and these characters so so much, I feel ya


I just literally sobbed my entire way through the bench scene. 🙃🥲😭


No that's fine, I didn't need my HEART TODAY 😭😭😭


dont mind me, just a boy cryin' on the subway

Jeremiah Young

I need the mechanics used for this expanded session 0


I'm just catching up and honestly it's so validating seeing that we're all suffering together lol. My poor heart 😭😭😭😭


So we're wondering if we should run this with our nieces who are 10 and 11 to see how real children choose. We might dial down on the trauma though haha. We're right now in the middle of a homebrew with them and they are for sure DnD geeks!


I want a Brennan character around to give me all my future tragic news. It’s such a warm and wholesome way to hear devastating things.


I have never cried so much for during a podcast

Im Slightly

I had to wait months, because I knew this podcast was going to be too good for my soul to listen to it at the wrong time. Now that I'm catching up, I'm glad I left it for a time when I feel more able to appreciate all the nuance. Thank you. The children's story was healing for me.