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Suvi and Ame help Eursulon feel at home. Before long, their home becomes each other.


Jake the Cake

God, this makes me weep and laugh with every episode

Maxwel Anderson

Lohan was my babysitter growing up. He’d always keep me up to date on ostrich rules.

Xathonn X

Eursulon's space is really cool, between inside and outside. Since I feel like he's going to very much be a character that's between 2 worlds of his home and where he is now.


I live for Aabria bringing sports descriptions into d&d. Strong kiddie soccer visuals with the slide tackle attempt and spitting mud 😂


One of my biggest... not complaints per se... but like things I don't like about most actual play shows is they don't show the like... nitty gritty character creation and leveling up process. TAZ did for a little while but stopped and I feel like NADDPod did too. And obviously in something with a set number of episodes like D20 there's simply no time for that. But I love it and I hope that given that this space is meant to just be a home game for the 4 of them, they'll never cut that out.


flowers, moss, and bees stitched with spiders' webs in a blanket for a fae also: picking a future from the liquid of one's youth a gift of fireflies

Emily Rainbow Spence

Ostrich rules are absolutely a thing, at least for kids. The rule is “If I can’t see you, you can’t see me.” (And the opposite is true.) When I was preschool age and I was frustrated with my mom, I would stand in front of her, squeeze my eyes closed, and yell, “You can’t see me!” I have no idea how she didn't burst into laughter.

Theo Vařák

Aabria wakes up every day specifically to deliver the most hurtful moments possible


From this day forward we need merch titled Bird Facts: and then that fact 😆

Carrie Mook Bridgman

Oh my God. Ame is something else. A 7-year-old child finds (spoilers)... . . . . . . . . . . . a suit of armor in a bathtub with the back of the helmet bashed in; it whips around and *looks at her*, and the first thing out of her mouth is, "Are you OK?" Incredible.


Dear Aabria, Brennan, Erika, and Lou - this episode in particular is bringing me so much joy. I really appreciate the opportunity for an organic approach to character creation. It is so beautiful. I listen in the car and I keep finding myself driving along with a huge smile on my face from pure enjoyment of the story you’re telling. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!


So this episode made me stop and laugh and rewind so I could laugh again and tell my brother, because... a funny story is, when I was 12 and had been playing D&D for a few years with my bro, and wanted to try my hand at DMing for the first time, I was playing a module that I was drawn to for its focus on spiders, my favorite animals. And when a player listened at a wall, I described the spidery footsteps on the opposite side of the wall as "clanging"- to which I was roasted so promptly and thoroughly for the silliness of a spider that must be wearing metal shoes to be clanging on a wall, that I decided to stop playing and didn't try DMing again for like 5 years. So having noisy spiders be blamed for a clanging noise by Ame was a real gift for me, personally. Thank you, Erika.


Ostrich rules should definitely be the new "Bullshit" "Lou just rolled his 3rd nat one today" Man that's Ostrich rules


I relate to this so hard. DMing for young teenage boys as a young teenage boy myself was a bit of a mine field. If you misspoke on a description or got a rule slightly wrong it would turn into a round table of wounded egos trying to come out on top. It's hard not to take it as a besmirchment of your skills as a DM at that age. At least for me and my players at the time, I don't think any of us were really good at communicating. But now if I had made a similar mistake I know my current group would make the joke about the spiders having metal shoes and I would roll with it and eventually come up with a silly lore reason for it and it would be a classic fun D&D memory. I'm glad you eventually got back around to DMing even if it took five years.


All of these episodes have had strong Wanderhome vibes, but this episode especially. Friendship bracelets, sleeping in shrines, sadness - I live for this shit.

Tyler Summers

The fact that this isn't rehearsed blows my mind.

Kristin Higginbotham

Catching up on these and it’s so interesting hearing the creation of childhood trauma that is normally only implied

jimmie glover

So cute I want some quite ladybug blanket


Is there a part missing from the recording? The transcript has Erika/Ame rolling her charisma score, but the recording cuts off after she gets speak with animals?


I would love a little quick-reference guide that goes into how you mechanically approached developing these children characters. It's clear some skill/proficiency choices were made along the way in the story, but rolling for the stat bonuses was lost on me without any explanation or visual context. It seems like they had some flat scores and a pool of d6s to possible add to them, but it's unclear.

Noah Jay

I wonder if setting up Eursulon's nest was a bit of a full-circle moment for Brennan and his childhood window monsters.


I think I figured it out. When rolling for stats you roll 2d6 or 3d6 and drop the lowest depending on dm. Then depend on class you get a pool of 1d6 or 2d6 for the advantage. And you've already deduced the proficiency.


They actually went over it in a recent podcast, though Brennan said he couldn't find the document with the exact rules they used. But essentially: 1. All players knew what class they were going to start as in the adult campaign. 2. All children characters are Level 0. No proficiency bonus. No proficiencies (except language). 3. Some racial traits were included such as Lou's ability to go invisible and speak to beasts as a Firbolg, others weren't such as the bonus feat of Variant Human. 4. No backgrounds were selected, and more or less they were creating custom backgrounds as described in PHB. 5. Ability scores were determined by some combination of initially rolling 4d6 drop the TWO lowest for 2 stats, and 3d6 drop the lowest for the rest of the stats. When you had the opportunity to increase those stats, you would roll 1d6 for the stats that started with 4d6 drop the lowest, and 2d6 for the stats that started with 3d6 drop the lowest. After all is said and done it comes out to 5d6 drop the lowest 2, but there's an interesting minigame where you strategize and take risks with those initial rolls. I feel like I missed something here... I'd have to relisten to the podcast to figure it out again. 6. Throughout the children campaign the players will have opportunities to take skill, tool, and/or weapon and armor proficiencies, and maybe some extra perks as decided by the DM; such as Aabria and Erika learning spells before they even had any class levels.


Oh okay neat. Which podcast was the rules given so I can go through it. Thanks for letting me know, I was just guess through listening the children's adventures


Fireside Chat for the CHILDREN's ADVENTURE ROUNDUP on April 4


"There's a rule about to be broken somewhere!"


Im sorry but them picturing Sir Corrin to look like brennen fills my whole heart and warms my soul that is the most wonderful adorable thing ever


OMG "come on Provolone" from Aabria and Lou, I sense Lil linguistic sneak in from Ravening War, I'll be in my corner geeking out


I WAS JUST COMING TO COMMENT THE SAME THING, IM SCREAMING!!! the little sneak peeks about the timing of when things were recorded is delightful hehe

Nora Edgren

SAME! I'm listening to it today (RW finished last Wed) and went WAIT WHAT


Come on Provolone


So magical. Love love love!

Stephanie Joy

I love how Suvi arrived on a lilac day and her favorite color is lilac. Ugh! The tragic backstories are what I live for!!


If you ever comes to AU for a con or something Lou, I am asking you to sign whatever I bring along with "Ostrich Rules" You can choose the punctuation mark that follows, it just can't be a full stop.

Melody Snow

Im actually crying at the friendship bond on the might at the shrine with the fireflies





William Krise

y'know, ostrich rules.

Elizabeth Boskey

Tiny A is such a little chaos muppet. I love it.